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The lovely Scotish country

September 1998

I went to Scotland for 10 days and did some hiking, together with my sister and some of her friends. We enjoyed ourselves greatly and had some lovely views. Some of them (taken by my sister) are now available here.


Travelling Companions

I had the honour to accompany these fine people on their trip to Scotland :
Anna, Els, Elvira, Ine and Steven.

Brief Encounters

Yes, we met a lot of nice people in Scotland. Some of them really helped us find our way (which we sometimes lost of course).
Special thanks to the lady at Bucchanan station that phoned to our hostel for the night so we weren't directed to the completely opposite direction in town.


Since I believe in instant-fun, I didn't take a camera with me so I'm relying on the pictures taken by my sister and her friends.

This page was created and is maintained by Dieter Demerre
Last changements were performed on 1998-11-12
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