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By Adam Madigan


Leshrac and the Bargain of Souls

     "DEMON I WISH TO BARGAIN!" Leshrac screams as he stares at the walls of the dungeon. He is one floor underground in a dungeon. His shoulder hurts and he is bound to the wall. Leshrac has woken from unconsciousness; his sword is set into the ground out of his reach, taunting him.
     He hears guards on the outer side of the cell talking. They open the door and begin to attack him for vengeance. The guards don’t stop hitting him. As he is passing back into unconsciousness he yells, "Demon aid me . . ." "You call master?" the demon says in his mind, "You know the terms of bargaining with me. Are you willing to part with it?" "I will give you six years time off of the end of my life, but my soul is my own." "Agreed then mortal. But you will regret it. Ha ha ha." as the demon is laughing in his mind Leshrac can see the world again. His stomach goes cold in pain. He gasps and clutches at his stomach. He is cold all over. Leshrac begins to vomit black blood onto the floor. His stomach rips open and black crystals begin to fall. The crystals mixed with his blood begin to solidify and it begins to take a tall thin form. The guards rush to attack the summoning before it is finished forming but blades cannot hurt it.
     The creature makes no noise as it fights. The only sounds that are heard are the sounds of the guards’ bones breaking. The noise is so unreal that it drives a few of the guards into madness. Leshrac pulls the dead body of one broken guard to him and takes his keys. He opens the chains that bind him. He is free. Leshrac was so preoccupied watching the fight that he did not even realize that arcane verses were coming out of his mouth. The faster he chants the faster the summoning fights. Leshrac runs to retrieve his sword but when he gets within hands-reach of the sword he is filled with pain. Someone put an enchantment on the sword. He pulls the sword out of the ground and the pain leaves. He opens his eyes and his sword is covered in black blood. He now knows that there is no going back to his normal way of life. There have already been too many betrayals.
     The summoning turns its red eyes towards Leshrac and the last guard. He knows that there is no way to beat the summoning. Leshrac now knows not to try to trick a demon into aiding him. The dark blade never even made a scratch on the summoning as it pounded Leshrac to his demise.

Adamante episode four. . .
Adamante: Leshrac’s Untimely Resurrection

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*Adamante is a creation of the mind of Adam Madigan. Any infringement upon these ideas will result in the result of me kicking your ass, or hiring someone to do it for me. ;^)