
Setting: dark and gloomy night under a full moon....at a deserted sandy beach..

A pretty seventeen year old girl is running in the deep forests towards the beach. She wears only a long buttoned down man's shirt. She is trying hard to run away from something... A 40 year old man is chasing after her. He finally catches up to her and grabs her and pulls her down on to the floor.. "why did u run away? u are so stupid...did u think that i wouldn't be able to find u? "please, don't hurt me, i promise i won't ever run away again!".she begs on her knees, the old man looks at her and says... "fine, i'll only give u 3 this time..but u had better never do this again.." She seems relieved that she onlys gets so few....as if she had gotten many before.....He takes her shirt off so that her back is revealed..All over her back are all these circular holes and scars..... He takes a circular razor out of his pocket and puts it towards her skin so it goes down to the bone. Leaving a mark of no skin and blood pouring out of em.. He does this three times. It's shocking that he found spaces for them. considering her back was so filled..she quietly puts her shirt back on and doesn't murmur a breath of pain....he seems satisfied and starts to walk home.....she follows. but she is in so much pain that she walks slowly...all of a sudden, a man in a brown trench coat and hat wit black hair appears....he says to her" do u know me?" she shakes her head no. He then gets out a gun.....and puts it up to her head "i know who u are...i know ur mother too...now i'm going to relieve ur pain like i did to her's..." and then he shots her in da head...she doesnt' make a sound.she simply slumps down into his arms....he then gently set her on the beach and walks away........ Isn't dis soo damn freaky? Dis story wuz dreamt by my bud Li...so she has the credit this..hope ya enjoyed it...

Email: cherry3484@aol.com