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        Links. . . duh. Click on them and i bet things happen.(the little green men told me so!)

Altavista A search engine.

Metacrawler Another search engine.

Dilbert The official Dilbert web site. New comics daily.

The Timbuktu Book Company – World’s Premier On-line African-American Book Store. Forget about those other booksellers on the Internet. This is the place to go to order your new book titles.

Hotmail Free E-mail over the internet. Its a pretty good e-mail service although it is under microsoft.

CNN The CNN web site for your daily news.

CNNfn The CNN financial news web site.

Jiggiby the Foul Mouthed Drunked Bard A character from Ultima Online's web site. Very Humorous definitely worth a look, but his site is down now. If he comes back to the net i will link him again.

AngelfireThey give free web space. Its free. . .

Michaelsoft Web site The Michaelsoft web site where movies written, created and melded are showcased. Includes a complete history of every movie every done by Michaelsoft and CORE. . . It is also home to 'Michael-Logic'. . . its a 'different' way of thinking. . . TheAntonio Website was created for all the women of the world so they can find Antonio any place at any time. . .

Screw Sanity!! A site of strange stuff. . . an enigma, a matrix. . . no one really knows what it is. . . wwwwooooooo spooky. This is the stuff that nitemares are wrought!!!! 8^e

PURE INSANITY Brandi's site. There are links. . . Its a new site . . . Right out of the internet womb. . .A crazy little site especially targeted for the insane green men from mars...or was that Venus?

The Tom Green Show! The best television show on MTV. He comes on when he wills. Thursday sometimes.

Drunked The official web site of monkeys that drink too much. It is owned by this guy, he is kind of strange though, that i know . . . wow! lol. DOOM TO US ALL!

Lucca's RPG Homepage This is Lucca's site on RPGs. This website is pretty damn good. Take a look around if you like RPGs. RPG Café

KBDRAGONWORLD i probably need to write something. i will later today. you will forget these lines of text.

Drunked Flying This is a page of one of my friends. im doing it for him. . . lol!!

Jiggiby Incarnate This a page of one of my friends. he likes ultima online and computers a lot. his page is kinda small now but one day . . . one day he shall become jiggiby incarnate.

Excite An alternate search engine.

Nintendo The official Nintendo web site.

Why I Like Pickles A web site dedicated to why 'i like pickles'.Pickles Main Page

Spam Haiku Spam haiku on the internet. You can even submit your own Spam haiku.

Candy Stand This is a shockwave website where you can play pool. Some guy i know wanted me to put a link to it because he is too dumb to remember where it is at. If ignorance is bliss then i guess this guy has not a trouble in the world. HA HA HA HA . . . I ALONE CONTROL YOUR FATE!

Shock Rave This site has Shockwave games. There are many different one to play. I hope you have a fast computer! ha ha ha.

Spam-Haiku Another Spam haiku web site.

Animepitstop An anime search engine.

Rage Against The Machine Official site. Way out of date.OH MY GOD! They finally updated this page! IS THE APOCALYPSE EMINENT NOW?!?

Epic Records Official site. They are in league with Rage Against The Machine. Download a lot of free programs off the net. Also has some programs you can buy.

AltaVista Translator Translates: Français, Deutscher, Italiano, Portuguêses, and Españoles. English to other languages; other languages to English.

FastWEB The Internet's largest free scholarship search! Its easy to use and you get a lot of scholarships that you can apply for online and offline. It gives you all the information on the scholarships that you need. Just type and the information is there. You can thank me after you finish the report. This is an invaluable resource for me when researching topics.

Symantec Corp. Norton AntiVirus Norton will be a lifesaver for you one day. especially if you have friends like mine! It'll turn alright in the end though if you have a good anti-virus program. Just click your country.

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