Goldeneye N64
These are the cheats that you earn for beating the stages within an aloted period of time. Some are next to impossible to obtain.
Paint Ball: Beat The Dam as a secret agent within 2:40.
Invincibility: Beat The Facility as a 00 agent within 2:05. This is
DK Mode: Beat The Runway as an agent within 5:00.
Double Grenade Launchers: Beat The Surface as a secret agent within 3:30.
Double Rocket Launchers: Beat The Bunker as a 00 agent within 4:00.
Fast Mode: Beat Launch Silo as an agent within 3:00.
No Radar (Multiplayer mode): Beat The Frigate as a secret agent within 4:30.
Tiny Bond: Beat The Surface the second time as a 00 agent within 4:15.
Double Throwing Knives: Beat The Bunker the second time as an agent within 1:30.
Fast Animation: Beat Statue Park as a secret agent within 3:15.
Invisible: Beat Archives as a 00 agent within 1:20.
All Enemies with Rockets: Beat Streets as an agent within 1:45.
Slow Animation: Beat Depot as a secret agent within 1:40.
Silver PP7: Beat Train as a 00 agent within 5:25. This is next to impossible.
Double Hunting Knives: Beat Jungle as an agent within 3:45.
Infinite Ammo: Beat Control as a secret agent within 10:00.
Double RC-P90s: Beat Caverns as a 00 agent within 9:30.
Gold PP7/Cougar Magnum: Beat The Cradle as an agent within 2:15 for a Gold PP7. If you're over, you get a Cougar Magnum.
Double Lasers/Lasers: Beat Aztec as a secret agent within 9:00 for double lasers. If you're over, you get a single laser.
All Guns/Golden Gun: Beat Egypt as a 00 agent within 6:00 for all gun mode. If you're over, you get the Golden Gun.
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