About Dee

My name is Diane Marie Rizzo everyone knows me as Dee075. I am 26. My birthday is February 11,1975.
I was bored 12 oclock midnight and my mom had to do #2 and I came out while she was doing it (yuckie) I know you are laughting while you reading it but it is so true you don't know how it feels like when you have nasty stuff on you actually I don't know but I have my imagination :)
There are alot of stuff that I don't remember but my parents told me alot of stuff like when I first came home from the hosiptal my brother Michael (NYYANK23) slapped me in my face I guess he was jealous of me because I gotten all the attention :)

When I was a baby..:)

Like I don't know where to start because I don't know what went in order so I will try my best...
Ok one day my parents was visiting someone and I was crawling at the time and I almost fell out of a 5 floor apartment the person that we was visiting just screamed out my fathers name and if my father didn't grab my foot I wouldn't be here right this minute....
Another time was I was in my crib and my brother and our friend put Rat Poison in my crib and my father though I ate it and he stuck his whole hand in my mouth to see if I ate it after that he found it on the floor....
You though you heard the worst well my other brother Albert (ALRIZZJR) was playing with a lighter and he put my hair on fire and they said I was singing "My hair is on fire My hair is on fire" and jumping up and down lol I think my brothers didn't like me :-( but I came thought :)

Started School

Well I started Head start when I was around 4 to 5 I remember going to school at 12 leaving at 3 my friend took me there I still remember those days and I had fun there when I was around 5 to 6 I went to P.S 15 and I loved it I had problems with kids because of how I looked but I learned alot of stuff
I remember I was in 2nd grade I use to cut class and hang out in the bathroom because the kids use to start trouble with me well I got left back....
I graduated and went to JRS 142 everyone knew me there they use to call me the Riz because my brothers went there I like it but we moved and then I transfer to I.S 318 because someone said that they had a store in the school to buy stuff like candy which I found out it wasn't true lol... I met alot of friends and met some people that I don't like..I met alot of friends there I graduated at I.S 318 and some of my friends went to Van Arsdale now that school was good I enjoyed being there you can leave that school if you gave the secuity guard a blunt lol and he will let you out...on the last day of school all my friends cut school and went to Coney Island...This is how I met my sons father..

How I met my sons father

Well Some people asked me how I met my sons father well as everyone knows on the last day of school all my friends went to coney Island one of my friends took her 2 friends and thats where I met him his name is Richard Lugo he is 31 years old and his birthday is April 11,1969
My friend was bothering him so I just told her to stop then he wanted me to put suntan lotion on him and I was scared so I asked my friend to do it but she said no so I did it it was a fast job but I did it lol
We hardly didn't talk but he kept begging my friend to bring me to his house for a week my friend didn't bring me finally she did and w played alot of handball and talked Finally On July 22,1992 he asked me out and we stayed together for 6 years in May of 93 he asked me to marry him I said yes then in Nov 93 I found out I was preagnut I was like 4 to 5 months I moved in with him and his parents but still went to school Finally on April 5 1994 I started getting pains and I went to the hosiptal I stayed there ALL day didn't eat nothing and finally at 345 in the morning of April 6 I gave birth to a 6 pounds 6 ounce boy I named him Richard Lugo jr the same name as his father :)

Life with Richard Jr

Well everyone calls Richard Richie because the father gets confused on who is talking to who...We stayed at his families house until June and then we gotten our own apartment it was good then his parents had gotten their own apartment and we moved with them thats when the trouble started well we had problems before BUT it was worst he started staying upstairs at his moms room keeping there all by myself and all that finally parents didn't like how I was reacting and told me to go so I moved in with my mom with my son being that my sons father don't pay child suport I know I can take care of him myself well I been with my parents for 2 years and I don't like it but I have to sleep somewhere

What I like

I like mostly anything I love to read books..My favorite arthurs are V.V Andrews (I heard she died and they found her trascripts and they are publishing them) She gives me Goosebumps,Mary Higgens Clark (mystery) Jackie Collins (SEX LOL) she was the first arthur I read and the first book I read was "the Bitch" lol Sandra Brown (love) john Grisham (Crime) James Patterson (mystery) LaVryle Spencer (just found out she retired from writing books) If I remember any other Authors I will add them I love my webtv :) I am on it all the time I enjoy chatting with other people. My favorite groups is Backstreet boys I used to love New Kids On the Block yeah I know nobody liked them but I did :) Joey McIntry went solo and I have his cassette and Jordan knight went solo and I have his single :) Donnit Walhberg just got married :( I had everything of theirs but it went in the fire :(. I love wrestling especially WWF Shawn Michaels and Stone cold Steve Austin RULEs :) Some People that knows me knowss that I love the YANKEES so I have one thing to say and that is The YANKEES RULES :) THey are going to be the 1999 World Champions (hehe) GO yankees :)

What I don't Like
I am a really nice person to hang out with but I can be a Bitch at times and sometimes I feel bad when I be like that...I don't like people lying to me backstabbing people and calling people names and I don't like broccli

Update On about Dee075

Well Its May 5,2000 and I am Diane Marie Burgess I got married to my sweetie on Feb 14th and it was the best thing that happen to me :-) I love him with all my heart right now I am babysitting to help out in the house but I want a real job like going out and working somewhere else because babsitting is a pain in the butt :-) well thats about me :)

Another Update On about Dee075

Well its October 19,2000 and I have some Happy News I am having a baby with Bruce I am 6 months pregnant and I will be dued on January 10,2000...we are thinking about names already but I already have 2 names I will name the baby 1 for a girl and 1 for a boy....IF I have a boy we will name him Jordan John Burgess...we picked John for Bruce's fathers name and Bruces brothers middle name :-) if its a girl Christina Marie Burgess....Marie because thats my middle name... I can't wait until I have the baby my son Richie first wanted a boy because he said that girls cry alot now he wants a girl :-) I want a girl because I already have a boy but Bruce wants a boy...I say as long as the baby is healthy I will take a boy or a girl (just hope its NOT twins lol...My son started school here in Canada hes in the first grade here and he loves school :-) hes learning alot here...well I will update this section soon :) tell you more about the baby :)