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Rev. Ferdinand

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Rev. Ferdinand

P.O. Box 26862
New Orleans, La. 70186-6862
United States fdelery@yahoo.com

tiopol(r) & Dominique(l) at 1st school dance.

click pic(teep&dom) for chat room see if we're in (talk about the pic) that's pic of Tiopol on right

..AND, AGAIN!...the Rev's book, ..for God; and for the women! Maybe,...even have a revelation.

Click to buy his book! See Purchase Info!
In other news, HERE ARE A FEW ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Bless the Lord, Oh my soul. Also, bless me a lot, Oh my Lord... AND please enlarge my territory.
Also, Ferd's hot book..
experience a mental climax!

Click BUY NOW to purchase directly from the author.

Click here to see it at a bookstore! Purchase Info from a bookstore!

or Click here to buy DRIVE WOMEN CRAZY!..see Purchase Info at a bookstore!

Rev. Ferdinand says...


     Dear Flock:
     The picture of this patriot is a picture 
of Tiopol's girl, Tiara (see pic of Tiopol in
pic in left column). Tiara, at 5 (now 8), is in the small picture
on the right. Her cousin Diajelle (Dominique's
girl) is on the left (in purple):

click HERE for words with her grandpa.


Delery Films is now thankfully making a new video. I am happy! Someone stole our video camera; and that slowed down the process, I guess.

In the meantime: Today, I'm praying for the souls of all the people killed during the war. There is a spirit of Satan pre- sent in the world today that has man's heart thirsty for the blood of his brothers and sisters. Children, all of my lambs have special needs in their prayers; but when we lift our prayers up together in a "great cloud of witnesses," the Lord exists right there with us. In the name of Jesus I pray now that through this prayer "army" the miracles that all of us are praying for will come to pass. I welcome you to email Rev. Ferdinand if there is a special request that you want us to put on the altar of the Lord. LINK TO THE DELERY GAZETTE: ...(click here) GOD's VOICE per the GAZETTE!
This message is for a Saint. Maybe only he can understand this if it reaches him: Here's a prophecy! Maybe a brother in Christ somewhere can verify this for us. There is a word coming to us from the Lord that: A flame is now being lit by God's spirit in the heart of a brother or sister in Christ, somewhere in the world, who has an important message to deliver to us. The Holy Spirit has recently etched a corner of his or her heart, and this "new" flame will soon be seen flickering throughout God's garden... In other news, HERE ARE A FEW ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Karen Delery of New Orleans was a kingpin in the lovely 50th wedding anniversary plans of mom and dad, Mr. & Mrs. Ferdinand Delery, Jr. NOTE: VAUGHN and DOMINIQUE Batiste had a girl on March 17, 2001 (Diajelle Batiste). Princess Di? TIOPOL and RYAN had a girl on July 11, 2001 (Tiara Guillory) Princess Ti?

..click a pic or click the news..here..(per the Delery Gazette)

delerygazette is now simmering .

Click one of these for more Gazette.

Dear Flock:
A spooky world...Kiana's Dungeon.
Front Page!!
Rev. Ferdinand speaks...
Editor's Note.
Tiopol & Dominique!

Thank you very much for visiting!! We enjoy seeing you.

Let God's Holy Spirit lead you... maybe, you will have a revelation from the Lord.