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...this page & Rev. Ferdinand wait on the Lord!

Delery Gazette

On this page Rev. Ferdinand will begin with you the study of listening for God's voice.
Once we learn how to recognize God's voice He will take us on our journey.
This page waits on the Lord; it is Yahweh's.
Once God reveals Himself to you, you will learn the very mysteries of His kingdom.
SAINTS & WHO DATS waited 43 years for this.
I don't know about ya'll,
but I am currently enjoying the SAINTS' ride in the Kingdom.

And, Now! Ferd's new book..
It takes two to tango:
(..dare to try!)


Ferdinand J Delery

List Price: $9.95
Format: Paperback
Size: 6 x 9
Pages: 80
Info: Romantic Advice
Publication Date: Feb-2001

Since the Garden of Eden no story has been as riveting as my book.
This handy desktop companion will help all Adams and Eves.
Please buy the book!
iconicon's you or them!

Click BUY NOW to buy @B/N

Note: Some pages of my book may
contain info that might free you from your
.....fear of women!!

Who is this? Here is a pic w/some history:

click HERE for info on this picture.
or Click here: to SEE MORE DELERY GAZETTE!


Welcome to Ferdinand's Advice Column

(Ferdinand has advice for the loved and the loveless. If you have problemos please ask Ferdinand!)

Featured This Week:

Ferdinand's secrets on how to drive women crazy! I've been busy fighting off the women on whom I tried my secrets. Also, I finished writing a book on my secrets. It is now out.

Dear Angelica,

A co-worker of mine met a girl on the net. He traveled to her state to meet her. He came back to Louisiana to quit his job and move to be with his online friend. They got married after he moved to be with her. Online romance is very real. In fact, you have a chance to know each other spiritually and intellectually before even seeing each other physically.

Dear Young and yearning,

You sound like a pussy cat. Be a man (like me). Lie to her! Tell her whatever she wants to hear. Women aren't all that smart anyway. She'll be thousands of miles away; and you're asking me what you should do? Real men like me ought to disown you from "manhood." Use your head for a change -- think!

Good luck!


Dear Ferdinand

(Angelica wrote an interesting question. She wrote: Do you think that I can find a match or love on the net? I mean, can I fall in love with a guy that I speak to on the net?).

Another little question:
Dear Ferdinand, I have a girlfriend who's leaving the country for a year. She's twenty-one years old, and I'm twenty-three. She's my second girlfriend I've ever had. Should we try to stay together, or let each other date around?

Young and yearning,


...hear anything??

click one of the below links to hear:

Let's Listen On Bourbon Street! God's voice is mysterious (He spoke from His garden here)!
Try more and open your ears (Rev. Ferdinand has a picture here)!

Ferd Delery: Editor

Please visit God's Garden:
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Big Easy Fest with the Gazette

When ready, click here to return to God's Voice at!
(New Orleans): -- FESTIVAL SEASON IN LOUISIANA -- The Mardi Gras lights are distant, but everyone is gearing up for festivals. The Gazette prays for a holy and blessed season for our flock. We will also report on any special events that may occur! We invite our readers to let us know about any activities that you might want us to report on. A Bourbon Street report (found by clicking one of the above links) lists some of the things going on in New Orleans.