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"Bow down to the techno gods, you are mearly cattle to them!"

                                                                                               - ErekoseDM

If you take an Oriental person and spin him around
a lot, does he become disoriented?"

                                                                                               - Jon

"i died a long time ago"

                                                                                               - Jaime

"from the darkness she emerges to create the insanity from which we exist "

                                                                                               - AngelKCB

"the devil loves me"

                                                                                               - Brandi

"I can't figure out your code either. I guess we are almost even."

                                                                                               - Jon in response to trying to break the Core codes and
me trying to break his

"just know that everything is fine in this
piece of crap I call my computer."

                                                                                               - Jon

"i am the digital monkey!"

                                                                                               - ErekoseDM

"There's no off position to the genius switch"

                                                                                               - David Letterman

"damn that's a bloody mess! and by the way OW"

                                                                                               - "Dr. Evil"thoughts of the mind

"every nite i go to sleep i wake up as someone new, known only as if from a dream, memories and recollection scarred away as if they are less real with every passing moment. . ."

                                                                                               - ErekoseDM

"the ramblings of the ones drowning in their own boredom"

                                                                                               - Brandi

"'Tis a veritable epidemic, my lady. Familiar enough to me. So frequently we believe ourselves unique, only to find our ideas shared by half the world. . ."

                                                                                               - Von Bek by Michael Moorcock

"the ramblings....are like a mockingbird calling softly into the night breeze for it's mate and there is no answer, only the silver reflection of the moon......."

                                                                                               - Brandi

"they might be crazier than we are and kill us or something, but I doubt anyone could be crazier than we are"

                                                                                               - AngelKCB

"the call of the mockingbird shatters the night into a thousand pieces as it's heart is shattered equally by the silence"

                                                                                               - Brandi

"damn you! again! Cursed are you and all your brethren !!!"

                                                                                               - Brandi

"sucked into the vacuum of the blackness a lone wander encounters the mass media and is assailed from all frounts. . . "

                                                                                               - ErekoseDM

"lost to the world the random shore flies low in the depths of demons. . ."

                                                                                               - ErekoseDM

"And oh so wretched be the downcast . . . "

                                                                                               - ErekoseDM

"and to the fates begone. . .what once was, now is undone. . ."

                                                                                               - ErekoseDM


                                                                                               - Michael

"shows you the powers of a mayonaise jar full of souls!!!!"

                                                                                               - ErekoseDM

"bugger off sodhead"

                                                                                               - Empress

"dont make any old women cry!!!"

                                                                                               - Empress


                                                                                               - ErekoseDM


                                                                                               - Empress

"god i was just joking please dont send me to hell!!"

                                                                                               - Empress

"now im lost to the fates the shadows claim what is due them. . ."

                                                                                               - ErekoseDM

"claimed are ones souls to the darkness we never knew, it can never be known fully from beyond. . ."

                                                                                               - ErekoseDM


neg Drunked Monkey.gif (5553 bytes)
- Hit the Drunked Monkey and be
transported to the 4th land of quotes!!!

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