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Snowboarding 1080

Mountian village tip!
Towards the end of the Mountain Village in 1080 on the left side you will see a road that goes up a hill. Go up the hill at full speed and keep pressing up on the control stick so that you wont loose speed . At the top hang a right hand turn and jump. Do as many moves as you can while you are flying. you will stay in the air for 7-8 seconds. This jump is perfect for performing breath taking stunts like a 1080.

Halfpipe start bonus


Get Every Trick in Training Easily

    Here's a cool trick to easily clear all tricks in the Training Mode (so that you can get the Penguin Board). Go into the Training Mode with any character and do a couple of the simple tricks (so that they turn red in the trick list). Then, when you get to a trick you can't do, go to your trick list and pick a real easy trick (like a board grab). Do the easy trick and immediately press C-Right to go back into the trick list while you are still in the air. Now select the trick you can't do (like a 1080, for example) and go back into the game. Land your board and the game will think you actually did that trick.

    Submitted by Joshua Goldman (


Intro Camera

    Press C-up during the intro movie and move the control pad around to have full camera control (just like during the game).

    Submitted by Eric Scott



Rappin' Replay

    During the View Replay option for the Half Pipe mode you can add record scratches to the backround. To do this, move the control stick in any direction during the Half Pipe Replay. NOTE: This cheat only works in the Half Pipe mode replay.
    Submitted by: Rump-Town

Back Flip

    Note: Only the Panda Boarder can do this trick

    When in the air, press R and down on the analog stick. Panda will now perform a back flip in the air, worth 100 points. You can also perform this move close to the ground.



Crystal Boarder

    With any character clear the expert mode. Now on the character selection screen select Akari. Press C-Left and then A (you should be on the sceen that shows character technique, speed, balance, power and jump). If you've done it correctly you will see Akari's picture replaced with the Crystal Boarder at the track selection screen.
The crystal boarder reflects everything around him and is a very cool character

Deadly Fall Course

    In Match race, beat the six courses on expert mode. This will unlock the Deadly Fall course.
Beating the expert mode match race unlocks the track

Dragon Cave Course

    In Match race, beat the five courses on hard mode. This will unlock the Dragon Cave course.
Beating the match race on hard mode unlocks this course

Fast Start

    To get an extra push at the start (or after you fall), simply tap the control stick forward. Timing is everything. At the start of the race, wait until the announcer is about to say "Go!"

Front Flip

    Note: Only the Panda Boarder can do this trick

    When in the air, press R and up on the analog stick. Panda will now perform a front flip in the air, worth 100 points. You can also perform this move close to the ground.


Metal Boarder

    Win the expert mode with the Crystal boarder. Now on the character selection screen highlight Kensuke. Press C-Up, and then A (you should be on the sceen that shows character technique, speed, balance, power and jump). If you've done it correctly you will see Kensuke's picture replaced with the Metal boarder at the track selection screen.
You'll need to use the crystal boarder to get the gold one, but it's worth it

One Foot

    Note: Only the Panda Boarder can do this trick

    When in the air, press B and down on the analog stick. Your Panda will now do a one-foot trick in the air, worth 400 points.


Panda Boarder

    First, you need to beat the Extra Mode. Next, get rid of all EAD scores in the Trick, Time, and Contest Modes (come in first, second and third. It doesn't matter what initials you use -- but in the end, there should be no EAD records left). Now on the character selection screen highlight Rob. Press C-right and then A (you should be on the sceen that shows character technique, speed, balance, power and jump). If you've done it correctly you will see Rob's picture replaced with the Panda Boarder at the track selection screen.
Panda big-head mode is one of the more interesting codes in the game

Panda Tweak

    Note: Only the Panda Boarder can do this trick

    When in the air, press R and move the analog stick in a counterclockwise circle, then press R and left (reverse these controls to do a Panda Tweak in the opposite direction). This trick earns you 300 points.


Penguin Board

    In training mode perform all 24 tricks (including both 1080s). Now, at the board selection screen highlight the Tahoe 151 board and press C-down followed by A.
