Create A Kender!!!
I once saw this great interactive page at the The Kencyclopedia on creating your own kender! I'm not sure if it's still there, but I was so impressed with the idea that I made a "Create A Kender" page for generating kenders in the Fifth Age! It isn't perfect, and many people could probably create super-kenders (can you say that without giggling?), but it's more fun to adhere to the rules, don't you agree? A kender with "A" codes in everything isn't too realistic or fun. So don't go crazy, and try to be a good judge about what your inputting. Remember, all kender have minimum Agility and Dexterity scores of at least 7, and maximum Strength and Endurance scores of 6. True kender all have minimum Perception scores of 6, while afflicted kender have minimum Presence scores of 6. All kender must have a "B" or better in Perception. All kender have maximum Agility codes of "D", true kender have a maximum Endurance code of "D", while afflicted kender have maximum Endurance codes of "C". Also, remember that a kender may not have a code of "A" in any ability besides Perception.
A way to create a good kender is to start with 52 points. Assign these to the various abilities of your kender (Remember: no ability is less then one or greater than 10!). Then take 20 points. A code of "A" is worth 4 pts., "B" is 3 pts., "C" is 2 pts., "D" is 1 pt., and a code of "X" costs no points. Distribute this among your kender's codes. Or, you can just break out the old Fate Deck and assign values.
Whatever way you chose to create your kender, enjoy, and begin!