
Role: Necromancer
Demeanor: murderious (7 of hearts)
Nature: Crafty (1 of moons)
Reputation: Champion
Social Status:Nobility

Agility: 9D
Dexterity: 6D
Endurance: 7A
Strength: 6A
Reason: 7X
Perception: 5B
Spirit: 9A
Presence: 4X

Melee Weapon: Necromancer Staff +9
Missile Weapon: None
Armor: Robe -3
Shield: None

History: Only one of the Damien's parents is alive. Damien is considered a disgrace by his parents. Damien has an older sibling. Damien's siblings are openly hostile to him.
Damien's family emigrated here recently. Damien is the first generation born in this area. Damien's family is shunned by the community. Damien has angered a very large group (about one hundred people). Damien's enemies hire assassins to kill him.
Damien has a small group (about five people) who count him as a true friend.
Damien has a leopard. Damien's companion is kind-hearted and loving. Game Statistics: Trump for necromancy. Only uses necromancy. Necromancer staff does +4 if not used by a necromancer.
Appearance: Looks like he has been on drugs for about 3 years ( he hasn't though, caused by lack of sleep) wears baggy silk clothes under robe. robe has a large silk hood.
Player: Travis

If you have any comments on my page, or want to submit stories, ideas, etc., then e-mail me at Eric94087@aol.com.