Tree Lords of the Fifth Age
By Eric Jwo
Special Thanks to John Terra for his Tree Lords Accessory

In the year 349 AC, the Dark Queen's Dragonarmies thundered across all of Ansalon, and threatened the ancient elven land of Silvanesti. Desperately, the ruler of the time, King Lorac, used a magical Dragon Orb in an attempt to save the elves ancient homeland. Instead, the unthinkable happened. The Orb took control of Lorac, and twisted his mad dreams into a reality. The orb corrupted the very land of Silvanesti. Death and decay reigned, as animals were driven mad, and the very trees bled. The undead roamed the horrid nightmare and scoured every inch of the corrupted forests, as the land itself wept. The remaining elven armies holding out against the invaders were scattered.
In the year 353 AC, the War of the Lance was over. Slowly, peace came to a quivering and outraged world. The Silvanesti elves returned to their corrupted land, and set about to reclaim it. Common sense dictated that before sending in wood-shapers and elven warriors in full scale, scouts should first survey the warped terrain. And thusly were the kirath born. Known as the Vanguard of Hope, the kirath' algos, or the kirath for short, these specially trained elves infiltrated the corrupted forests and sent back word of where the armies and healers should go to do the most good. The kirath played a crucial role in the Silvanesti's battle against the perverted land, and managed to allow their superiors to send in their wizards, priests, and warriors. Slowly, the Silvanesti reclaimed their land. When Porthios, Qualinesti Speaker of the Sun, married Alhana Starbreeze, daughter of Lorac, it looked as if the two elven nations, Qualonestt and Silvanesti, would finally be united. Porthios sent many of his troops over to Silvanesti, and even risked his own life to battle Lorac's Nightmare. Now Qualinesti elves swelled the ranks of the courageous kirath, and the two strains of elves fought side-by-side. Although the kirath first subscribed to notion that the Silvanesti were superior to all other elven races, they quickly amended their arrogance when the Qualinesti kirath proved their mettle. Looking out for the greater good of the elven people, the kirath have accepted both races of elves, and there is little to no animosity between both peoples.
In the year 382 AC, Porthios succeeded in reclaiming Silvanesti. Thanks to the efforts of the courageous kirath, the Silvanesti were able to banish Lorac's Nightmare, and finally reclaim their beloved homeland. The time of the kiraths seemd over. With the battle won, these highly trained operatives seemed out of place in elven society.Then, in the year 383 AC, Chaos and his minions came thundering across the face of Krynn. Once again, the kirath rose up to protect their homelands, as they fought courageously against the marauding daemon warriors and shadow wights. Many were slaughtered, and after the Second Cataclysm, only a handfull of kirath remained. These kirath banded together,a nd began to survive in the Fifth Age. Their numbers dwindled steadily over the years, as their usefullness had come to an end.
In 11 SC, Silvanesti did the unthinkable. In order to protect itself from the rampaging Great Dragons, the elves erected a magical shield over Silvanesti. The magical shiled protected the elves, allowing no one to enter, and no one to leave. The remaining kirath were all living at the fringes of both elven society and land, and were trapped on the other side of the shield. The kirath attempted to find a way into their beloved homeland, but to no avail. They were trapped on the outside.
In 25 SC, Qualinesti was claimed by Beryllinthranox the Green. This Great Dragon fanatically rules her lands, and attempts to keep anyone from helping her subjects. The kirath are now homeless, as both of their homelands have been rendered inaccessable to them. However, the kirath did not give up. Vowing to free Qualinesti from Beryl, the kirath formed an underground resistance to free Qualinesti. This elven resistance has grown to include not only the kirath, but many other elves as well. While most in the elven resistance are solely dedicated to overthrowing Beryl, the kirath have a dual mission. They wish to free Qualinesti, and find a way past the Silvanesti shield. So far, their efforts with the Silvanesti shield have met with little or no success, but their campaign against Beryl has yielded impressive results. Kirath are excellent scouts, and have been specially trained for reconnaissance missions. Thei valuable skills have allowed the elven reistance to thwart Beryl's mad schemes over and over again. Already, many Qualinesti elves have been evacuated from Beryl's grasp, and a recent mission dealt a heavy blow to Beryl's stash of magical items.
Mnay have joined the kirath's ranks, swelling their numbers. The kirath are now a force to be reckoned with, as they are the eyes and the ears of the elven resistance. As always, their mission is to reclaim the elven homelands. Nothin else matters.

Kirath Organization

As in the reclaiming of Silvanesti, there are two types of scout patrols. The first, the solo patrol, is the most common. A kirath scout is sent off by himself to cover an assigned patrol area. Often, solo scouts must complete important missions by themselves, because one kirath is harder to spot. Thes missions are extremely difficult, as there is no immediate backup. Every scout must survive a solo patrol to prove himself worthy of becoming a kirath.
Solo missions allow one to cover a lot of ground. It is easier for a scout to patrol alone, as the stealthiness and swiftness of a patrol is compromised by large groups. Large groups tend to create noise, and slow the patrol down significantly. Solo patrols place a lot more significance on information gathering than confrontation.
The second type of patrol is called a manyrun mission. This patrol features more than one kirath, usually between three and eight. These missions are usually attempted because the area needed for patrol is very dangerous, or because some sort of confrontation has been planned. These patrols pose less danger to individual scouts. That is why kirath in training are always assigned to manyrun missions. These missions are almost always supervised by a veteran scout (Champion reputation or better).
Experianced scouts (Champion reputation or better), usually prefer solo patrols. They often resent being tied down to any other kirath, and tend to rely on their own abilities to survive and complete the mission. Usually, only experianced scouts are assigned solo patrols. Solo patrols for the unexperianced would be unwise.
The duration of the mission is extremely variable. Some missions have taken less than an hour, when the only needed was the location of a certain caravan. Othher times, such missions may take days, even weeks as the kirath trails its targets. In the fight agaisnt Lorac's Nightmare, kirath were assigned loi's, or areas. However, in the Fifth Age, kirath are assigned missions. Once their mission is complete, a completely different one (usually) comes along.

The Kirath Role

The kiraths are warriors who are specially trained in the art of woodcraft, stealth, and reconnaissance. These specially trained operatives are vital to the elven resistance. Once, the kirath were only Silvanesti elves, who worked tirelessly to reclaim their corrupted homeland from the grips of Lorac's Nightmare. Then, the Qualinesti joined their ranks, and reclaimed the ancient elven homeland.
Soon after Lorac's Nightmare was defeated, the minions of Chaos threatened the elves and all of Krynn. The kiraths fought bravely, and managed to protect the elven people. Now, in the Fifth Age, the kirath are working once again to reclaim the elven homelands. Reclaiming Qualinesti and reaching Silvanesti has become an obsession, a mission that means all to the kirath.


Kirath are extremely dedicated people whom others have called "one-minded" and "driven" to some extent. As the scouts for tthe elven resistance, the kirath take their jobs very seriously, and have no time for jesters out in the field. This does not mean, however, that all kirath are somber and morose. Many kirath are quite amiable and gregarious outside of a mission. However, on duty, the kirath are quiet and deadly.
The importance of the kirath's mission is not lost on them. They realize that the fate of the elven lands rests heavily on their shoulders. The fate of the lives of nearly ever elf on Ansalon depends on them. Most bear an arrogant attitude, as if the elven resistance would collapse without them. While this is true, to some extent, many find this manner annoying and even arrogant or domineering.
Fortunately, these feelings of superiority are left behind when on a mission, as such thoughts are viewed as dangerous in the field. "Dangerous thoughts can get you killed as surely as any other weakness" is a popular kirath saying.
Two types of elves typically join the kirath. The first type is weary of the arrogant, insular ways of elven society, and wishes to do something active to reclaim his homeland. This scout is out for adventure, to see and do things, and to actively participate in reclaiming the elven homelands.This elves wants to gett away from the drudgery of "civilized" society, and explore the serenity of nature.
Untamed nature is an apt description for these scouts, as they are more boisterous and forthright than most elves. Indeed, these elves will not hesitate to laugh at something particularly funny, express joy at seeing old friends, or show his rage in a stressful situation. These scouts are bent on seeing new places, and meeting new people. They savor the thrill of running down a forest path, of diving into the crystal waters of a mountain stream, and of disappearing into the greeness of the vast forests.
The second type of scout is quite different. This elf has a strong sense of responsibilty for the elven peoples and their way of life. These scouts often cause tension in the ranks when a Silvanesti and a Qualinesti, or a full elf and a half-elf work together, although most are able to put aside their differences when it truly counts. Grim, aloof, and arrogant, this elf sees life as a struggle to survive, his senses always alert, watching for danger in every possible place.
Most of these elves subscribe to the notion that their elven heritage is superior to all others, which, as was mentioned before, causes tension among the scouts. Arrogant and aloof, these scouts tend to believe that they are the best of the best, and that none can equal their prowess. This unbridled arrogance has earned them many enemies over the years, and they strike at the somber scouts whenever they can.
However, despite these differences, all scouts have many things in common. All are loners, prefering their own company to others. They feel that they perform better under pressure, especially when the pressure is their own. The extra baggage of additional scouts can only slow them down. Many also feel that only they can get the job done, and feel that they should be able to handle it alone.
Both types are extremely motivated to reclaim the elven lands. Both have been displaced from their homelands, and wish to one day free their homes. However the first type's motivation usually stems from compassion for all elves, non-elves, and nature itself. This is enough for them to act. The damage that Beryllinthranox has done to the Qualinesti forest, and the withering effect that the Silvanesti shield is having on teh Silvanesti forest outrages them, and these scouts will do anything to reverse such horrid mutations.
Whatever personality a kirath has, it is clear that he does not look for fights. Kirath need to be intelligent, alert, and quick on their feet to survive. Combat prowess is important, but scouting is the primary goal. Scouts must be able to fight anything they cannot outrun, run from anything they cannot outfight.
The Kirath have a credo. In the time of restoring Silvanesti, only Silvanesti elves could become kirath. Then Porthios came, and the Qualinesti began to join the ranks of these scouts. Finally, in the Fifth Age, half-elves and even members of other races began to filter into the kirath society. Therefore, The Kirath Credo has been modified. The current version is below:

The Original Kirath Code

  1. I am the eyes and ears of the Silvanesti. My presence declares the return of Silvanesti to their rightful homes.
  2. I will keep my sense alert, taking in all and committing it to memory so that the Silvanesti may be well served, and their return made easier.
  3. I am first and foremost an observer. I serve to report the obstacles, not engage them. Dead kirath give no information.
  4. I travel light. If my skills are sharp, my sense are keen, and my courage unfailing, then I have all the equiptment I need.
  5. Never solve a problem by violence when stealth and strategy can yield a better solution.
  6. I pledge my energy to the reclamation, restoration, and preservation of nature. Animals, plants, water, or any other aspect of nature, is to be used wisely, not wasted.
  7. Adjust, adopt, and improvise.
The Kirath Code

  1. I am the eyes and ears of the elven people. My presence declares the return of the firstborn to their rightful homes.
  2. I will keep my sense alert, taking in all and committing it to memory so that my people may be well served, and their return made easier.
  3. I am first and foremost an observer. I serve to report the obstacles, not engage them. Dead kirath give no information.
  4. I travel light. If my skills are sharp, my sense are keen, and my courage unfailing, then I have all the equiptment I need.
  5. Never solve a problem by violence when stealth and strategy can yield a better solution.
  6. I pledge my energy to the reclamation, restoration, and preservation of nature. Animals, plants, water, or any other aspect of nature, is to be used wisely, not wasted.
  7. Adjust, adopt, and improvise.


Scouts must be fast on their feet and tough physically to endure the rigors of kirath life. Therefore, all kirath need all Physical ability scores of 6 or above. A scout must also be alert and needs to have a perception score of 7 or higher to become a kirath. However, a kirath rarely uses his presence to his advantage. Prefering stealth to all things, kirath cannot have a Presence score over 6.
Scouts must be apt warriors, therefore both Strength and Dexterity codes must be "A". However, kirath disdain the use of heavy armor and shields. Therefore, kirath may not have Endurance or Agility codes above "D". Kirath must also be very alert, giving them minimum Perception codes of "B". This limits their study of the mystical arts, giving them a maximum score of "D" in Spirit.
Scouts must be pure of heart, and have good intent. Therefore, a kirath's nature must derive from a card with a value of 5 or lower. Also, a kirath is never wealthy. Therefore, a kirath cannot have a beginning wealth score over 4.
This role cannot be acquired during play. Only half-elves, Qualinesti, and Silvanesti may take up this role. However, Narrators may allows other races to join if they qualify.


The kirath have developed their own special language, called the Kirath Nonverbal Code, which utilizes a atrakha (see: Scout Equiptment). A kirath hero gets a atrakha at the beginning of play. A successful average Reason action is needed when a kirath is communicating with another kirath. if the action succeeds, then the hero understands the message, or is successful in transmitting the message.
Kirath are also very alert, giving them a trump bonus to avoid surprise, and to achieve surprise. The kirath are also very adept at observing in the forest. All Perception sctions performed in a forest or jungle setting are automatically trump. If a hero already has this bonus, then not only does he have a trump bonus, but the action difficulty is lowered by one degree.


Because kirath live on the fringes of elven society, they are not well received by their fellow elves. Therefore, no presence action played against another non-kirath elf is ever consdiered a trump. Also, the rigorous training to become a kirath has made kirath scouts more susceptible to mysticism. No card played to resist mysticism is ever trump for a kirath. Also, a kirath is never really wealthy, since he devotes his energies to helping the elven resistance. therefore, a kirath's welath score may never exceed the value of 5.
Beryllinthranox and her minions, as well as all others who oppose the elven resistance hate the kirath. If a kirath is ever captured by his enemies, he will suffer a long and painful death.

Character Scouts

Aleaha Takmarin

Description: Silvanesti adult female
Role: Kirath
Demeanor: Gregarious
Nature: Commanding
Social Status: Guildsman

Agility: 9D
Dexterity: 8A
Endurance: 8D
Strength: 8A
Reason: 7D
Perception: 9A
Spirit: 8D
Presence: 6A

Melee Weapon: Soris of distinction
Second Melee Weapon: Long sword of fame
Throwing Weapon: Dagger of renown
Armor: Leather armor of renown
Shield: None

Description: Aleaha has always had a youthful air about her. Around sixty years has past since her battles against Lorac's Nightmare, yet she still looks as young and as beautiful as ever. Her true age is unknwon, as Aleaha is quite mysterious about her personal information. This lithe veteran scout is about 5'3" with blonde-white hair and cobalt blue eyes. She isn't very muscular, but she is very wiry and agile. Her slight frame hides her tremendous strength and endurance. She moves with a quiet and fluid grace that belies her strength.
Aleaha takes great pleasure in tricking would-be opponents and critics. She appears wide-eyed and skittish like a scared rabbit when she wants to. Ignorant observers tend to mistake her for a green recruit, and forget the fact that she was one of the original kirath who fought Lorac's Nightmare. Aleaha loves the looks on their faces when she proves their poorly made assumptions wrong in the heat of battle. While she loves to appear helpless and inexperianced, Aleaha is anything but.
Aleaha is recognized by her personalized soris (see: Heroes of Steel). The staff has a three feet long, one inch wide blue-dyed leather thong wrapped around the staff just above the leather handle. Each end has a fist-sized chunk of pale green quartz. A long black scar marrs the side of the soris, but Aleaha points to the mark as a source of pride. The soris was scarred in a battle with the minions of Chaos. She would not trade her soris for any other weapon, as it saved her life and the lives of her recruits during the Summer of Chaos.
Aleaha also possesses a magical dagger that is perfectly balanced for throwing. The handle is attached to her left shoulder, in a sheath attached to the treksack (the kirath term for backpack). Unlike most elves, Aleaha disdains the use of both bows and greenmasks (see: Scout Equiptment). Aleaha does not like to engage in missile combat, as she believes that such a battle is cowardly. Greenmasks restrict the senses, and Aleaha believes that restricting one's senses invites death. Although greenmasks are used less frequently in the Fifth Age, they are still used occasionally when battling green dragons or green spawn. Aleaha prefers to fight without the benefit of one.

Game Information: As an elf, Aleaha gains an automatic trump bonus to attacks with swords. As an elf, Aleaha also gains a trump bonus to using bows, although Aleaha personally does not use bows. As an elf, all Presence actions dealing with non-elves are never trump. She also gets an automatic trump bonus to Perception actions in the forest. All forest perception actions are also lowered by one degree. Aleaha also gets an automatic trump bonus to avoid and to surprise others. However, as a kirath, Aleaha gets no trump bonus to resist mysticism. Aleaha also has excellent sight and hearing.

History:Aleaha has been a scout for around 120 years. She has spent much of her life as a kirath. She battled the dragonarmies when they threatened Silvanesti, and reluctantly withdrew when Silvanesti became corrupted. Even in retreat, Aleaha fought hard to safeguard the lives around her. Her valiant actions allowed many elves to reach safety.
Aleaha took part in the War of the Lance, using her considerable talents to aid the elven armies. Though she served creditably, she dismisses her actions as things of the past. Aleaha was one of the first kirath, and she worked long and hard to restore Silvanesti. She became a confidant of Porthios', and aided the ruler in reclaiming Silvanesti from Lorac's Nightmare. Through her efforts, Silvanesti was finally reclaimed.
In the Chaos War, Aleaha rose to the call of battle when her parents and husband were destroyed by marauding chaos minions. Aleaha still does not know who her husband was, or even if they ever had a child. Only the brief, salvaged remnants of her journal acknowledged the existence of any family. She fought valiantly against the daemon warriors, and saved many lives.
When the kirath began the elven resistance, Aleaha was crucial in the development of strategies and plans. Her leadership inspired the remaining and future kiraths to join the resistance. Now, Aleaha is an important member of the resistance. She keeps in touch with Porthios and Alhana, and also Gilthas, current Speaker of the Sun, and works to circumvent Beryl in any way she can. She has also been working on a way to bypass the Silvanesti shield. Currently, she has had no success, but she continues to search for a way to re-enter her homeland.
Aleaha has no time for the elven traditions of polite social interaction. She loves to fight and explore, and is driven to reclaim the elven lands. While she enjoys meeting new people, Aleaha hates social conventions. She has little to no respect for elven traditions and social gatherings.

Personality: Aleaha loves to distort people's perceptions of reality. Her favorite sport is to make people misjudge her by her timid appearance, then promptly show them how wrong they are. Aleaha has a great sense of humor, and appreciates life in all of its glory.
When not on the field, Aleaha likes to meet new people. However, they are all considered acquaintances and not true friends. Aleaha has no true friends, as she chooses to mentally isolate herself. Altohugh she knows many people, and can act gregarious at times, none really know anything about her. Aleaha prefers to keep it that way.
Aleaha greatly appreciates the looks on fresh scouts when they first see their instructer. The newly assigend kiraths are expecting a grizzled kirath veteran, not a lithe, young woman. She tries very hard not to laugh when the novice's cry out if there ahs been some mistake.
However, Aleaha is definitely a veteran scout. She has only lost a handful of scouts in her time as a kirath, and that was during the Chaos War. Aleaha is still not sure who, or even how many scouts were lost, as they were battling shadow wights. However, Aleaha has not lost a singkle scout during the Fifth Age, and she intends to keep it that way. Although she could have requested to move up in the command heirarchy, and no longer need to teach novices, Aleaha has remained an instructer. She loves to train new kirath, and devotes much of her energy to seeing that everyone of her scouts remain alive.
Aleaha greatly disdains the teaching of too much tradition. She feels that young scouts must be taught everything, and that "all this blasted mysticism and tradition must be looked upon as excess baggage . . . and scouts never carry excess baggage."
Aleaha likes to teach her scouts humility before anything else. She has seen too many scouts swagger into her command with a bloated confidence that became a danger to all. She will not work with anyone who believes that such a thin, wispy young woman could not teach them anything.
Aleaha is greatly devoted to the elven cause. She wants to remove Beryl from Qualinesti, and bring down the Silvanesti shield. She is greatly disappointed that her nation could have isolated itself from the world through magical means. She works almost fanatically to find a way into her homeland. She still worships Habbakuk, although in her own, quiet little way. Days of elven importance are also given proper trubute in meditation. She supports Porthios and Alhana, and their son, Silvanoshei, and believes in a united elven nation. She also supports Gilthas, and understands his feelings.

Thoriayl Nyushi

Description: Qualinesti half-elf young adult male
Role: Kirath
Demeanor: Cunning
Nature: Curious
Reputation: Adventurer
Social Status: Trademan

Agility: 7D
Dexterity: 8A
Endurance: 6D
Strength: 7A
Reason: 8B (64)
Perception: 6A
Spirit: 7D
Presence: 5B

Melee Weapon: Soris
Missile Weapon: Long bow of distinction
Armor: Leather armor
Shield: Buckler of renown

Description: Thoriayl is a young elf around 150 years of age. His slight frame belies a strenght that often surprises many. Coming off as a studious bookworm, Thoriayl gave up his scholarly ways years ago. Now, thoriayl can prowl the forests with the best of them. While still considered a newly made kirath, Porthios and other members of the resistance know and trust him.
He often wears his former red robes to fool others. If people believe him to be a mage, then they will underestimate his skills as a kirath. On missions, however, Thoriayl dresses in full kirath attire. His light brown hair frames and crops his rather bony and pointed face. Only about 5'2", Thoriayl often surprises foes and friends alike in his expertise and combat prowess. His abilities are only enhanced by his sorcerous powers.
Thoriayl carries his soris, which was carved from a strange tree that was bleached pure white. He decorates the soris with images and carvings of the previous moons of High Sorcery. He also carries a small buckler that is also decorated with the three moons.
Although he can be cheerful at times, Thoriayl is best described as somber. He takes his duties as a kirath very seriously, and rarely lets joy into his life. What amounts to a smile rarely corsses his face, and even then it's sardonic and humorless. Always thinking and planning, Thoriayl seems to never want to take action. However, when the going gets tough, Thoriayl can act very quickly.

Game Information: As an elf, Thoriayl gains an automatic trump bonus to attacks with swords. As an elf, Thoriaylalso gains a trump bonus to using bows. As an elf, all Presence actions dealing with non-elves are never trump. He also gets an automatic trump bonus to Perception actions in the forest. All forest Perception actions are also lowered by one degree. Thoriayl also gains an automatic trump bonus for avoiding surprise and surprising others. However, as a kirath, Thoriayl never gets a trump bonus to resisting mysticism. Thoriayl also has excellent sight and smell. Thoriayl also knows aeromancy.

History: Thoriayl was once a red robed mage of High Sorcery. Reviled because of his choice, the Qualinesti elves cast him from his homeland, and proclaimed him a dark elf. Bitter and hateful, Thoriayl stayed at the Tower of Wayreth and continued to grow in his magicks. When Porthios, his former liege was proclaimed a dark elf, Thoriayl immediantly decided to pay his former tormentor a visit. He managed to penetrate Porthios' camp's defenses, but was captured by two high-ranking white robes. Bitter, Thoriayl proclaimed his intent to destroy Porthios and repay his former liege for his "justice." Porthios could have killed him, and many thought that this was a wise idea. However, Alhana forbade it.
"We are all dark elves here," Alhana proclaimed. "Whether we are here justly or not, all we have is each other." Porthios kept Thoriayl alive, and eventually, even let the mage walk about. Thoriayl's hatred eventually died down, and he joined Porthios' band. He focused less and less on his magical skills, and more on his physical skills to survive. Eventually, he became a trusted and valued member of Porthios' band.
When Chaos came with his minions, Thoriayl battled the daemon warriors with all of his might. Aftter the Second Catalysm, when Thoriayl lost his magic, he decided to renounce his old ways. Giving up magic, Thoriayl joined the ranks of the kirath and joined the elven resistance.
When the Academy of Sorcery was opened, Porthios sent Thoriayl to investigate its uses to the resistance. there, Thoriayl regained some of his former powers, and learned the school of aeromancy. Now Thoriayl continues to work with Porthios and the other kirath's to free Qualinesti and re-enter Silvanesti. He would do anything to see Qualinesti free of Beryllinthranox. "One day," he vows, "I will be able to step into Qualinesti, my home, knowing, that we're both free."

Personality: Thoriayl seems to be always thinking and planning. Extremely dedicated to his cause, Thoriayl would do anything to reclaim the elven lands, Qualinesti in particular. Often described as terse and morose, Thoriayl isn't one for jocularity of humor. Most kirath avoid him, as he is usually humorless and irritable. More of a loner than most kirath, Thoriayl seems more at home in the forests then in elven society.

Scout Equiptment

The kirath have several tools and weapons that they use on their missions. These are detailed below:

The Atrakha: The atrakha consists of two telescoping wooden tubes, with a mouthpiece at one end, and a row of holes along the length of both tubes. Stretched to its full length, the atrakhs measures six inches long. In its most compact form, the atrakha is only two inches long. The widest point is one inch in diameter. The piipe is often attached to a leather thong, allowing the atrakha to be worn around one's neck.
Kirath scouts use the atrakha to convey messages to each other. Using the Kirath Nonverbal Code, the scouts are able to communicate to each other by imitating birdcalls through the atrakha. By sliding the tubes,a scout can produce numerous birdcalls, as well as some animal cries. the scout can vary the pitch and volume, to produce a shrill shriek to a deep roar.
Besides birds, the kirath can manipulate the atrakha to pproduce the cires of small rodents, such as the chattering of squirrels to a rbbit's shriek of terror.
The kirath tend to convey messages through the sounds of birdcalls. What may sound like a flcok of racous birds may be a kirath's warning of intruders. If using a shrill bird call, the message can be heard as far away as three miles. A kirath receiving such a far away message must perform a challenging Perception action. Success means that the kirath pinpoints the location of the call, while a mishap indicates the oppostite direction. The universal sign of distress is by whirling the atrakha with the leather thong above one's head in order to produce an oscillating howl that can be heard up to six miles away. The sound is meant to indicate that there is a danger that threatens not only the scout in question, but every scout in the field as well. This sound is a sound that every veteran kirath fears to hear.
To imitate a bird, a kirath must succeed in an easy Reason action. Success, means that a noise imitating a noise was produced. To actually send signals and messages through birdcalls, however, see the Advantages section of the Kirath role.
Among the kirath, the atrakha is also played as a musical instrument. Its soothing music can often be heard brightening the camps of elven resistance fighters.

The Soris: The soris is a popular kirath weapon that consists of two pieces of the lightest yet strongest wood, connected end to end by a cleverly crafted universal joint.
The lower point of the soris is five feet long, with a sharp metal point sheathing the end. A leather wrist thong is attached about four feet up the pole. The upper potion of the soris is eighteen inches long. It is tipped with a strong rope loop, and four collapsible hooks. The upper section can be fully deployed, giving the soris a length of six and a half feet, or folded back against the lower portion of the soris. When the soris is in the latter position, the soris acts like a club that does +2 damage. Normally, the soris is used as a +3 weapon.
The metal hinge allows the upper portion of the soris to rotate a full 360 degrees and to assume any position from full extension to parallel to the lower part. A small locking tab prevents the upper portion from slipping out of the desired position.
The soris is used both as a weapon and as a tool. The sharp point is ideal for breaking ice, securing one's footing in rough terrain, or even as a weapon. The upper portion is used to climb trees or rocky surfaces. The hooks and the noose are useful for catching low hanging tree branches or rocky outcroppings. Once secured, a kirath can pull himself upwards in a smooth acrobatic fashion to the next brach or ledge.
When the soris is fully extended, the soris can be used as a quarterstaff. Deploying one or more of the hooks allows kirath to pull down riders from their mounts. Extending the soris but then allowing the upper piece to swing freely creates a footman's flail. The strong rope loop can also be used to snag people as the pass under a tree occupied by a kirath.
The soris can also disarm opponents. If a kirath succeeds in an average Dexterity (Agility) action, then he succeeds in disarming one weapon from an opponent's hand. A mishap indicates that the kirath overextended himslef, and not only failed to disarm the nemey, but also allowed the enemy a free attack.
The soris can bear 250 pounds in any form. The soris weighs only six pounds. Some kirath decorate their soris' with feathers, exotic dyes, or bright gemstones. The resulting pattern can tell a story, often the history of the wielder or his family. Many kirath can be told apart by the decoration of their soris.
A soris that has been personally decorated becomes "titled" and is bonded to its owner for as long as the wood is whole. A kirath would never voluntarily give up his titled soris. Theft of a soris bya nother scout is unheard of. Theft by another elf would be dealt with severly. Theft by a non-elf would result in death for the offender.
Many soris' were enchanted in previous ages. Many are items of distinction, renown, and fame. Those of glory and legend are very rare. these powerful soris' are akin to artifacts in the eyes of the kirath. Soris' are sold for ten gold pieces, although a titled soris is never sold, and a soris is never sold to a non-elf, unless he or she is a kirath.
Many have speculated on how similar the hoopak of the kender is to the soris. Many believe that the soris was derived from the hoopak. The kirath scorn these rumors, however, and state that the hoopak was probably derived from the soris.

Heatbane: This common name that was given to an extract of a rare plant known to the Silvanesti as "elathas." Elathas grew wild at the foot of the mountains in the southern half of Southern Ergoth, the foothills around Qualinost, and in Silvanesti, at the mouth of the river which winds its way north of the city of Silvanost. However, with the Silvanesti shield, one major source of elathas was cut off. With the coming of Gellidus and his chilling frost, few of the rare plants have survived. Some have been saved, and are being grown and tended by expert Animists, but elathas is still quite rare.
The plant is a four-pronged leaf, growing in shrubs. it requires lots of sun, moisture and can exist only in a transitional climate. It blooms in the early spring and withers away in the late fall. Experimentations by Animists have managed to cultivate these plants even in the winter, but the lack of resources have made this a desperate battle. Still, the mystics are making great progress.
Elathas leaves, when properly crushed and prepared, produce an extract which absorbs heat very effectively. The kirath use heatbane to mask themselves from heat dependent infravision. The extract is greenish in color, and gives off the smell of cooked mushrooms. Usually used in a form of balm or ointment, the extract can easily be coated onto any material.
Heatbane is carried in small round ceramic jars, each jar capable of coating up to three full-grown elves. Only a slight layer of heatbane must be applied in order for it to function. It usually takes a scout five minutes tto apply a coating of heatbane to himself. With help, this drops to three minutes.
Heatbane typically last about an hour, although some applications have stayed for as long as two hours. The salve dissolves easily in water. Heavy exposure to drizzle or dew cuts the duration of the heatbane by half. To randomly determine how long an application of heatbane will last, draw a card from the Fate Deck. Multiply this by ten, and add that to 60. This is the number of minutes the heatbane will function as desired.
Leaving a container open causes the heatbane to dry out in two hours, leaving behind a green flaky substance. If water is added to these flakes, the resulting liquid will be indentical to working heatbane, only this liquid won't work.
The heat absorbing qualities of heatbane are also a boon to heroes. All actions to resist fire and fire-based attacks are considered trump while the heatbane is active. However, magical fire is unaffected.
Heatbane stings when applied to open wounds. Any wounded hero with a coating of heatbane must succeed in an average Endurance action or temporarily (for one day) lose a point of agility and dexterity. Should a mishap occur, the points are still lost, in addition to the loss of one card from the hero's hand. Heatbane may be placed on eyelids.
Heatbane cannot be applied to the eyes. Should someone with infravision see a heatbane covered kirath with his eyes open, all he will see are two red eyes in the darkness. This often scares intruders, as who knows what may be lurking in the bushes. Should a scout apply heatbane to his eyelids, and shut his eyes, then the problem is nullified.
To randomly determine if a hero wearing heatbane is detected, flip over a card from the Fate Deck. If any card but the Ten of Dragons comes up, then the hero is undetected. If the Ten of Dragons does come up, then the hero is discovered.
Heatbane is not a magical potion, it is simply a salve. Creating heatbane requires 100 elathas leaves (draw ten cards from the Fate Deck to determine how many leaves a bush contains), fresh spring water, and some common fungi in powdered form. Brewing takes a total of 20 days, in which the herbalist needsd to succeed in a challenging Reason action. Success means that enough heatbane is created to fit in a ceramic bowl, while failure indicates that the ingrediants were contaminated.
Currently, the only source of heatbane is in Southern Ergoth, and in some plant nurseries across Ansalon. However, the steady supply that the elven resistance once enjoyed is slowing to a small trickle. With Gellidus' snow killing all of the elathas plants in Southern Ergoth, and the lack of elathas in nurseries across Ansalon, it looks like heatbane will soon become too rare to use.
A hero may purchase a ceramic pot full of heatbane with a challenging Wealth action. Heatbane can only be bought through the elven resistance, and is seldom sold to non-elves.

Firebane Clock: This cloak is a special adaption of a cloak of elvenkind with several significant differences. A hero wearing a cloak of elvenkind or a firebane cloak is virtually undetectable. In a bright, open room, or outside in plain daylight, the hero can go undetected with an easy Reason(Perception) action. In rougher, less-lit terrain, the action becomes an automatic trump bonus. Besides the scouts protection from normal sight via the cloak's chameleon powers, the scout is also protected from infravision, because the materila has been saturated with heatbane.
The cloak has a hood, which must be drawn up in order to take full advantage of the cloak's powers. The cloak is voluminous enough for the wearer to wrap himself up, exposing only his legs beneath his knees.
The cloak is so saturated with heatbane, that all actions to resist fire or fire-based attacks are trump (including magical fires), and even the damage is reduced by half. The cloak's saturation also keeps the scout warm and insulated. The kirath can remain warm even without the addition of furs. Additionally, the cloaks are virtually waterproofed against the elements.
Unlike cloaks of elvenkind, firebane cloaks don't just come in neutral grey, but also light tan, dark brown, forest green, and even flat black. The cloaks have four interior pouches, two on the wearer's left, and two on the wearer's right. These pouches are easily sealable and waterproof.
Creating a firebane cloak is a difficult, 60 day process. For this reason, these cloaks are not distributed to just any scout who desires one. After tthe Second Cataclysm, these cloaks became an even greater prize, and is only given to the most gifted and experianced of kirath.
A hero who desires a firebane cloak must complete at least four quests for the resistance, and rasie his reputation status by one while in the resistance. Then, the hero must succeed in a daunting Presence action. If the action succeeds, and if the Narrator agrees that the player has indeed earned the right to possess one, then the scout may receive a firebane cloak.
Normally, these cloaks are secured by a leather thong sewn into the lining around the throat. The knot is secured like a drawstring, allowing easy removal in case of emergencies. These cloaks are not really magical, and as such, do not radiate magic in any way.
An elf who wishes to purchase a firebane cloak must succeed in a daunting Wealth action. If a non-elf wants to buy a cloak, he must first convince an elf with a challenging Presence (Spirit) action. Then, a desperate Wealth action is needed to purchase the cloak.

Greenmasks: At first, these masks were created to help the kirath deal with the tainted air and poisonous gasses in the warped Silvanesti. However, in the Fifth Age, these masks are used to fight against the green dragons and green dragonspawn infesting the Qualinesti woods. The greenmasks does not eliminate the threat of the green dragons breath weapon, but is does give a scout a fighting chance.
Greenmasks are made of wood cut from a living tree, hence their names-the trees are still alive and bearing leaves. The masks cover the entire face and are secured with a strong cord. The eyeholes are covered with fine crystal lenses. Greenmasks are covered with heatbane. This renders the face (including the eyes) invisible to infravision. The mask is often worn in conjunction with a firebane cloak and applications of heatbane.
The greenmask resembles the face of an elf. Even the ears have tapering points, mimicking elven ears. The eyepieces are bifocal, with the upper halves increasing vision distance by one category. The lower half of the lenses give normal vision. However, the lenses are arranged so that the eyes of the scout are hidden unless the viewer is face-to-face with the kirath.
The mask has no nose or mouth holes, and the ears are partially covered. As a result, all hearing or sight actions are one degree harder than normal. The most important feature of the mask is a small batch of exotic herbs placed in the mask's interior, under the wearer's nose and at both sides of the mouth. These herbs offer protection against the chlorine gas of green dragons, "ordinary" posion gasses, nausea inducing gasses, and odors such as swamp gas and putrescent stenches.
When wearing a greenmask, a hero gains an automatic trump bonus to resisting the above mentioned gasses. Also, damage from those gasses is reduced by half. The herbs do not supply fresh air to the wearer, the herbs simply remove taint from the surrounding air. The ehrbs typically last 10 hours.
The herbs used are quite common, although the elven resistance has yet to release duch information into the public. Most kirath carry several "refills" in their pouches, each individually wrapped. A kirath with the herbalism proficiency (from A Saga Companion) may collect these herbs with a successful average Reason action.
Carving a greenmask takes 15 days. Since there is no "right way" to carve one, no action is needed. Greenmasks are typically only assigned to parties that are entering green dragon territory. Only scouts on missions with a serious chance of encounter with a green dragon or green dragonspawn are given these masks. Experianced kirath of Champion reputation or above may make their own greenmasks.
Most scouts who do make their own greenmasks carve their masks to reflect themselves. However, these masks are not as important as a kirtah's soris. They are not used to identify scouts. However, elaborate adornments are not uncommon on greenmask features. Some elves may carve their greenmasks to reflect who they are, as a jovial elf may carve a greenmask with a smile, while a short-tempered elf may have his greenmask frowning.
Gems and paint are also used to personalize greenmasks. A few kirath have even placed solid steel sheaths in their greenmasks. While the masks are not enchanted, many were enchanted during the Fourth Age. These enchantments might still linger on greenmasks. Some might have Defense bonuses, or eye lenses that charm.
Wearing a greenmask gives one a psychological edge when facing intelligent opponents. All actions to intimidate are considered trump when one wears a greenmask. Speech is also a problem, as the greenmask limits the usage of sound. Therefore,a sign language has been developed between kirath to allow for easier communication.
Greenmasks can be bought with an average Wealth action, although they are not sold to non-elves.

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