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The Wonderfull World of Dan

Welcome to my page, i know it sucks but there we are. it is being constantly updated with new features and links, so hopfully u will come back another time and see how it has improved. also i have added a list of mates homepages, so you can visit them if you are not satisfied with my page!

Go to the bottom of this page and click the illistrations and pic's to go to my specific pages
By the way, if you can be arsed (which you obviously won't be)You can find me on yahoo chat as 'animal003'or'SUCK_MY_SCHLONG_98'

Dan's Carman Electra Shrine

Dan's Cameron Diaz Page

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Bruce's Home Page
The Adam Smith Home Page
The Morglum site - cheats with a sadistic theme
