Al'Kyrin mal'Loredon

Hero: Al'Kyrin mal'Loredon Description: A young Silvanesti Elf with a piercing gaze and a wolf like walk Role: Bladesinger Demeanor: Calm (1 of hearts) Nature: Stouthearted (2 of helms) Reputation: Novice Social Status: Tradesmen Agility: 9D Reason: 8A Dexterity: 6D Perception: 5A Endurance: 8C Spirit: 7B Strength: 7A Presence: 8C Melee weapon: Great Sword of Reknown Missile weapon: none Armor: Chain Mail Shield: none History: A mysterious individual, his skill with his blade combined with his young age take many a foe by surprise... Game statistics: As an elf he gains trump bonus to all attacks with sword or bow also gains trump bonus for Perception actions in forest enviroments. As a Bladesinger he gains the ability to cast a spell if he hits his opponent with his sword, effectivly granting him the ability to use both an attack and a spell both per round

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