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Mission Statement

We exist to authoritatively promote
corporate catalysts for change. *

Screw the damned mission . . .
We exist to bog down the internet
and to take up as much space as possible
with the least amount of work.

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ahh procrastination is a sweet mistress. . .

     i shall now be know to all as the great one. you will all bow down and worship me as long as i remain here. i bet that no one ever comes to this page. . . if you do please call . . . please send your money . . . The tolls-4-free number is 1-800-HOW-STUPID-CAN-YOU-BE be sure to hit 10-10-1776-5-14-32-1942-369-666-666-666 before you dial any numbers though and you can sell your soul to the devil i mean save up to 6 percent on all your calls! And its so easy to remember! Start your savings today!!


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Mission Statement courtesy of the Dilbert Zone's Mission Statement Generator.

* Except when that means work.