Stick Figure Death Theatre Scripts
Its here! Its 'new'? Its relative perfection. oh wait! its the core website. . . never mind. oh well I am here I might as well take a look . . . *sigh*! These scripts are made to provide an in depth look into the dark void of insanity that is Stick Figure Death Theatre. It is here to bring some sort of order to the most chaotic world. Also its so you can finally understand why something happened the way it did. It is also so you don't actually have to watch it again. And most of all its is for all those BLOODY INGRATES !! who can't read at 3 frames every few seconds. . . 'I cant read it all that fast. . . ' WAHH WAHH. . . THIS IS FOR YOU!!
By Erekose Madigan
Two men. One with a bow. One presumably unarmed.
Bowman loads arrow and screams "DIE". He lets loose with his arrow.
Unarmed man calls upon the powers of fire, and releases a flaming projectile at the
He screams "BURN". The flames ignite the arrow and the unarmed man is hit in the
with a flaming arrow. His response is, "UGH!" He catches into flames.
The Bowman is hit with the unarmed mans flaming projectile
and screams "ARRRGGGGGGGGHH!!!!!" as he is being incinerated.
The Bowman turns into smoke and dissolves. The unarmed man
falls to the ground, smokes away, and turns into a red flower.
Hit reload to watch again
Organized Crime (16518 bytes)
Inspired by Legion
By Erekose Madigan
A single man. A fugitive from the crime bosses.
Fugitive "Theyre on to me!".
"RUN!!!" He is running to his car that contains a briefcase
with top secret materials inside of it. He gets into his convertible.
"VRRRROOOOMMM" he starts the engine.
"BEEP". . . "OH SH*T!!"
"BEEP!!!" "NNNOOOO!!!"
The car bursts into flames from the bomb that was placed on it.
"AARRRGGGGGHHH!!!!" yells the fugitive as his car is consumed by smoke.
Enter the bulldozer. J. Edgar Hover is behind the controls.
The bulldozer pushes the smoking car out of the scene.
"ha ha ha . . ." says the operator.
Hit reload to watch again
Alien Disarming (28928 bytes)
Inspired by Legion
By Erekose Madigan
Two men. Mickey just bought a round of slurpies. The
other man is named Jimmy.
Jimmy says "Thanks for the slurpie"
Mickey says "No problem"
Jimmy walks over and starts to drink his green slurpie. "GLUG"
Mickey is being abducted by aliens. The are pulling him up
in their tractor beam. Mickey drops his red slurpie to the ground.
Jimmy says "MMMM"
Jimmy finally realizes that Mickey is being abducted. He
throws his slurpie down and screams "MICKEY!!" Jimmy runs off the screen to the
Mickey is taken into the alien space craft.
Jimmy returns on screen with a bazooka. He runs past
where he threw his slurpie and screams
"NOW YOU DIE!!!" at the alien space craft.
He fires the bazooka. The shell hit the ship. Its coming down to earth.
Oh no! Jimmy realizes his terrible mistake. "MICKEY WAS INSIDE!!"
"OH NO!!" Jimmy runs over to the space ship to see if Mickey is still alive.
The alien space craft was greatly effected by the bazooka shell
hitting it in its engines. Ught Oh! The ship is unstable.
It cant keep together much longer. NO!! to late. Its
engines begin to explode. The explosion begins to overtake the
ship. Its yellow. Now its turns red. Now green. Now black. Jimmy
stood on his feet throughout the explosions. "DAMN" he
says as he falls onto his back.
Wait it doesnt end there! The aliens are using Jimmys body
to create more aliens. Ewwww. They are coming out of his chest.
They are evolving into their adult forms in a mater of seconds.
New larvae are coming out of his chest now. Ewwwww.
The aliens surround the body and chant "ha ha ha"
"ha ha" "ha ha ha ha ha"
Hit reload to watch again
Doomsday (55497 bytes)
Inspired by Mike
By Erekose Madigan
Two men. One is a senseless shooter and
he hates everybody. One is a cop or FBI or something.
The First man says "I hate Everybody" he
shoots his gun off screen.
Enter the Cop or FBI or something
He says "FREEZE!"
The first man drops his gun . . .
The Cop or FBI or something shoots him with a
gun that appears to shoot rather larger missiles.
The Cop or FBI or something say "HA HA HA. . ."
he sees something. . . "Oh Crap . . . An Asteroid!"
The other man is in the process of exploding.
An asteroid falls from the sky!
The Cop or FBI or something screams
He hears the asteroid.
"THIS IS IT?!" he says as he approaches the asteroid
He bends over to pick it up. . .
An asteroid falls. . .
Then a big asteroid falls . . .
Then a little bitty asteroid falls . . .
The asteroids throw earth and debris into the air!
. . . . .
Epilogue. . .
The asteroids created smoke. . .
The smoke stopped light. . .
Which killed plants. . .
Thus the end of humanity. . .
And all life on Earth . . .
Hit reload to watch again
BEEs (35877 bytes)
By Michael Moragne
One person. He stands alone. He is walking in a parking lot.
A van is approaching him. He does not realize it.
He looks up suddenly and sees the van. . .
He spazes out. Arms flailing at the open air.
I laugh and say "what the hell is his problem?"
Freshman says "He's probably thinking
no he didnt get hit by the van.
A Michaelsoft Production
note: It doesn't say so but the only way
to get it started again is to hit reload
Smartness (32210 bytes)
aka: How To Be Smart
By Michael Moragne
The left side of your brain controls the right side of your body,
and The right side of your brain controls the left side of your body,
note: all creative functions are in right part of brain
all intellectual functions are in the left part of the brain.
if right brain controls left body
and left brain controls right body
the left side controls how smart you are,
so do this to get smarter. . .
A single 'man'
A single hu-man. . .
His back is to the 'camera'. . .
He is a 'trend-setter' because he is the only one cool enough
to wear Ray Ban sunglasses on BACKWARDS!!. . .
(the protective sweat removal system rests on his neck. . .
it looks like a mouth though. . . (?) hmmmm)
He moves the right side of his body,
he is exercising his intellect by moving his right body. . .
because the left brain (which is intellect) is being used!!. . . .
he grows smarter by the second. . . .
someone wishes ill of our 'hero'. . .
it is a person (who in no way resembles my character from
It's Still A Very Italian Christmas 2)
He brandishes a hook and a bat. . .
our hero lies on the floor dying. . . .
oh well, we shall all recover someday. . . . . .
our 'anti-hero' smiles to the skies. . . his joy is apparent!!
The End
(hit reload to see again)
A Michaelsoft Production
BEEs Episode 2 - The
Bees Strike Back ( 59245 bytes)
By Michael Moragne
A 'person' (Mike) who shall remain nameless. . .
he is walking not paying attention to his surroundings. . .
he happens into the parking lot. . .
'ARGGH!! BEES!!!' he cries out!! . . .
he is so scared his hair stands up on end!!. . .
POW!!. . . BOOM!!..........
'Where is mike?' as the two newcomers to the scene. . .
one is adam. . .
the other is female so its either becky or. . .
freshman who is off screen . . .
The End
hit reload to see it again
A Michaelsoft Production
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