
Description: Tinker Gnome
Role: None
Demeanor: Honest (2 of hearts)
Nature: Resolute (2 of helms)
Reputaton: Adventurer
Social Status: Commoner

Agility: 9D
Reason: 8C
Dexterity: 8D
Perception: 8A
Endurance: 4D
Spirit: 8C
Strength: 4D
Presence: 7C

Melee weapon: Short Sword
Missile weapon: Light Crossbow
Armor: Leather
Shield: None

History: Sparkplug was born 60 years ago in Mount Nevermind. His childhood was the norm for a gnome. He heavy dose of science and engineering. He found a great delight in the area of physics, expeccially electricity. In that area he excell and was given the Life Quest of studing electricity. He has discovered many thing in this field, on of his main discoverys was how to store electical charge.
Game Statitics: He has superior hearing and touch. He also has diminished sight making him wear reading glasses.
Appearance: Sparkplug is a middle aged gnome at about 60 years old. He has Blue eyes and white hair that stands on end. He wears reading glasses.
Player: Joshua Koch

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