Star Fox
1.)Zoness to Sector Z-In Zoness, if you shoot down all the spotlights on the stage, you
then go to Sector Z when you complete the stage.
2.)Get to Aquas-All you have to do is get a score of 100 or higher in Sector Y to
warp to Aquas, the submarine level.
Warp to Sector Z.
3.)Warp to Sector Z-In Sector X, keep left at all times. You will eventually hit an area where you have to quickly destroy white gates to pass through
them. Destroy and pass through all of them to warp.
4.)Warp to Titania-Near the end of the Meteo Field, you should see rings made of
sharp triangles pointing inward. Go through one and you jet
forward in a barrel roll. Go through all of them (very tough) and it
will make you go fast enough to warp.
5.)Get to Katarina-At the end of Sector X, shoot the head off the boss with the big
hands. When the second one grows, dodge him, and let Slippy
come in. He will get hit by him and fly off to Katarina. Kill the
boss and that's your next stage...to find Slippy!
6.)Corneria to Sector Y-In Corneria, when Falco is being attacked by three ships, help
him by killing the ships. When you get to the water part with the
rock arches, go under every arch. Then head right into the
waterfall. Falco will guide you to an alternate boss, which, when
defeated, leads you to Sector Y.
Email: dwaldo@hotmail.com