The Founding MembersOn this page you will see the many faces and talents of our Oginal Founding members. The founding Guild Masters and Mistresses - Leana, the Shadowknight -Meram, the Magician - Vaed, the Cleric - and Vuudar, the Rogue.
Founding Guild Party Night
This picture was taken during our first guild outing, Thursday Night March 25th. Here you see us in the Nektelos Forest, near the 3 way intersection close to the skeleton temple. Meram has cast her Water Elemental to begin the night with. Vaed, the cleric fights with Warhammer and Shield, Vuudar with Rusty Rapier, Meram with Giant Snake Fang, and Leana uses a Tarnished Bastard Sword and Shield or her Tarnished 2-Handed sword.
One of the Founding Fights
Proving that parties can have more fun, our first night out as a guild showed that a group of 4 - 5th level party members {Rogue, Cleric, Magician, and Shadowknight} can fight Skeletons, Black Bears, Large Spiders, Shadowwolfs, & Tree Snakes, without having to go back to town, or run (very often - Kodiaks are bad mojo). For 3 hours we stayed at our point and slaughtered all we could. |
Sisters of Evil and Hatred
Here the 2 girls take out a Tree Snake while the guys are off camping. Proving that once again, the girls can have a night out and still kick some critter butt.