Star Wars
1.) To veiw the Ending type 'credits' as your player name.
2.) To play as AT-ST, Wampa, or Snowtrooper first set your controls to traditional. Then set the difficulty level to medium or anything above. Now put your name as _Wampa__Stompa (_=one space and __=two spaces). To play as AT-ST, go to Battle of Hoth. While facing the At-St's, press Left+Right-C, Up, then change veiws until you are the AT-ST. Use the d-pad to control them.
To play as Wampa, go to either Echo bace or Gall spaceport and do the code above.
To play as a Snowtrooper you can do this at either Gall spaceport, Echo Base, Imperial freighter Suprosa, Sewers of the Imperial city, and Xizor's Palace. Press Right+Right-C, Up, then Change veiws. Again use the d-pad to control him.
Email: dwaldo@hotmail.com