
Test your DragonLance knowledge with the DragonLance Quiz! This quiz combines the elements from both the original dragonLance novels and games, and the Dragonlance 5th age novels and games! You can rank from kender mathematitian to Ultamite dragonlancer! Be forewarned, the quiz is very difficult! I'll send you your score and rank as soon as possible. If you discover a mistake, or would like to submit a question, e-mail me at Eric94087@aol.com. Enjoy and good luck!

1. How many continents (the size of Ansalon) could occupy Krynn?

2. What was the name of the sword that Kith-Kanan gave Tanis Half-Elven in "Dragons of Autumn Twilight"?

3. What is Silvara's real name?

4. What is Silvara's current alias?

5. Name all of Caramon and Tika's children (according to the Tales of the Lance" boxed set)?

6. Which male children are not mentioned in the novels?

7. Who is the mother of Raistlin, Caramon, and Kitiara?

8. Are Tanis and Laurana related in any way (besides their marriage!)?

9. In "Dwarven nations of Krynn", what is the name of the valley inhabited by Irda?

10. Who is Tasselhoff's cousin, the kender in "Brother's Majere"?

11. Name all the schools of magic that Palin Majere knows:

12. What is the Master of Wayreth?

13. what did Tasselhoff put on Sturm's bier at sturm's funeral?

14. Where is the Tomb of Huma located?

15. At what date did the Cataclysm occur (by Istarian dating!)?

16. How old (approximately!) was Tika in the beginning of "Dragons of Autumn Twilight"?

17. What are the names of the five most powerful dragon Overlords?
The Red Maurader
The storm Over Krynn
The Green Peril

18.Linsha Majere is a:
Knight of the Crown
Knight of the Sword
Knight of the Rose

19. How many quests do you need to become an Archetype?

20. Write down one of Michael Willaim's poems:

Your e-mail address:

Your webpage address:

The Dragonlance Hall of Fame

If you have any comments on my page, or want to submit stories, ideas, etc., then e-mail me at Eric94087@aol.com.