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Daily Pu Pu

Welcome to Daily Pu Pu.. We have NO relation to "Daily Radar".. nor did we steal their name.. We happened to Stumble upon this ourselves.. So why dont you.. Enjoy the Page.. Just like You "Enjoy Incubus" ..Anyway.. This Section of the Dragon Ball Santuary is a small, yet worthy Tribute to the MASTER MINDS behind this Page! Oh yeah, Daily updates are only up for about 2 or 3 weeks then I take them down.

Whats Hot?

Dragon Ball Sanctuary Updates

-Kuma has finished the Gt buttons and Stephen has posted them (They look very good!).
-Stephen has created a wallpaper section.
-Stephen has also changed the two main buttons for Z and GT. (Temporarily)
-Stephen has placed Yajirobe, Puar, Ox King, Dr. Briefs, Oolong, and Corin on the dragon ball z gallery along with more pictures of each different chatacter.
-Kuma and Stephen are in the proscess of re-making the whole main page for our site.
-Kuma is also adding a fade effect on the main picture on the main page.
-Stephen is going to get back on the e-ads deal again, to produce money for the site.
-Stephen is also going to promote the site like hell.
-Stephen has added a Family Tree to the Dragon Ball Sanctuary.
-Stephen finished and posted the Gt Summarys.
-Stephen has converted the Fanart to tabliture.
-Kuma is working his butt off on the New Main page (100% complete).
-Stephen updated the Games section.
-Stephen worked all day on mouse rollerover option and he also started the site up on a little money deal!

.::Dialy News Updates::.

The Daily Pu Pu is currently down and expected to be back up in the summer.... Sorry for the inconvinence.

Pu Pu reveiws For...

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