mah 411

Name- erica

Age- 15

Birthday: auGust 6
Siblings- Monica..(13)

Status- siNgLe..who wants me?

Fave color: GREEN!!

Fave food: chinese food

Best class: gym

Fave sports: Tennis and basketball

iNstruMenTS: pIaNo, fLuTe.....

Personality: uh, i'm a smart ditz, make sense? my friends think i'm sweet, funny, and just plain happy.. =)

wHat i lOok foR in A gUy: cute in my eyes, sweet, trustworthy, smart, having a nice body is a bonus, knows how to make his gurl happy.. (if you're like this, give me a call) heheheheh...

Music: i'm more of a pop gurlie.. but i listen to everything..

Occupation: student at mount pleasant

Pet peeves: clingy people..eughh

Likes:long hot showers on cold winter days.. *sigh* that's the life... guys.. flowers

ok, so what else?
