The Sweetest Sword Swinging Shadowknight . . . LEANA !I am Leana, Shadowknight of INNORUUK - Prince of Hate. With the strength of hatred will the fair elfs blood spill beneath me. As Demoness of the Dark Elf Alliance I have been nothing but proud indeed, our members continue to spread and grow without bound it seems, our hunting parties slay wide and far across Norrath.![]() I have travelled the land to our western shores of Antonica and met with new members there. Our hunting parties were wonderful, and we started more rumors of our impending take over of Norrath, and what our plans were once we did so. I had the pleasure of swatting a traitorous dark elf imposter - WINND - in a duel to the death, hers. Her high elf and wood elf allies were not able to protect her wiht their feeble healing spells and in the end the dark child lay at my feet. Let all like her, who betray their blood that they will be seeked out and hunted like the surface dogs they relate to. Their blood shall flow like that of the orc or the gnoll, and lie in rot beside their high and wood elf brethren. Here is a page dedicated to the guild which I belong, my devotion and dedication and 16 years of training and understudy are devoted to the downfall of all that stands as good and weak. Shadowknight Division Page My Travels Around Norrath Page
Here I am in action, killing an Elite Gnoll Guard in the lair of BlackBurrow on the far western shores of Norrath. My travels their proved very fruitful, as I carried sacks full of Dervish Cutthroat rings to the humans and made much profit for the guild. They hate me so, almost as much as I hate them. With my skills improving everyday I urge others to branch out from their standard weapons of choice and to learn all that they can, to not let their skill lie dormant at their maximum level but to use that time and energy in developing other weapon skills and taking the time out to become familiar with all the faces of Norrath so that should we find ourselves far from home, we are not lost or at a disadvantage. |
Here I sit on the carpets of Dorn B'Dynn, our ally in the Northern Deserts of Ro. His acmp houses that of Dervish Cutthroats and their rings are a great and wonderful prize to wear and sell to the weak surface dwellers taht reside far from our home. I urge all members to fill their sacks with these rings and travel far to maximize your profits with them. |
The Shadowknight Guild holds the power of Neriak in its palm. With our strength and the swiftness of our kills, soon all Teir' Dal will relish in the lack of High and Fair elfs plagueing our world. I sit awaiting the dusk of the world, and the spread of Our Dark Elf power. Here I stand before the world, dressed in my new Banded mail Tunic, and weilding my newest toy, a Magical Tentacle Whip and Shield to bash with. My hunting exploits now have taken me to the Oasis of Marr to hunt Crocodiles and Caimans, and to raid upon the Camp of Orcs that reside there. I also spend my time in the East commons destroying Orcs there as well as the undead that spawn from the buried Human and Elvan carcasses laid to unrest there. My skills with multiple weapons include One Hand Slash, Two Hand Slash, Piercing, One Hand Blunt, Shield Bash, Archery, and Hand to Hand. I have learned the languages of the Surface peoples and have tried to teach my fellow DEA folk at any opprotunity, I urge others to do the same so that we are never lost while overhearing their conversations of feeble battle. |