More of mY frienDs

hiya! yooh guyz are put in this page cuz i didn't have any room on the other one so don't feel any more or less special than you already are....=)

  • Lauren T.-hey lauren, sup?i guess i will see you at, that's when you can continue you secret affair with chrissy boy..hehe, rite? think about it...

  • brYan- hey b-dawg...gosh, i still dont' get this ghetto thing.hehe, well, last year was great for me, having one of the reasons cuz we became closer don't regret all of it..esp. me..=) stay cute sweetie..

  • aNdRew-hey! lil soft hair dude..10 years from now, you are going to regret ever sucking up to chrissy..and not being as nice to your sweet friend erica...but that's're still mah buddy..

  • Danny- hey(no one will kno)..sorrie fer takin a lil too long writin dis..jest wanted to say yer a great guy wit really deep thoughts..and a kewl style of writing..guess you gotta be like that when yer in to yas later..

  • saM- hi! you made band and all the parties really fun...and interesting..hehe, it's kewl that you'll be going to mount wit me, then you can see me get really hyper when i'm on my crack again...
  • sTephanie- shr fan ni! hehe, thanks for helpin me survive our class this year...wasn't it interesting? you got to know everyone...rite? and our lil gossips about people..very amusing, talk to you later and remember, much luv from evica

  • biLL- sMiLeY! classes with you were could always crack me up so easily...everything from you lil jokes in homeroom from your ass in the made a lasting impression..hehe, buddy, don't forget me, i'll miss you at mount...

  • cRaiG e- this year was sooo fun with you for me...getting to know you was sumthing that i'll always remember...everything from band to the parties...dorney to watching austin powers wit ya..grr..yea..hehe, luved ur party!

  • JeN- hey! school's over!! oh well, we have tons of awesome memories...from all of our six classes together to field trips and all the other stuff, very fun...and then all of talking behind other people's backs..hehe, but anyways, i'll miss you at mount, and i can't wait to see you carrying a drum..

    jereMy- hey dogg.. parties were esp. awesome wit you acting like yourself...i'm glad you're at mount.. and one day, i will make you have a party...

    jEnny- hey cuz...i can't believe we sneaked in to watch big daddy, well, south park was fun, but i didn't kno why you were laughing so loud...hmm, water thing was fun..hehe, daymn, we got chia soaked, and your room, and your bathroom....

    eRic- hey babe..miss me? i'm proud of ya...i kno i'm your favorite freshman..=) thanks for makin gym a lil more fun.. LUV YA!!!

    pHillip- or should i just call you azn sensation? oh pleasseee..hehe, j/k, dude, i had a blast with you this summer.. even tho you totally killed me in tennis, it was still fun.. i kno you won't forget me, cuz it's just impossible..hehe

    ShanNon- hapPy? if i knew you had aol i would of put this way sooner.. it's kewl that we are back at the same school once again... wow, you're loud..hehe, but that just makes you how you are.. stay cool.. bye bye

    TamarA- hiya! wow, this year has gone soo incredibly interesting.. we have gotten a whole lot closer even tho it was because of those long phone calls about certain someones.*cough*your boyfriend*cough* or the subject of "my guys" hehe..well, me signing, the ditz =)

  • CrAig a.-cRaig!!!thAnks foR helPin my fReshmen year to b so great.. u are such a nice guy,my senior friend, we are gonna have so much fun in mb this year,'member,i'm expectin my name on ur last words..luv ya!
    THE LIST AIN'T OVER if you're not here..i'm prolly still working on it..
