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Chronicles of Life

     Weird experiences or damn funny stories is what this page is about. some are real. some are imagined. some are pure insanity. and some. . . are pure sanity! BUT MOST ARE SUPER-SANITY!!
     Explorer users get a nice 'take-you-there-menu'. . . Since im having trouble finding the proper java scripts for netscape users if i create multi-pages ill label it. Netscape users use this as a table of contents or a TOC. Your gonna have to do some scrolling. . .

Page 1:
    One phrase you do not want to hear someone say to you as they walk into the bathroom. . .

THIS IS HOW ITS GOING DOWN . . . Doughnut Theft in the 20th Century

Big John's Snowballs . . . how in the hell can they stay in business???

Burger King Cashier . . . otherwise known as Ogre Thief Lady. . .

McDonald's Breakfast Sign changeover. . . and what you are willing to do in bordom. . .

Core Tech Support. . . We answer smart ass letters . . .

Saltine Crackers. . . And the wraith they invoke. . .

Page 2:
                                           July 4 . . . how big of a holiday can it be if. . .

The Day the Sun Came Back . . .

Eat Factory. . . Mike Moragne vs. Bingle and the Chile Fries. . .

Safe to turn off your computer?? . . . .I think NOT!!

How do they get those holes into bagels?

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