The Last Heroes Tomb stands in a field near Solace. It was built a few decades past by the people of Ansalon. The building is made of fine black obsidian and polished white marble that had been hauled by dwarven artisans from the kingdom of Thorbardin.
The tomb has two exquisitely crafted doors. One is gold and etched with the image of a rose; the other is silver and has an etching of a lily in the center. Above the sealed doors the name Tasslehoff Burrfoot had been painstakingly carved under the carving of a hoopak.
All around the tomb grew trees that had been brought by elves from the Silvanesti and Qualinesti forests. They stand tall and can stand against unpredictable weather and shade the shrine's frequent visitors.
Inside the tomb lie the bodies of the knights of Takhisis and the Knights of Solamnia who fought and fell in the Abyss. Their names are engraved on the blocks that made up the tomb's outer walls, as are the names of knights whose bodies could not be recovered. The body of the famous Tanis Half-elven, Hero of the Lance and leader of the Companions also rests here.
For veteran Dragonlance players, DMs, and readers, this tomb brings up many memories. We all remember Tanis' struggles with wet eyes and heavy hearts. His heart torn between Kitiara and Laurana touched all of us, perhaps because we all have a little Half-elven within us. And we all cried when Tanis and Laurana had their happy ending in Dragons of Spring Dawning. We all sniffle just a little when we remember Tasslehoff, sliding down the sewer chute in Xak Tsaroth, landing in the bakery, and getting covered in flour. And a heartfelt chuckle arises from more than one of us when we remember Tas' adventure with Fizban and Sestun in the bowels of Pax Tharkas. The final battle with Chaos looms opening in our memories. When Tas gave his life to save Krynn, there was an emptiness in us all.
And with the dramatic conclusion to Dragons of Summer Flame, Krynn was thrust into its Fifth Age. This page is dedicated to those whod died in the Chaos Wat. To those brave souls who defeated Krynn, and gave it a second chance. To the valiant knights of silver and onyx who rode, bearing Dragonlances, into the Abyss. To the child of light and darkness, who learned that all we need is each other. To the troubled half-elf who led a rag-tag band of adventurers into the War of the Lance, and preserved the Balance. And last, but certainly not least, this page is dedicated to a certain irrepressable kender, who will always hold a warm place in all of our hearts.
Rick Aalderks
Tassolhoff Burrfoot wasn't the idealistic hero on Krynn but that
never stopped him from hitching a ride along with his group of unique
friends. Most people think of kender as pests and menaces. For most
kender this may be true but not Tas. Tassolhoff new the times to be fun
and the times for seriousness. I don't even think the heel of Chaos
hurt as much as the kender's loss of his best friend on Krynn Flint
Fireforge. Its ironic that among the group of heroes Tassolhoff was at
the funeral of three of them. The first two he was mornning the loss of
his friends, the third it was his friends-and all of Krynn- that were
morning his loss. In the words of the Forest Master" We don't morn the
loss of those who die fulfilling there destiny." And Tassolhoff's
destiny was surly fulfilled.
For those who would like to say something in honor of Tanis Half-elven, Tasslehoff Burrfoot, and the Knights of Tahkisis and Solamnia who died in the Abyss, e-mail me and I will post your message as soon as possible.