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So You're a Creek Phrrreak? -main page

New: Hi everyone...if anyone still visits. Don't think I have abandonded my love for Luther Creek and Karen Olivo, I still hold them very dear to me. This site hasn't had much updates because I don't have anything to update!! I haven't seen Luther's name around much, except recently off-Broadway in Man of No Importance (which i missed!), so I have nothing new to add. I still have a couple pictures of him after seeing Hair at Encores! in 2001. Those will be added once I can find them. Anyway, new message board The Forbidden Forest just click on the Luther Creek and Karen Olivo forum. Also I got a new e-mail address for this site as well as the Karen Olivo one and my Rent page. Well, enjoy...feel free to e-mail me if you have any new info!! Thanks once again.

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This page is by no means official, it is just a fan page done by me, Anna
If you have any questions/comments, don't hesitate to e-mail me! I'll always reply!! Thank you and enjoy your visit to the site!
Please do NOT take any pictures and use them for your site without permission! E-mail me and I will let you know which ones you can use. Thank you.