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"Just remember, every time you take a shower, your house is peeing on you."

                                                                                             - ErekoseDM

"What use is my existance if i do nothing with it?"

                                                                                             - ErekoseDM

"You have nothing to fear but fear itself. and death."

                                                                                             - Denoi

"We have find something to do, if we are going to do anything."

                                                                                             - Michael

"No more funny quotes from me bastard!!"

                                                                                             - Denoi

"It scares even Hitler."

                                                                                             - ErekoseDM

"Hey. . .lo. . .s. . .e. . .r. . . about your ear...see..I uh have this [hunger] for live flesh...torn from....un-expecting victims.... "

                                                                                             - Mills

"Watch for the Drunken Monkeys, they're always watching you and messing with your mind."

                                                                                             - AngelKCB


                                                                                             - ErekoseDM

"Were ya fighting for freedom?/ or the freedom to hold someone else's?"

                                                                                             - Madigan exerpt from
                                                                                                'Rebs f'n lost'

"The cows fly at midnight.... The eagle has left the nest... I am the hawk and you are the prey.... *CAW* *CAW*!!!"

                                                                                             - Mills

"If i knew where i was going i would already be there."

                                                                                             - Smashing Pumpkins

"Beware...Wherever STONER may be....there lerks the JOKER!"

                                                                                             - Mills

"What is it like to be you?"

                                                                                             - ErekoseDM

"so pull the trigger now, and wattch the bullet fly. you can't escape it, time is passing by. you have to learn now that life life's not always right, and sometimes everything is not."


"the moon is full and the wierdos are out!!!"

                                                                                             - AngelKCB

"HA HA I got you now, bastard!!"

                                                                                             - Denoi

"When jumping fences it is imperative that you DO NOT and i repeat DO NOT land on your genitals. it is quite painful. . . not that i know firsthand or anything. . . ugggghhhhh it STILL hurts!!"

                                                                                               - ErekoseDM

"Di Caprio is the work of the devil, or as my 'friend' calls him. . . the Antichrist!!"


"This time its for real, i SWEAR!! i will not give my money to my mom again!! -24 hours later: Guys guess what i had to give it to her. . . this time it was a legitimate excuse. . ."


"Sensei Stoner is most wise in her ways of relating crap to butterflies..."

                                                                                             - Mills

"perhaps you need a smack from the cluebat"

                                                                                             - dysfunctional

"Idiot savant . . . and Michael be thine name!!"

                                                                                             - Nighthawk

"Is it possible to go blind in your mind's eye?"

                                                                                             - Denoi

"Its either ass kickings or lolipops. . . and im fresh out of lolipops."

                                                                                             - Nighthawk

"If there is a speed of light, shouldn't there be a speed of dark?"

                                                                                             - Britt

"Don't make me hurt you with my technological superiority!! . . .
Well at least its superior to you . . . !!!"

                                                                                             - ErekoseDM

"nice tank, it'd be nicer if it had boobs"

                                                                                             - pilate22
                                                                                            in response to Nighthawk's dull
                                                                                            witted comment on anime tanks


                                                                                             - Michael

"Life is good, and Death is bad, yet people only have to die"

                                                                                             - Legion

"I tricked you!"

                                                                                             - Denoi

"Sure! i have information. All i have to do is type it.
~translation: I'm thinking words. therefore it must be information. ive done crap."

                                                                                             - Nighthawk

"i'm not wearing any socks!"

                                                                                             - ErekoseDM

"If you dont have a soul how will you row the boat to the emerald city?"

                                                                                             - Nighthawk

neg Drunked Monkey.gif (5553 bytes)
- Hit the Drunked Monkey and be
transported to the land of more quotes


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