Half-ogres are the offspring of ogres, and humans. Their potential is often overlooked. Half-ogres are creatures with a strength that rivals that of the minotaurs. They are usually savages, wandering the world alone, shunned by humans and ogres alike. They belong to neither their civilized human brothers, or their savage, ogre kin.
Half-ogres resemble tall, powerfully built, brutish humans. To often have others judged them by their looks rather than their hearts. They usually have black or dark brown hair. Their eyes are brown, black, and sometimes grey-ish blue. They range from six to eight feet tall, and weigh between two hundred to three hundred pounds.
Half-ogres wear very little, often walking aound in only a loincloth. They prefer clubs or axes to swords. They tend to favor thrown weapons over missile ones.
Elves treat half-ogres as savages beneath their notice. They consider half-ogres to be savage, emotional, and evil creatures. Humans are more understanding, but civilized humans look upon them with disdain. Barbarians are quicker to accept them. Dwarves, gnomes, and particularly kenders are facinated with them. Centaurs and minotaurs admire half-ogres for their massive strength, and combat prowess.
Because of their powerful physiques, half-ogre players need a Strength and Endurance score of at least 8. Half-ogres are trained in the arts of war, so they need a code of "A" in at least one of those abilities. Finally, half-ogre heroes may never have a Presence score over 5. Because the human/ogre blood in a half-ogre, half-ogre heroes find it hard to learn mysticism or sorcery. Therefore, they have a maximum Spirit and Reason code of "B".
Half-ogres have within them an indomitable spirit that can imbue them with a terrible rage. When a half-ogre hero's hand is reduced to zero cards through melee combat, the player must flip over the top card of the Fate deck. If the card is a Shields card, then the player may opt to draw three cards and continue the battle. Once the battle ends, the hero falls unconscious. Should this second hand be reduced to zero, the hero dies.
Because of the turbulent mix of human and ogre blood within them, half-ogre heroes find it challenging to learn mysticism or sorcery. Therefore, half-ogres may never achieve greater than a "B" code in either Spirit or Reason.
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