The Scott Putesky and Marilyn Manson lawsuit was finally settled after 10 months but the $15 million that Putesky demanded wasn't meet. To read the new news on the lawsuit scroll down. To read the old news to understand what went on continue to read
Daisy Berkowitz Takes Marilyn
Manson To Court
As we reported last week, former
Marilyn Manson guitarist Scott Putesky
a.k.a. Daisy Berkowitz is suing the band
for what he says are thousands of dollars
in royalties, publishing rights, and
performance fees.
A judge in a Fort Lauderdale court has
now given Putesky the right to proceed
with his lawsuit against singer Brian
Warner, the band Marilyn Manson, and
the band's attorney, David Codikow.
Putesky, who was forced out of the band
in Spring of 1996, will be in court
Monday arguing attorney malpractice
against Codikow.
Putesky argues that Codikow
represented Warner's interests more than
the band's and that he gave Warner
disproportionate control over the band's
name, recordings, merchandising, and
touring proceeds.
Manson Settles An Agreement With Daisy Berkowitz's
A $15 million lawsuit filed against Marilyn
Manson and his bandmates by
ex-Manson guitarist Scott Putesky,
formerly known as Daisy Berkowitz, was
settled out of court last week.
As we first reported in January
, Putesky filed suit
against the band seeking what he felt he
was owed in royalties, publishing rights,
and performance fees.
According to Manson's manager, Tony
Ciulla, "The matter is closed and the terms
are confidential." Ciulla also claims that
reports about Manson's label, Interscope
Records, pressuring the singer to settle the
suit are untrue.
Putesky, who left the band under less than
amicable terms, was a co-writer and
guitarist on a number of songs on
Manson's "Antichrist Superstar" and
claimed, among other charges, breach of
contract and nonpayment of royalties.