Guild Nite MemoirsThis is where you will see what guild nite does to and for people and our enemies. Photos of great battles, spectacular kills, and the group slaying and causing mayhem in general.
Latest Guild Night
12 of our members met and fought together in the dungeon depths of Befallen, in the West Commons of Freeport. Here is 8 of our members sitting in the room of the fallen Shadowkinght who was so nice to give us the keys to the lairs below so that we could help in cleansing the area of the stench of Elvan skeletons and mummys left to rot by their brethren of the surface. From left to right are: Quyesial (magicain division leader), Drakoll (cleric of Innoruuk), Omnicide (troll warrior), Leana (guild Demoness and shadowknight), Entrerri (shadowknight), Tuien (necromancer),Darcilla (shadowknight), and Marta (rogue) This night wa filled with slaughter and mayhem. Our enemies the Tal'Moor were present in Befallen on this night, so our presence was noticed and recognized. |
Blackburrow Gnoll Lair
Our Guild had both presence and noteriety in the lairs of Blackburrow, as we swarmed the lair at all times, with many members. here you see 5 of our members far from home, waiting on the Gnoll Commander to show up for his appointment of Death and destruction with us. Many nights and many gnolss did we slaughter and lay waste. Our banks are filled with the bounty of their possessions. Our members will feel the power of our battles in the depths of BlackBurrow and SplitPaw. |
Death to the halflings
After a successful sortie into the heart of the Halfling temple outside Neriak in the forsests of nektelos, our Guild Mistress Leana stands over the body of the slain Halfling Initiate Hart. May the Guild further its purpose by slaying all that invades our territory and lands of Neriak. |