![]() Chaos Fiend: Undead. Co 8, Ph 24, In 12, Es 12, Dmg +16, Def -12, also regenerate, disintegrate, death [gaze], aura [fear], summon [daemon warriors], resistant to sorcery, immune to mentalism, normal weapons, poison, and pyromancy.
A chaos fiend appears different to anyone who views one. Everyone who views one sees his or her own worst nightmare. However, a chaos fiend always has glowing red eyes, gnashing fangs, and horrendous spikes jutting from its body. Because of this, the action to avoid its fear aura is challenging rather than average.
I wrote up this creature because of a contest in DRAGON #254. The Contest is called the "Beastly Research" Contest. I am going to send a condensed version in. Wish me good luck! ![]() |
Chaos fiends are among the most horrendous creatures ever to tread on Krynn. They are minions of Chaos, much like daemon warriors and shadow-wights. However, Chaos Fiends were not among the horrors that besieged Krynn during the Summer of Chaos. Chaos Fiends were created after Chaos and the gods were banished from Krynn. Bitter because of the loss of their Creator, daemon warriors vented their rage upon the inhabitants of Krynn. However, without their all-powerful Father to aid them, the stranded minions of Chaos were not powerful enough to complete their glorious plan of annihilation. In order to fulfill their twisted dreams and to replenish their diminishing ranks, a large collective of daemon warriors called upon the dark magicks infesting their souls. The first, and only creation recorded of a chaos fiend, was discovered by a notable band of adventurers. The adventurers had been following up the destruction of a village, which eventually led them on the trail of a group of daemon warriors. When the adventurers followed the daemon warriors, they discovered a small "chaos mark" buried deep in the ranges of the Khalkists. There, they witnessed the demonic birth of a chaos fiend. Only one man of the ten adventurers escaped. The survivor, Dregallen, a half-elf electromancer, managed to escape alone after his comrades were slaughtered. "We arrived at the scene a little after dusk. Kruger, our barbarian warrior, wanted to leave, as he was uneasy about being in a 'chaos mark.' However, we convinced him to stay. The twelve daemon warriors had captured a large group of innocents, and we just couldn't leave them to die. There were about two dozen of them, all bound. Curious though, since daemon warriors usually kill their prey." "They began to chant eerily in the strange grove that they had brought their victims. The ground was pitch black, like the night sky, and the trees surrounding the grove, and us, were twisted and warped like a child's nightmare. Then, abruptly, the chanting stopped. One of the daemon warriors, the leader, I guess, pulled out a black knife. Then, he began slaughtering the hostages. Enraged, Telthin, our mystic charged into the scene. My comrades and I had no choice but to follow him. Two of the daemon warriors screeched in surprise and fury and charged at us. The other ten, however, did nothing and continued to slaughter the hostages. Enraged, we attempted to force our ways through the attacking daemon warriors, but already, my comrades and I were affected by their fear auras. I admit, even I stood shaking in my boots at the fierce demons. With the death of the last hostage, a blinding flash of light filled the twisted clearing, and we were all blinded. When the light vanished, the ten daemon warriors and dozed slaughtered hostages were gone. Standing on the ground soaked with the blood of the innocents was a horrid demon of massive proportions. It looked like a large daemon warrior, with spikes jutting from its body and fangs as long as a man's sword. But the eyes terrified me the most and one look into its horrid eyes tore into my mind. I was overcome with fear, and . . . I ran. I can still hear the screams of my comrades sometimes, in my worst nightmares, mingled with the laughter of that fiend." Dregallen described the chaos fiend as being twice the size of a normal human being. A chaos fiend is heavily muscled, with sharp spikes jutting from its body. Like a daemon warrior, a chaos fiend tends to appear as its viewer's worst nightmare. Like a daemon warrior, a chaos fiend also exudes an aura of fear. A chaos fiend also has many terrible powers. A chaos fiend can disintegrate a man with beams of deadly light from its hands. One look from a chaos fiend's eyes can kill a man instantly. The awesome of a chaos fiend's powers is, however, the ability to create more daemon warriors. A chaos fiend can summon several daemon warriors to his side in dire situations. However, these daemon warriors vanish after their usefulness ends. To permanently summon a daemon warrior, a chaos fiend must slay ten men. The daemon warriors who summoned the first chaos fiend knew this and they expected their chaos fiend to obey them and create a vast army for them. However, chaos fiends are chaotic beings and they are also highly intelligent creatures. They take no orders from anyone, even another minion of chaos. For this trait the people of Krynn can be thankful for, because it makes the chance of an army of daemon warriors a minor possibility. To create a chaos fiend, ten daemon warriors must complete a horrific ritual known only to the minions of chaos. Ten daemon warriors must be sacrificed, along with at least twenty innocents. Once the blood of the innocents is spilled, their bodies, along with the ten dameon warriors, all vanish and are replaced with a chaos fiend. No one knows what became of the first chaos fiend. He slaughtered his former "masters" and left a trail of destruction through the wilderness. Currently, the Academy of Sorcery is attempting to locate the beast and learn more about it. Rewards have been offered for any information leading to the death or the capture of the chaos fiend. Although the original daemon warriors who first summoned the chaos fiend have been slain, other might learn of how to summon a chaos fiend, and more desperate beings could create another chaos fiend.