Erica's page

hey!WeLcoMe to mY liL paGe..i'm eRica and i'M u weLcomIng hea.. whIle u're loOkin aroUnd cHeck oUt my can find out about me on my 411 After you're done, leave your mark in my guestbook...k? cuz they erased my 100 some entries. sChooL and teNnis is taKin mOst of tiMe, theRefoRe it'S haRd to updAte...aNywaYs.. eNjoY!bYe byE

Page updated on june 30..i think ,1999
shoutoutz updated nov 27


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My 411
Shoutoutz to Mah Buddies
More shoutoutz to my friends
Luvly Quotes
What Guyz Names Mean
Another one of dem guyz meanings
Kyute Graphics
Sum Anime Here
True Friends
Just Sum Shtuffz
This page is still in MAJOR CONSRUCTION... email me if ya want to be linked to mah page...Luv ya babe =)

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