The two races of sea elves living on Ansalon, the Dargonesti and the Dimernesti, are very much like the aquatic elves of other worlds, except that they are not natural creations of the gods. When the Graystone was released upon the world, it's powers made, from the land elves, sea dwelling elves from a number of coastal villages. The two types of elves formed, Dargonesti and the Dimernesti grew separate and in distinct ways from their 3 races of land dwelling cousins.
Sea elves resemble their land cousins greatly, but have light to dark blue skin, and hair ranging form Green to blue to (rarely) blond. Eye color is typically green or blue.
To qualify as a sea elf the hero must have a minimum Ag of 6, minimum Dx of 6, plus St. and En maximum scores of 8. Due to underwater life Armor, shields and large missile and melee weapons are rare. As such, sea elves must have a Maximum of "C" in Dx, En, Ag, and St. This is not to say that combat it to possible underwater, Most sea elf warriors use a Trident and Net combination. Like all elves, sea elves are very perceptive, and must have at least a "B" rating in Pe.
Due to lack of weapon options, sea elf warriors have perfected the art of trident and net battle. Using these weapons gives the sea elf a trump bonus no matter what card is played. Also a trump bonus is added for underwater perception actions.
With the departure of chaos, sea elves lost the ability to survive above water for long periods of time. The time above water is equal to 2 hours for every point of endurance. After this the sea elf must make an average endurance action every hour. Failure means the sea elf has lost one point in all abilities until he returns to sea water. A mishap, and he has lost two. Should a hero's score fall to zero, the hero is knocked out and will die in hour without magical aid, or returning to the sea.
Dmg: +3
Def: -2
Special Abilities: missile weapon, net battle.
When in battle the hero may forego his normal attack and attempt to entangle a target. The target must be no larger than a dolphin. The Entangle action is an Average Dexterity action (Agility). Characters caught in a net cannot defend, Armor adjustments still apply, but not shields. Entangled creatures must spend the next minute of battle getting untangled. Should a hero get entangled, getting out it an Average Agility Action.