
Paladins are Knights of Solamnia that are also clerics of Paladine. When the Knights of Solamnia discovered that the populace was losing its faith, the Order decided that they needed missionaries. They sent a select few to the Citadel of Light, where they studied mysticism. They are wanderers, spreading the faith of the Gods of Good throughout Ansalon.


Paladins follow the Measure, as do the other Solamnic knights, a set of rules that defines how to put the Oath into effect in one's daily life. The Paladin doesn't owe forty to sixty days of direct service to the Order each year. In fact, Paladins don't even seem to be in the Order, even though they are members.
Paladins aren't wildly dedicated to their religion, and they don't force their religion upon others. They are strict and unyielding when it comes to the Laws of Paladine, the Oath, and the Measure. they teach those willing to learn about the departed Gods of Good, and help those in need. Paladins commit their lives to justice, compassion, and to spreading the faith of the Gods of Good throughout Ansalon.
Paladins are usually loners, and move nomadically; much like an Adventurous Warrior. Most seek out crimes, and set out to right them. Often, they act as judge, jury, and executioner.
Paladins can expect at least a grudging welcome wherever they go, with the exception of areas controlled by the Knights of Takhisis or Dragon Overlords. In all other regions, the common folk recognize Paladins as their guardians and in some cases as figures of authority.


Because of their strenuous life, a Paladin must have Strength and Endurance scores of at least 7. Paladins need a strong faith, so he must have a Spirit score of at least 7 as well. Because peasants see a Paladin as a figure of great importance, a Paladin must have a Presence score of at least 6.
A Paladin is trained how to fight from his childhood. Therefore, a Paladin must have Strength and Endurance codes of "A". Paladins have studied at the Citadel of Light for a long time. Therefore, a Paladin must have a Spirit code of "A".
Only civilized humans and half-elves can play paladins. Players may not select a card with a value greater than 4 for their nature or demeanor. Paladins only have what they carry, so they start out with a maximum wealth score of 4.
Paladins need to know the sphere of healing. One cannot assume the role of the Paladin during play.


Paladins excel at swordsmanship. To reflect this, Paladins get a Trump bonus whenever they use a longsword, broad sword, great sword, or two-handed sword. Because of their devout faith, Paladins can resist magic spells better than normal people. Paladins get a +3 bonus to resist magic. Because of their strong authority, Paladins gain an automatic Trump bonus to all Presence actions when dealing with all characters except those of Royalty wealth. This includes giving orders, raising morale, and detecting lies.


Paladins disdain missile weapons, and will not recieve a Trump bonus when using a missile weapon, regardless of the suit. Paladins also cannot draw from Solamnic funds. Paladins can never learn sorcery.
A Paladin never likes to retreat from or refuse combat with Evil forces. However, if the cause is foolish or useless, they must attempt a daunting Abandon/Refuse Fight action.

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