Description: True Kender Male
Role: Magic Collector
Demeanor: Rash (6 of moons)
Nature: Optomistic (2 of shields)
Reputation: Champion (Quests 9, Hand 5)
Social Status: Commoner (Wealth 3)
Agility: 7X
Reason: 7C
Dexterity: 8B
Perception: 6B
Endurance: 5D
Spirit: 6C
Strength: 4C
Presence: 4C
Melee weapon: Dagger (Dmg +2)
Missile weapon: Hoopak (Dmg +3)
Armor: Leather (Def -2)
Shield: None (Def 0)
History: Juggle Whisperwillow is truly a kender among kender. Born a short time after the Dragon Purge began, this little handler lives for excitement. Particularly he is fascinated by magic, and fancies himself a collecter of magical items. Although he has no skill in either sorcery or mysticism, he is able to (and often does)use these artifacts, which he carries around in a supposedly magical bottemless pouch. No one knows where he got them all, though being a close friend of the copper dragon Clang's, he is in prime position to waylay travelers on their way to the Tower of Wayreth. Unfortunatly, Juggle has never gotten around to labeling his many rings and scrolls, so the effect of the magic he might unleash is totally unpredictable. Understandably, few ever dare to travel with this handler, the most dangerous kender on Krynn.
Game Statistics: Sight+, Many assorted magical items(player or narrarator's choice)
Appearance: Age: 23, Hair: Brown, Eyes: Green, Height: 3'8", Sex: M, Weight:
Distinguishing Features: Wears "Glasses of True Seeing", many pouches full of rings,
scrolls, rods, etc.
Player: Matt DeBias