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                     "He's waiting for the time when the last shall be first and the first shall be last. . . In a cardboard box 'neath the underpass. . . With a one-way ticket to the Promised Land. . . With a hole in your belly and a gun in your hand. . ."

                                                                                    -The Ghost of Tom Joad

The Rage CD Empire

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New CD*

*pic comming soon


New 15 track Rage Against the Machine CD due out soon.

RATM mic.jpg (7035 bytes) This is the main site for the rage faqs. There is a Text version and an HTML version.

electblu.gif (13113 bytes)Text Version 3.0 The text version of the FAQ. Its small but . . .(it is the only one that is working. so . . .)

electblu.gif (13113 bytes)HTML Version 3.0 Formatted better but also larger.(This is a dead link. There is not a HTML version of 3.0 yet. They are waiting for the new cd to be released first. The new cd is going to be a 15 track ordeal.)

negRATMlastlaugh.JPG (5182 bytes)

Rage Against The Machine Official site. They finally updated this page!

Epic Records Official site.


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