The Lost Folk

Coordination 9 Intellect 6
Physique 8 Essence 9
Damage +4 Defense -3
SA Thrown weapons

Satyrs appear to be a cross between humans and goats. They have cleft hooves for feet; goatlike legs; a human torso, arms and head; and goat ears and horns. Satyr's skin colors range from tan to light brown, and rarely red. There hair color are usually meduim, reddish, or black. satyrs live in woodlands across Ansalon. For some strange reason, no female satyr has ever been found.
Satyr are wild and passionate, and love females of any race. This lust sparked the human superstition of thinking that satyrs will steal their women. In reality, they just like to enjoy life. It is whispered that dryads are the female counterparts of satyrs.
Who can say as to what happened to these wild creatures after the Chaos war. They have all seemed to vanish. Occasionally someone swears that they've seen one, but there has yet to be any proof.

Coordination 6 Intellect 10
Physique 6 Essence 8
Damage +5 Defense -2
SA Magic Use, mentalism, alteration

Scions are dwarves that can wield magic. They have golden skin and eyes and silver hair with a bald circle on top. Scions are sterile because of theri deep immersion in magic. However, people have reported sightings of scions for over two millenia. This implies that they are immortal, but no one knows for sure.
Scions are an evasive folk. They usually travel through Ansalon in disguise. This may be because the Smith folk of both Ansalon and Taladas have sworn to kill any they see. However, their are supposedly at least thirteen alive.
Scions can use any spell from any school of magic up to seven per school per day. They have infravision, and can see up to 120' in the dark. When using the school of enchantment, their spells last up to a week. They also have unlimited use of the spheres of mentalism and alteration.

Coordination 6 Intellect 5
Physique 8 Essence 6
Damage +4 Defenses -2
SA Thrown weapons, rake

Wemics are half-human, half-lion counterparts to centaurs. They are human from the waist up, and are supported by a lions body. Males have a mane of long black hair.
Wemics, like satyrs, have nearly vanished from the face of Ansalon. No one knows where they have all gone, but many people blame the Great Dragons.

Bakali (lizard man)
Coordination 5 Intellect 5
Physique 7 Essence 8
Damage +5 Defense -2
SA Thrown weapons

Bakali look like lizards and walk like men. They are stoop-shouldered, thick-bodied, long-tailed creatures. They range between 6'-8' tall. They usually have yellow-green to mottled brown hides. They wear few to no clothes.
Bakali can walk on all fours or upright. They live over a hundred years old, and shed their skin every ten years. Very few of them can understand Common or Hand Talk. Bakali are hostile to most civilized races, but they have a strong sence of honor.
In the Fifth Age, all bakali have withdrawn from civilization. People tell stories about the bakali burrowing into the depths of the earth, but the legend has yet to be confirmed. Other people tell of bakali who have retreated to the Dragon Isles, and unknown isles west of Sancrist. No one has been able to confirm these reports yet.

Coordination 9 Intellect 9
Physique 4 Essence 8
Damage +8 Defense -8 SA Sorcery (1 school), mysticism (1 sphere)

The Huldrefolk, or "faerie", are described in faerie tales as small, 1'-4' tall, naked, gray-skinned humanoids. They have large bald heads, large eyes, sharp teeth, and no ears. They have long fingers and large hands. They are usually genderless.
Huldrefolk can control one specific element. This is their school of magic, while they usually use Alteration for their mystic sphere. No one has seen huldrefolk for ages, but an abundance of magical monuments suggests their existance. On the continent of Taladas, their are elves who call themselves huldrefolk, yet they aren't faeries.
Although this is just gossip, people continue to say that Skie is working with a huldrefolk master of earth. This report has remained unconfirmed.

Coordination 8 Intellect 5
Physique 7 Essence 6
Damage +3 Defense -3
SA Thrown weapons and animism

Kyrie are a mix of man and hawk. They have a human torso and head with feathery hair. Their bodies are covered with feathers and their arms are wings. They have a birdlike tail for maneuvering and wiry legs with talons on the end. Their plumage is most often brown and gold, though rare ones have had black or white wings.
Kyrie are quiet and passive, unless provoked. Kyrie are the mortal enemies of minotaurs. They have both tried to wipe eachother out since the Cataclysm. Kyrie can usually speak Common.

Coordination 7 Intellect 6
Physique 5 Essence 7
Damage +4 Defense -4
SA Sensitivity and mentalism

Shadowpeople have been mistakingly described as slim apes, when they are closer to humanized bats. They have large, hairy heads with flattened, upturned noses, wide flaring ears and large green or amber eyes. They have two pairs of curved fangs, the lower pair protruding when their wide mouths are closed. They usaully do not wear clothes except for hooded robes when their above ground.
To the surface-dweller's of Krynn, the shadowpeople are considered myths, like the huldrefolk. They build communities underground, the most well-known one being under the city of Sanction.

Thanoi (walrus man)
Coordination 6 Intellect 3
Physique 8 Essence 4
Damage +8 Defense -3
SA Immune to cold/ice

Thanoi appear to be a cross between a walrus and a human. They have barrel-thick torsos with humanoid arms and legs, and walrus-like heads. Their head sports two-foot long tusks, and dorsal fins. Their eyes are small and black or deep blue in color. Thanoi have broad feet with webbed toes. Their fingers are blunt and stubby. They are usually between 6'-8'. About 20% of Thanoi can speak Common. These creatures live in Icewall and the areas surrounding it. They constantly harass their ice barbarian neighbors. <

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