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Washington County Maps

We just reprinted the only two BIRD'S EYE VIEW 0F STILLWATER, 1870 & 1879. These were both drawn by Albert Ruger, in his usual accurate and meticulous style. Every house and building in the city is drawn to scale as seen from the Wisconsin shore. The streets are labeled, the first Stillwater (toll) bridge is drawn in detail, and other historic buildings e. g. Minnesota's first Courthouse can be readily identified. The maps are accompanied by a 22 page booklet, written by Donald Empson with detailed (and footnoted) information on the maps. Here is an online example of a Bird's Eye View map of Stillwater by Albert Ruger. For more information on ordering any of our Bird's Eye View maps, click here.

We hope to publish annotated reproductions of the 1912 ATLAS OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. But in the meantime, we can offer color copies of the individual townships listing property owners, some geographic features, rural schools, and a host of other useful historical information. Here is a section of Grant Township.

EMPSON ARCHIVES P.O. Box 791 Stillwater, MN 55082
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