In ages past, people of faith dedicated themselves to the pantheon that ruled over Krynn. Every moment of their lives revolved around their deities. Through service to their respective gods and goddesses, clerics and priests across Krynn touched divinity, brushed immorality, and knew glory. In one dark moment, this was all torn away. The Chaos god shattered the face of Krynn and tore away all traces of familiar magic. The gods fled from Krynn and left their worshippers bereft of divine guidance. People gave in to despair and hopelessness once they realized that they were alone. As Krynn entered its Fifth Age, people became more and more ensconched in their hopelessness. Terrible dragons waged war across the face of Ansalon and carved up the land for their own nefarious purposes. Many died in the face of the onslaught, and countless others were subjugated and conquered. In this age of despair and fatality, the Redeemer emerges from the ravaging flames of war to provide salvation. Redeemers are extraordinary men and women who devote their lives to helping others. Traveling from area to area, Redeemers go where they are needed and do not remain anywhere too long. They are natural leaders and struggle to heal the spirits of others. In a land without gods, Redeemers struggle to spread their faith. Confident and pious, the Redeemer brings back hope to land shadowed by dragonwing. Role-PlayingRedeemers are wholly devoted to their faith. Their entire life is based upon the belief that the gods are still watching. They spend their entire lives spreading the word and restoring hope throughout the land. Many would call their blind faith foolish, since many Redeemers were born after the departure of the gods and therefore never knew of them directly, but Redeemers defend their faith by stating that there is more to existence than what one can see.Redeemers rarely judge others. They believe that it is not their place to judge others, but for the gods to do so. People don't need their judgement, they preach, but their compassion and understanding. However, that does not mean that a Redeemer does not recognize evil. Redeemers stay away from unsavory individuals and will take a stand against those that would harm others. Redeemers, like Knights of Solamnia, help all those in need. They make no distinction between a wounded human or a wounded goblin, seeing in both cases, a person in need. This does not mean that a Redeemer will let his guard down, however, as a Redeemer will not risk his life needlessly. However, a Redeemer places the life of others above his own. He will risk his own neck to save even what others deem to be the lowest forms of life. Redeemers base their life on helping others and spreading their faith. However, a Redeemer's adherence to his faith does not make him as serious as many would believe. In fact, because of the hope and confidence that their faith brings them, Redeemers are amiable and charismetic. Seen as powerful and knowledgable individuals, Redeemers are often welcomed and accepted. They make friends easily and often find themselves thrust into positions of leadership. A palpable aura of strength surrounds all Redeemers. Despite a Redeemer's ability to make allies, they often travel alone. A Redeemertravels from town to town in order to spread hope. He only stays in one place until he has completed his mission. After that, he moves onward to anywhere else that needs him. However, Redeemers sometimes join adventuring parties if they believe that in doing so, they can help more people. However, since Redeemers believe that healing the spirit is more important than healing the body, they prefer to travel alone. If a Redeemer travels with companions, he will leave them at a moment's notice if they believe that they are needed elsewhere. A Redeemer values his mission above personal friendships. Dwarves and minotaurs cannot fathom why a person would devote their entire lives to long departed gods. They believe that traveling around like a vagrant and preaching about missing deities is a waste of one's talents. Humans, kender, and centaurs, however, admire a Redeemer's outlook on life and appreciate their confidence and friendliness. Many elves do not believe that a member of any other race can seriously devote himself to a pious life, so Redeemers are met with suspicion if they are not elven. RequirementsSince a Redeemer needs to tough in order to survive their strenuous life. Therefore, they need a minimum score of 5 in Endurance. Redeemers have great faith and determination. Therefore, they need a minimum score of 7 in Spirit. Redeemers also need to be confident and charismatic. Therefore, they need a minimum score of 7 in Presence.Redeemers need to be experienced in both the power of the heart and in leading others. Therefore, they need a code of "A" in both Spirit and Presence. However, Redeemer's do not study the arcane or the weapons of war. Therefore, Redeemers have a maximum code of "B" in Reason, and a maximum code of "C" in Strength and Endurance. Redeemers need to have their Demeanor and Nature scores drawn from cards with white auras. Since they do not care about money, Redeemers cannot have a Wealth score above 3 (that of a Commoner). Redeemers can be of any race that meets the requirements. AdvantagesRedeemers are so full of hope and energy that people are naturally drawn to them. Any Presence action when dealing with others is considered an automatic trump. Redeemers also get an automatic trump bonus to any action involving healing. This bonus includes attempts to give First Aid as well as attempts to cast spells from the mystic sphere of Healing.DisadvantagesRedeemers are giving individuals, who do not hoard money. Therefore, any time a Redeemer receives any money or treasure, he must give it away. Whether this means donating to the nearest charity or giving a starving family a second chance, a Redeemer never spends the money that he receives needlessly.Redeemers are also impelled to help any and all who need help. To avoid the temptation to aid a person, a Redeemer must make a Spirit action, with the difficulty depending on the severity of the situation. If a dog has its head caught in a hole, than it is an easy action, but if a person's life is in danger, than it is an impossible action. |