Real Audio Sound Files
All these sound files are in Real Audio format. If you don't have real audio click here. A special thanks goes to Pezhead for letting me use all these sound files. Click on the word pezhead to visit his site. It is a huge Marilyn Manson site and it is very well organized.
All of these files are involving Daisy Berkowitz
cake and sodomy
A full length clip of "Cake And Sodomy" from Demos In My Lunchbox Volume 2.
A full length clip of "Cyclops" from Demos In My Lunchbox Volume 2.
devil in my lunchbox
A full length clip of "Devil In My Lunchbox" from Demos In My Lunchbox Volume 2.
A full length clip of "Dope Hat" from The 5,000 Fingers Of Marilyn Manson.
A full length clip of "Dope Hat(Live" from The 5,000 Fingers of Mariyln Manson.
dune buggy
A full length clip of "Dune Buggy" from Demos In My Lunchbox Volume 2.
get your gunn(live)
A full length clip of "get your gunn" Live from the 5000 fingers of Marilyn Manson
A full length clip of "Iv-tv" from Demos In My Lunchbox Volume 2.
junk the magic dragon
A full length clip of "Junk The Magic Dragon" from Demos In My Lunchbox Volume 2.
learning to swim
A full length clip of "Learning To Swim" from Demos In My Lunchbox Volume 2.
let your ego die
A full length clip of "Let Your Ego Die" from The 5,000 Fingers of Marilyn Manson.
A full length clip of "Lunchbox" from Demos In My Lunchbox Volume 2.
A full length clip of "Lunchbox(Live)" from The 5,000 Fingers of Marilyn Manson.
meat for a queen
A full length clip of "Meat For A Queen" from Demos In My Lunchbox.
misery machine
A full length clip of "Misery Machine" from The 5,000 Fingers of Marilyn Manson. This version has a really cool Scooby Doo intro!
my monkey
A full length clip of "My Monkey" from Demos In My Lunchbox Volume 2.
my monkey
A full length clip of "My Monkey" from The 5,000 Fingers of Marilyn Manson. This version has a nifty Come Together intro.
A full length clip of "Negative 3" from Demos In My Lunchbox Volume 2.
A full length clip of "The Family Trip(Prelude)" from The 5,000 Fingers of Marilyn Manson.
red in my head
A full length clip of "Red In My Head" from Demos In My Lunchbox Volume 2.
she isn't my girlfriend
A full length clip of "She Isn't My Girlfriend" from Demos In My Lunchbox Volume 2.
snake eyes and sissies(live)
A full length clip of "Snake Eyes And Sissies(Live) from The 5,000 Fingers of Marilyn Manson.
son of man
A full length clip of "Son Of A Man" from Demos In My Lunchbox Volume 2.
strange same dogma
A full length clip of "Strange Same Dogma" from The 5,000 Fingers of Marilyn Manson.
sweet dreams and organ grinder(live)
A full length clip of "Sweet Dreams/Organ Grider(Live)" from The 5,000 Fingers of Marilyn Manson.
talk of one,thought of none
A full length clip of "Talk Of One, Thought Of None" from Demos In My Lunchbox Volume 2.
A full length clip of "Thingmaker" from The 5,000 Fingers of Marilyn Manson.