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Why Bhartiyas do not get respect anywhere in the world?

Bhartiyas have not grown up a bit since the day they settled for 'independence" in 1947, giving away one third of their country readily on the religion based two nation theory. No people in history have ever surrendered their land like this. Then, Bhartiyas have made a mess of Kashmir. Three wars and 54 years after, Kashmir is still a festering problem. And never have Bhartiyas challenged aggressor Pakistan for its occupation of a part of their state Kashmir. Though an integral part of Bharat, Bhartiyas cannot live in Kashmir. Indeed, some contradiction! And all these many years, Bharat hasn't had a government that would realize its folly, its implication to country's integrity and take a corrective step. Instead, all governments have allowed Pakistan to take aggressive initiatives. Not only that, Hindu Kashmiris, who have lived in the state for centuries were ejected and made refugees in their own country. Now what government worth the name will allow such a thing to happen except the various imponent governments of Mahan Bharat? Bharat's incompetencies writ large all over. A relatively small but aggressive country, Pakistan has continuously fingered three times powerful Bharat. And finally, after Bharat defeated Pakistan in the 1971 war, it simply closed the chapter with a "paper agreement" known as Shimla agreement and allowed Pakistan to acquire nuclear bomb; never Bhartiyas learnt lesson from Israel, which stopped Iraq to acquire even nuclear reactor. In contrast, America, after defeating Japan in World War II, wrote Japan's constitution, limited its military capability and 60 years later still has 60,000 American soldiers stationed on its soil. And in Germany's case, the similar prescription was provided. Further, shortly after the war, victorious Americans formed the military alliance NATO because they foresaw in the Soviet Union, a serious potential threat. However, Bhartiyas apparently never read the world history. So they devised a theoretical "Panchshila" and, on being entangled in war with Pakistan, they readily signed the unenforceable Shimla Agreement with it. Recently, even as the Prime Minister Vajpayee signed the Lahore Declaration, Pakistan's forces were digging into the Kargil sector. Oh, so easily Bhartiyas are always betrayed. The beauty of Bhartiyas is that even after incurring territorial losses to Pakistan and China, they have never bothered to initiate any strategy to recover them. There only goal ever was and is - Peace, at any cost, even at the cost of Hindu lives and honour of Bharat nation. Then there is the case of a hundred thousand Tibetans living as refugees under New Delhi's nose for the last more than four decades. Even after America - and Pakistan - helped Afghans liberate Afghanistan from the Soviet's clutches, Bhartiyas will never take a cue to help Tibetans to liberate Tibet from the clutches of China. Instead, they happily, would make calls on the butchers of Beijing and coo in their ears: "Master, Tibet belong to you, China." And Beijing's response? Not a single word in favour of Bharat on Kashmir or its claim for a Security Council seat; rather, silently it helped Pakistan arm with the nuclear bomb and missiles. Furthermore, all world leaders well know that their country's interests are served by aligning with America - included among them are Islamic Sheiks and dictators, British, Chinese etc. and even now Russians as well. But the world's largest democracy's "secular leaders" after independence refused to develop such logical relationship with America and rather openly hobnob with an unstable Russia and China, who still has Bhartiya territory under its heel, to form a self defeating alliance. It is only recently that Bharat is developing friendly with America. China is behaving as a stable, bold and dynamic power while Bharat is behaving as a weak nation and its every decision goes against the interest of Bhartiyas. Even the small countries like Fiji, Sri Lanka, Mayanmar, West Indies , Uganda have no fear of Bharat. Bhartiya people living in these countries have been beaten up, treated very badly or even thrown out of the country. There are many many countries in the world who do not treat Bhartiya people nicely or with respect. Slave people or people having slavish mentality neither get respect nor deserve respect. Except lately in information technology, Bharat's performance in every field is practically nil. In any international affairs may be diplomatic or sports events like Olympic games, the achievement of Bhartiya people is nil. In Olympics, people of the world expect that Bharat should do much much better. The performance of any country in any game is related to its population, national gross product of the country and the size of the country. Looking at these factors, Bharat should get approximately 50 medals in every Olympic games. In the Olympics games of year 2000 at Sydney, there were approximately 100 games. Bharat took part in only 12 games. At these games approximately 300 medals were awarded. Out of 300 medals, Bharat won only one lousy medal that too Bronze medal. It is no wonder as slave people or people with slavish mentality do not achieve much. Rather than spending time and money on foreign games like Cricket or difficult games, Bharat should concentrate on those games where expertness could be acquired easily by spending less time and money. The nation wastes lot of time and energy on Cricket which is a game of colonial masters. To outshine in other games, Bharat has to give very less importance to cricket and in fact the broadcast of cricket game on radio and T.V. must be stopped. Some philanthropic organisations should help in preparing the athletes for the next Olympic games. There are about 100 games at the Olympics, Bharat should take part in at least half the games and should aim to get at least 25 medals, which is not difficult looking at the size and population of the country. Many countries believe in a study of the psyche of an adversary in predicting how the enemy would behave and will react in a given situation. In this regard, a study conducted by a Pakistani lieutenant colonel for the Faculty of Research and Doctrinal Studies in the Command and Staff College, is revealing. In their studies on Bharat, the Pakistanis have at hand adequate material on the tactics, organization and doctrinal aspects. They felt, however, that a distinct void existed as far as the"personality " and "mind" of the Bhartiyas were concerned. It was this urgency and the importance of understanding of the "Bhartiya personality" which prompted the three-year research. This study says that Bhartiyas are patient to a point of absurdity. The second trait mentioned in the study is "intellectualism", described as the Bharat's inability to defend with the weapon, because of which he is forced into a strategy for defense based on the "idea" and "word". This explains Bharat's hesitation to flex its military muscle for self-defense until pushed into a corner, not to speak of reprisals. As an adjunct to diplomacy, Pakistan has always used its military muscle in an over-drive. In Bharat, the reverse is true. The Pakistanis not only monitor our external response pattern, but also delve into our psyche. The Home Minister L.K.Advani, addressing a convention said that the Bhartiya people were angry at Pakistan's "treachery" after Bharat's sincere efforts for peace and friendship. He said the first historic blunder in independent Bharat was to stop our Army's action in Jammu and Kashmir in 1947 and accept cease fire at the instance of Lord Mountbatten under the aegis of the United Nations. "It was our misfortunate that Lord Mountbatten persuaded Pundit Nehru to take the case of invasion of Kashmir by Pakistan to the United Nations" he added. Another greatest continuing threat to the true unity of Bharat is English language. In Bharat English is the dominant language and it is also associate official language of Bharat. The position awarded to English in independent Bharat is unrealistic and unworkable -it is also a formula for further division of the country. For true unity of Bharat, a common Bhartiya language which could be Sanskrit or Hindi, for communication is essential. Belgium is split by language; Switzerland is comprised of cantons and four official languages; Russia is a land of many peoples united (sort of) by a local common tongue Russian language. Ethnically diversified East Africa is unified by a common local language -- Swahili. A country which uses a foreign language for conducting its domestic business, how it could be considered an independent nation? A country which uses a foreign language to conduct its domestic business is considered a slave country and world treats still Bhartiya people as slave people of English language and British empire. The worst culprits are for stopping Hindi to get its due place in Bharat is the media industry , especially film and T.V. industry. It is a system in the whole world that a film carries cast in the language it is made. Hindi language is the only exception in the world. In Bharat people make film in Hindi but give cast in English. So far the system was that at least the name of the film was given in nagri in Hindi films, but lately the trend has developed that many films like Pukar, Badshah, Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani, Karobar has stopped even giving the name of Hindi film in Hindi. What is wrong with the people of Hindi film industry? Are the people of film industry without any soul, or the slavery has gone into their bones or they are traitors of Bharat and Hindi? These people make money on the name of Hindi but spread English. They also create inferiority complexes in Bhartiya masses and compel Bhartiya people to learn English and Urdu. They even do not contribute even 1% in spreading and developing Hindi. The producers and actors of Hindi films who give cast of Hindi films in English must be severely punished for destroying and obstructing the cause of Hindi. The punishment may be heavy fine, including murder of some producers as well. If not right away murder, then at least these producers should be put in jail for life time, or these people should be fined at least Rs.10 million per Hindi film produced with cast in English. There is no harm if such producers of Hindi films who give cast of Hindi films in English are killed as these people have got no soul, no shame , no conscience, no patriotism. If they had any soul they would have never skipped to give the name of film in the cast of Hindi films in nagri. These denationalized, shameless people , just to earn a few extra money or dollars, are ready to sell their mother, religion, culture and even destroy Hindi by completely ignoring it and even by polluting it, which is the main source of earning their money. It is even doubtful if extra dollars come in the way of the producers who ignore Hindi in the cast of Hindi films & T.V. programmes or give impure Hindi in films, T.V. programmes or in print and broadcast media. Hindi films with English cast bring shame to Bharat in the international market. Hindi films in the name of entertainment carry out many other denationalized acts which affects the Bhartiya society. In almost 100 percent Hindi films, it is always Hindu girl makes love or marries a Muslim boy. Hindi film industry never shows a story where a Muslim girl makes love or marries a Hindu boy. These Hindi films demoralises the Hindu society and encourages Hindu girls to marry Muslims. According to Viswa Hindu Parishad, almost one hundred thousand Hindu girls marry Muslim boys in Bharat every year. The net effect of Hindi films is that by an indirect way Hindi films help in increasing the Muslim population in Bharat. To stop this nonsense and unpatriotic act, producers of films should either stop showing Hindu girls marrying Muslim boys or should start showing Muslim girls marrying Hindu boys. In future no such film be allowed for screening where Hindu girl makes love or marries Muslim boy, otherwise the producer of such film must be severely punished. Bhartiya film producers make films of extremely poor quality. These films show only the shaking and moving of buttocks of young girls most of the times. They do not make good quality films. They do not make such films like on the life of Haqeeqat Rai, who refused to be converted to Islam under any circumstances. During Muslim period, several hundred thousand women committed Johar to save their honour and avoid conversion to Islam religion. During British period, many people laid down lives for the independence of Bharat, the sacrifices of these people are unsung and unrecognised. Instead of showing moving buttocks of young girls, Bhartiya film producers should show the bravery of the people who sacrificed their lives for the honour of their country Bharat. Bhartiya film producers should make films on the lives of Sardar Patel, Netaji Subash Chander Bose, Lokmanya Tilak, Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya, Veer Savarkar, Arvind Ghosh, Swami Vivekananda. The contribution of these leaders is million times more than the contribution of Gandhi and Nehru put together. In fact Nehru and Gandhi have proved curses for Bharat. . English is such a big tree under which no Bhartiya language develops and expands. Even the media is not helping in spreading Hindi. Some media people are perpetuator of slavery in Bharat. English language is also keeping Bhartiya people mentally slave people. It is due to this slavish mentality that more than 90% products manufactured in Bharat do not write Hindi on the labels of their products, most of the shopkeepers in Bharat in general and Hindi speaking areas in particular have their sign boards in English only. The position of Hindi is extremely bad in Bharat nowadays. You cannot read or even hear a single sentence which is pure in Hindi. All the sentences written or spoken contain English and Urdu words. To understand Hindi one has to know English and Urdu as well. This gives impression that Hindi is under developed language and needs crutches of English and Urdu languages. It also gives the impression that Bharat is still a mentally slave country of Muslims and British people. Print and broadcasting media uses lot of English and Urdu words in Hindi. These people do not realize that by doing so they are forcing Hindi knowing people to learn English and Urdu languages for understanding Hindi. If a person knows only Hindi, he/she cannot understand Hindi used by the print and broadcast media. When English or Urdu word is used by the media, it means the Hindi word does not get the opportunity to become familiar in the masses. These media people obstruct the spread of Hindi words and also in the development of new Hindi words. Instead of developing new Hindi words, these media people use the easy way of writing English or Urdu words in nagri without explanation, what that word means, thus forcing a person to learn English and Urdu. Using English and Urdu words, these media people destroy the format of Hindi language as well. The people who do not know English and Urdu, develop inferiority complex just by reading polluted Hindi. People should punish the media people by appropriate methods for ignoring Hindi and also for polluting Hindi by impregnating garbage in the form of English and Urdu words. . People should stop buying those magazines and newspapers who use impure Hindi, should stop buying from stores whose signboard is in English, should boycott seeing those films whose cast is in English, should stop buying those products whose labels have English on them or does not have Hindi on at least 50% part of the label. People should boycott seeing those T.V. programmes who show the cast of the programme in English. Wherever people see English displayed or used , should arrange protest marches or protest by writing letters, or sending faxes or e-mails to the appropriate authorities. People who use English on the labels of their products, on the sign board, or use filth and garbage in written or broadcasting Hindi should also be fined or should be put in jail for life time. These people should be fined at least one million rupees. This money should be used for spreading developing pure Sanskritnist Hindi (free from English and Urdu words). Films with cast in English and impure Hindi should be ignored, and the producers of Hindi films not giving cast in Hindi must be also socially boycotted. That the Bhartiya news media, especially English news media, has done more of a passive reporting, with little investigative journalism evident in unravelling the various nefarious groups' activities, the agony and suffering of our Bhartiya defence personnel, or exposing the unspeakable atrocities against Hindus in particular with photographs, is indeed a sad story on the priorities of the Bhartiya news media. It is thus, no small wonder, that the press in Bharat was once severely rebuked by the President of Bharat some time ago. The selective coverage of incidents in which all efforts to insult, humiliate, and infuriate the Hindus all over the world, is being carried out in a diligent, methodical fashion, as if dislodging the present BJP government from power is the sole task of printing some daily newspapers especially English newspapers and magazines, is very much evident in the steady stream of articles, news reports, editorials, articles by select breed of writers, which is being increasingly noticed by the readers of English newspapers. Use of English in their daily life by Bhartiya masses does not create patriotism in the people of nation. Cast of Hindi film in English bring shame to Bharat which must be stopped henceforth. If Bhartiya people do not respect their national language Hindi, why foreign countries would respect Hindi or learn Hindi. It is time that Bharat should snap the link of biblical cord of slavery to ex-colonial masters. This link of biblical cord is in the form of English language, western games, western industrial products, western religion and culture. Bharat should become truly independent country by adopting Swadeshi things like Sanskrit, Hindi and other Bhartiya languages, giving importance to Bhartiya languages, games, industrial products, culture and civilisation. It is a long time to have biblical cord of slavery and to have slavish mentality even after 54 years of independence.