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Available for the First Time in 130 Years

St. Paul, Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Stillwater, Minnesota

Drawn between 1867 and 1879


*All Homes and Neighborhoods of the Day*
*Churches Built by Those Early Congregations*
*Bustling Waterfront Lumber Mills*
*Trees, Hills, Bluffs, and Streams*

In the Fall of 1869, four years after the Civil War, Albert Ruger, an accomplished urban illustrator, made a pencil sketch of Stillwater. The Stillwater Republican wrote that Ruger's sketch "shows every street, and the name of same, and the buildings are clearly defined, and properly located that every citizen can point out his own residence be it ever so small."

In 1879 Albert Ruger returned to Stillwater to again draw the prosperous city, which had doubled in size. The Stillwater Gazette wrote, "The picture will be valuable as a present map of the city, and will in the future possess great interest for reference."

Remarkably Accurate and Scrupulously Detailed
A Thoroughly Documented Guidebook
Complete with Footnotes

View an example of Mr. Ruger's work.

--- 1867 Bird's Eye View of St. Paul
$22.00 + $1.30 sales tax,
plus $4.00 for mailing tube and postage

--- 1867 Bird's Eye View of Minneapolis
$22.00 + $1.30 sales tax,
plus $4.00 for mailing tube and postage

--- ONE (1870 or 1879) Bird's Eye View of Stillwater and Guidebook:
$25.00, plus $1.63 tax,
plus $5.00 for mailing tube and postage (FREE DELIVERY in ZIP Code 55082).

--- BOTH (1870 & 1879) Bird's Eye Views of Stillwater and Guidebook:
$40, plus $2.60 tax,
plus $5.00 for mailing tube and postage (FREE DELIVERY in ZIP Code 55082).

To Order Send a Check to:
EMPSON ARCHIVES P.O. Box 791 Stillwater, MN 55082
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