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The Dragonlance 15th Anniversary Collection

© 1999 by Eric Jwo. All material on this website may not be copied for any reason whatsoever without the expressed consent of its author.
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The Outer Rim of the Obsidian Circle

The Obsidian Circle is composed primarly of two circles. The Inner circle consists of the shadowmages. These mages are full members of this clandestine association, and wield the true power of this organization. The second circle, or the Outer Rim, as it is called, consists of applicants, apprentice shadowmages, honorary shadowmages, and covert agents working for the order.
Mages who are deemed worthy are approached by a member of the Inner Circle, and if deemed applicable, they join the Outer Rim. Mages who further the cause of the Obsidian Order without joining are considered members of the Outer Rim. Apprentice mages learning the secrets of the Obsidian Ordr are also considered members of the Outer Rim until they become full-fledged mages and are able to wield their sorcerous power wisely. The Order also has numerous contacts wit non-mages. These include spies, mercenaries, mystics, and fighters. These join theOuter Rim, and are completely loyal to the Order. They are paid well, and usually report to a member of the Inner Circle.
Members of the Outer Rim know little about the Obsidian Order. They know that the Order is dedicted to the study of sorcery and that they are looking for a way into realms beyond, but that's it. They don't know o the existance of the Dwelling, or even Shade. However, these members of the Outer Rim will still follow any orders their masters give them. Members of the Outer Rim who wield sorcery can advance once they have proven themselves worthy, and capable. Once they join the Inner Circle, they advance normally.
If a Narrator wants to give a hero a chance to join the Obsidian Circle, he can initiate the hero into the Outer Rim. Members of the Outer Rim rarely know each other; usually they just report to a member of the Inner Circle. Even non-sorceers can join the Outer Rim. After a hero has been in the Outer Rim long enough(he/she has raised his/her Reputation Category by one), he/she can opt to join the Inner Circle and learn the full plan of the Obsidian Order.
Members of the Outer Rim are considered exendable, so if a member messes up the Order will withdraw its hand, and leave the person to their fate.

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