 By Eric Jwo
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Adventure Background
Forty years ago, the village of Windbough was terrorized by a rogue green dragon named Razor. Razor slew half the villagers and flattened half of the village. Things looked bleak for the villagers of Windbough, until a half-elf Knight of Solamnia named Koryn uth Wyrrmdus arrived. Koryn had fought in the War of the Lance with his red-robed wife Alleayha and his fellow Solamnic Knights. He arrived at Windbough and decided to help the villagers. With his magical sword Wyrmdeath and his wife at his side, Koryn slew the green dragon Razor and brought peace back to the land. However, his wife was killed in the titanic battle. Deciding to "retire" from active duty, Koryn settled down in Windbough with his son and his daughter. The villagers gave him the surname "Wyrmdeath," after his sword, and the legend of Koryn Wyrmdeath was born.
Unknown to all, Razor had a small nest of hatchlings hidden in the forest. All of these wyrms died except for one. Calling himself Blade, this wyrmling began to gather followers and plot his revenge on both Koryn Wyrmdeath and the village of Windbough. Wary of revealing himself to the outside world and risking being slain by one of the Great Dragons, Blade has plotted and grown in power for many years.
Now, Blade is ready to enact his revenge. He has a loyal troupe of draconian warriors who follow his every command. Knowing that he cannot openly destroy the village without revealing himself to any other hostile wyrms, Blade plans to use his draconians to destroy the village. But first, he plans to lure Koryn away from the village so that he may personally deal with the knight who slew his mother.
What Blade did not count on, however, is the presence of the heroes. With skill and a bit of luck, the heroes may be able to save Koryn Wyrmdeath's life, defeat Blade and his draconian minions, and save the village of Windbough from destruction.
eryl, whom we call the Green
Peril, has slain so many of our
kinsmen. Our numbers are less than half what they were a few years ago. It will take centuries to recover, to become as strong as we once were. Perhaps we will never be the same nation again.
-An elven freedom fighter despairs over Qualinesti's situation
The Eve of the Maelstrom
"Dragon Hunt" is a short Dragonlance: Fifth Age adventure for two to six heroes of Novice to Hero reputation. If this is adventure only has two heroes, then these heroes should be of Hero reputation, whereas if the adventure is used for six heroes, they should all be of Novice rating.
Act One: The Hunt Begins
Scene One: The Lone Survivor
This adventure takes place in a small village named Windbough located in central Abanasinia. The heroes may begin a campaign here, or they may have simply been passing through.
The heroes are passing through the village of Windbough when a bedraggled man crawls into the village. The poor man is horribly wounded and he claims to have been attacked by a green dragon. He pleads with the heroes to sally forth and slay the dragon that slew his companions.
Getting Started
The heroes are expected to all know each other. The heroes should all be on relatively good terms with each other and ideally they should have had a prior adventure or two together.
The Narrator should let his imagination run loose on the town of Windbough. Although details on that town are not furnished in this adventure, an ambitious Narrator may lavish this town with as much detail as he feels fit.
First Impressions
The small village of Windbough is a quaint little town. The people appear to be friendly and there seems to be no sign of the danger and intrigue that plagues adventurers such as you. The village seems to offer a brief respite after the harrowing adventures that have recently come to pass.
However, your vacation is cut short as a man covered in rags and dripping blood stumbles into the village. Groaning, he collapses in what serves as the village square. Worried villagers gather around the fallen man as more of his blood stains the dirt.
The Story Continues
Ideally, the heroes should rush to the stranger's aid, and any possessing healing magic should heal the stranger's wounds. He is down to 1 Endurance point out of 4 Endurance points.
If and when the heroes aid the wounded man, he says the following:
Thank you my friends, but a greater evil lurks in the forest! My companions. . . all dead! We were attacked by a dragon! It was as large as a house with glowing red eyes and talons as long and sharp as a scythe! The dragon laughed a terrible laugh as he tore my friends apart, saying that our village was next! You m-must get Koryn Wyrmdeath! He can slay the dragon and save the village! You. . . must get Koryn Wyrmdeath! You must. . . !
For information on Koryn Wyrmdeath and the Adventure Background, consult the above sidebar. The villagers will bring Koryn to the wounded man's side, but first the heroes may attempt to question the stranger. The following is the basic information that the wounded man will divulge:
- His name is Brian Dearthwood, and he is a merchant who was traveling back from Solace with several of his business partners.
- The dragon that attacked them was a green dragon approximately thirty feet in length.
- Koryn Wyrmdeath is a famous dragon slayer who saved Windbough twenty years ago from a green dragon.
After the heroes have had a chance to question Dearthwood, read the following out loud:
Gasps and sighs of excitement fill the air as the crowd of villagers part for a man clad in full plate mail armor accompanied by two other people. The plate mail's intricate markings bear the images of the Kingfisher, the Rose, the Crown, and the Sword; all symbols of a Knight of Solamnia. Mutters of, "Look! There's Koryn Wyrmdeath!," and "He'll save us all!" erupt from the pensive crowd.
Koryn looks impressive in his shining plate mail, standing just over six feet. The villagers look at him with reverent awe as he approaches the wounded man.
"You must slay the dragon!" gasps the wounded man as Koryn Wyrmdeath kneels next to him. "You must!"
Koryn is accompanied by his daughter Emelia and his son Kordyr. Emilia is dressed in red robes and carries a staff. Kordyr is dressed in scale mail and carries a mace.
Kordyr studied mysticsm at the Citadel of Light, so he will heal the wounded man of all wounds if the heroes have not already done so.
"I will slay the dragon," announces Koryn Wyrmdeath. The crowd cheers at his proclamation. "My daughter Emilia and my son Kordyr will accompany me!"
Turning to the wounded man, Koryn asks, "Will you lead us to the foul serpent my good man?"
After acknowledging the man's enthusiastic nod, Koryn turns to the crowd of villagers and rests his eyes on you. "Who among you will accompany us to slay the foul wyrm? Who is brave enough to battle a dragon?"
At this point, the heroes should speak up. If they are reluctant to volunteer, then they will find themselves thrust into the center of the ring of villagers by the crowd. A villager will cry out,
"These are brave adventurers who arrived in our town recently! They can help slay the wyrm!" Turning, Koryn regards you with an appraising eye. Then, smiling, he asks, "Are you heroes brave enough to combat a dragon? Will you help save the village from the dragon?"
The heroes should be stuck by now, but if they still refuse, then go to the Outcome section.
Once the heroes comply and agree, Koryn makes the introductions. If none of the heroes has a magical weapon, then he supplies several (see: sidebar). He also allows the heroes to prepare and buy supplies. After all of this is taken care of, Koryn announces that it is time to depart.
When the wounded man enters the village, an air of rension and worry should be in the air. After all, who attacked this man? Who is this man? These questions and more should plague the heroes. They should also be concerned for the man's safety.
After Koryn arrives, the atmosphere should be one of awe. The villagers all idolize Koryn and the heroes should be curious about why. His proud bearing and Solamnic armor should be more than enough to impress the heroes to some degree.
The wounded man is actually a kapak draconian. The kapak is under a powerful alteration spell that altered his shape and made him resemble a man. The kapak is to lure the heroes into his master's trap. The heroes should have no reason to be suspicious of "Brian Dearthwood," but should they ask to examine him or anything, they must make the action below.
A divination spell or a sensitivity spell will also reveal the true identity of the kapak.
Detect Kapak
Action Ability: Perception
Opposition Ability: Reason
Difficulty: Desperate
Heroes who take an active interest in Brian Dearthwood should not suspect the man's true identity. However, players have a way of spoiling a Narrator's best-laid plans. Therefore, if a hero succeeds in this action, he immediantly realizes that something is wrong about Brian. He does not, however, immediately know that he is a kapak draconian.
Mishap: The hero finds nothing wong with Brian. Furthermore, Brian is offended by the hero's suspicions and he treats the hero rudely.
- Brian Dearthwood. Human adult male (kapak draconian), honest (deceitful) demeanor, Novice. Co 4, Ph 4, In 6, Es 5, Dmg +0 (unarmed), Def –0 (common clothing)*.
- Emilia uth Wyrrmdus. Half-elf young adult female, cunning demeanor, Adventurer. Ag 6X, Dx 8B, En 3D, Str 4C, Re 7A (49), Pe 8A, Sp 6C, Pr 5D, Dmg +2 (quarter staff), Def –0 (robes), also sorcery (summoning, geomancy, spectramancy), acute sight, and acute taste.
- Kordyr uth Wyrrmdus. Half-elf young adult male, brave demeanor, Adventurer. Ag 7C, Dx 6A, En 7B, Str 7A, Re 6C, Pe 6B, Sp 7A (49), Pr 7B, Dmg +6 (mace), Def –4 (scale mail), also mysticism (mentalism, healing, sensitivity) and acute smell.
- Koryn Wyrmdeath. Half-elf middle-aged adult male, valiant demeanor, Hero. Ag 6C, Dx 6A, En 8A, Str 8A, Re 6D, Pe 7B, Sp 6X (36), Pr 8A, Dmg +15 (Wyrmdeath), Def –7 (plate mail of distinction), also mysticism (channeling), acute hearing, and second weapon (mace/+6).
- Villagers. Humans of various ages and demeanors, Unknown. Co 4, Ph 4, In 5, Es 5, Dmg +0 (unarmed), Def –0 (common clothing).
* The statistics for Brian Dearthwood reflect his human state. His real statistics are that of a kapak draconian's, although he will retain his human form until a later time.
This scene should end with the heroes leaving the village with Koryn and company to slay the green dragon terrorizing the community. However, there are other, less desirable, ways for the scene to end.
- Should the heroes leave Windbough with Koryn and company, go to Act One: Scene Two.
- However, if the heroes refuse to aid Koryn slay the green dragon, or if the heroes discover "Brian Dearthwood's" true identity, go to Act Three: Scene Two.
New Magical Weapons
Should the heroes not have any magical weapons, Koryn will supply the following:
- Dracobane. Dracobane is a dagger of fame, lending a total damage of +8 to its wielder. Dracobane does double damage on dragons and dragonkin.
- Dragon Arrows. Koryn has a dozen arrows he calls dragon arrows. When fired from a bow at a dragon, they do double the damage. Therefore, shooting a dragon arrow from a longbow would add a damage rating of +14 to the archer. Take care to note how many are used, as there are only twelve.
- Koryn also has a broad sword of renown and two daggers of distinction.
Koryn also carries with him a potion of limited green dragon control. This potion was created by his wife before she died. Before the Chaos War and the loss of most magic, this potion allowed its drinker to gain a limited amount of control over green dragons. Now, however, the potion is severely limited. When consumed, the drinker may ask five questions of a single green dragon. The dragon must answer truthfully and cannot attack the drinker or his allies unless attacked first. However, once the last question is asked, or after an hour has passed, the dragon may attack. Since dragons usually have a dim view of being coerced into doing anything, this will probably be fatal for the drinker once the potion's duration is up.
Wyrmdeath. Wyrmdeath is Koryn's personal sword, and it is a long sword of glory. This sword does double damage against dragons and has the following powers:
- 1/day wyrmdeath can create a wall of stone 50 ft. x 50 ft. and 3 ft. thick. This wall lasts for half an hour.
- 3/day wyrmdeath can cast a lightning bolt that affects an individual and deals 12 damage.
- 1 day wyrmdeath can cast a large fireball that does 8 damage to up to ten people or 20 damage to one.
Wyrmdeath glows whenever a dragon is within far missile range, or approximately 200 feet away. It glows in accordance to the color of the dragon, so it would glow bright green if a green dragon was near.
Scene Two: The Hunt
This scene occurs just after Act One, Scene One. The heroes have just agreed to join Koryn Wyrmdeath and his children hunt down and slay the green dragon that attacked a merchant. The heroes should have tied up all loose ends in the town and the group should just be leaving the village and entering the woods.
The heroes enter the forests surrounding the village of Windbough in search of a green dragon. Here, the skills of the heroes may come in handy as they discover the marks left by the wyrm.
Getting Started
The Narrator need not furnish many details on the forest, yet it is recommended. The narrator should also review the statistics of the characters involved so that a dialog may form between them and the heroes.
First Impressions
The forest welcomes you into its open arms as you set forth to slay the dragon. Koryn Wyrmdeath is cordial enough, as is his son Kordyr, but his daughter Emilia seems aloof and distant. Brian Dearthwood talks incessantly about matters of trivial importance, such as why a Palanthian steel piece should be worth more than one from Neraka.
The forest seems alive with all manners of birds and insects. The sun shines down through the leaves of the trees, illuminating a world of green. Yet a dark undercurrent seems to underlie the beauty around you, as the dragon could be watching you at this very moment. Although you have the advantage of numbers, dragons are powerful and magical creatures. Also, you fight this one on its own territory.
The Story Continues
Brian Dearthwood leads the hunting party, but heroes find evidence of the presence of a dragon everywhere. The following descriptions should be read to the heroes at the appropriate times:
A giant, ancient tree looms in the path in front of you. Its massive trunk has been shattered and strewn about the forest floor like kindling. Huge claw marks wind their way up the sides of the decimated trunk like the runes on a dwarven marker.
A huge depression blocks the road in front of you. The deep pit looks as if the earth was torn apart to create this pit. At the bottom, filling up with water, is a large claw print.
Once Brian leads the heroes to the area where he and his companions were attacked, read the following:
A large clearing erupts out of the forest ahead. Blood mars the beauty of the clearing, as the life fluid stains the ground and trees. The stench of chlorine is overpowering and even causes your eyes to water.
Three corpses lie strewn about in the clearing next to the broken remains of a wagon. The bodies are nearly torn apart as if they died by the hand of some savage beast. The wagon is reduced to kindling, with no trace of its valuable cargo left.
"T-this is the place," stammers Brian as he moans in agony. "The d-dragon attacked us here.
"That's Sven Gothnor," he whispers as he points to one of the corpses. "That's Gregor Pipesmith and that's Terry Axford. They're all dead."
The initial foray into the forest should be filled with tension, as the heroes do not know when the dragon will strike. This tension should rise with each event.
After the heroes discover the clearing with Brian's dead companions, an air of solemnity and sorrow should arise. The death and horror of the clearing should be played up to its fullest. This scene should also serve to reinforce the heroes' dedication to slaying the dragon.
There are no special actions during this scene.
- Brian Dearthwood. Human adult male (kapak draconian), honest (deceitful) demeanor, Novice. Co 4, Ph 4, In 6, Es 5, Dmg +0 (unarmed), Def –0 (common clothing)*.
- Emilia uth Wyrrmdus. Half-elf young adult female, cunning demeanor, Adventurer. Ag 6X, Dx 8B, En 3D, Str 4C, Re 7A (49), Pe 8A, Sp 6C, Pr 5D, Dmg +2 (quarter staff), Def –0 (robes), also sorcery (summoning, geomancy, spectramancy), acute sight, and acute taste.
- Kordyr uth Wyrrmdus. Half-elf young adult male, brave demeanor, Adventurer. Ag 7C, Dx 6A, En 7B, Str 7A, Re 6C, Pe 6B, Sp 7A (49), Pr 7B, Dmg +6 (mace), Def –4 (scale mail), also mysticism (mentalism, healing, sensitivity) and acute smell.
- Koryn Wyrmdeath. Half-elf middle-aged adult male, valiant demeanor, Hero. Ag 6C, Dx 6A, En 8A, Str 8A, Re 6D, Pe 7B, Sp 6X (36), Pr 8A, Dmg +15 (Wyrmdeath), Def –7 (plate mail of distinction), also mysticism (channeling), acute hearing, and second weapon (mace/+6).
* The statistics for Brian Dearthwood reflect his human state. His real statistics are that of a kapak draconian's, although he will retain his human form until a later time.
The heroes simply continue on their way through the forest. Turn to Act Two, Scene One.
Act Two: Perils of the Hunt
Scene One: Owlbear Attack
The heroes are already well into the forest. Brian has led them to the clearing where the dragon had supposedly attacked his companions.
The heroes are at the scene of the green dragon's crime, yet the green dragon is nowhere to be found. While the heroes are contemplating where to go from here, a family of owlbears decides to make them all their dinner.
The heroes also get a chance to prove their woodland skills. Here, Yeoman heroes and other heroes with forest skills can help discover where the dragon went after destroying Brian's caravan.
Getting Started
The Narrator should review the details on the Owlbear as described in The Bestiary. If The Bestiary is unavailable, then the Narrator should review the Owlbear description in the Monster section of the Book of the Fifth Age.
First Impressions
The death and carnage around you assaults your senses. The bodies of Brian's three friends are horrible to look at. Yet, you must examine the clearing if you are to discover where the green dragon who caused this fled.
"Where do we go from here?" asks Koryn Wyrmdeath. "It seems we have reached a dead end."
You are puzzling over what to do next when you hear a terrible roar. Four large beasts erupt from the forest and bound towards you. They seem like large bears eight feet in length, except they are covered in feathers! Two large eyes surrounded by a mane of feathers glare evilly at you. A large beak protrudes where a muzzle should be and gnashes hungrily in your direction. In the time its takes to blink an eye, the four ravenous beasts attack!
The heroes engage the owlbears normally after they have been surprised.
After the heroes deal with the owlbears, they can continue their search for the dragon. While most attempts are handled through the actions listed below, heroes who come up with particularly ingenious ideas may attempt the actions at one degree less in difficulty. Heroes with trumps in forest actions or hunting, following, etc., may apply their trump bonuses to this situation.
The Battle
Heroes may attempt an action to detect the owlbears and avoid being surprised. However, if they fail, they are automatically surprised by the owlbears.
The four owlbears will try to divide the hunting party and kill one-by-one. This means, two of the owlbears will run through the heroes, breaking off one or two heroes. They will hold the others off while the other two owlbears attack the heroes who have been cut off from the group.
These owlbears are particularly afraid of fire, so every time pyromancy magic is used, the Narrator should flip over a random card from the Fate Deck. If the card is a Dragon card, then one owlbear retreats.
If two of the owlbears have fled or are killed, then the other two also attempt to flee.
In the beginning, the heroes should be stumped and wracking their brains for a way to track down the dragon. The owlbear attack should catch them off-guard.
Novice adventurers should be a little wary of the owlbears, since they probably have not seen their like in their adventuring days. Veteran heroes, however, will probably have faced an owlbear before and know what to expect.
Detect Owlbears
Action Ability: Perception
Opposition Ability: Agility
Difficulty: Challenging
The owlbears are stalking the heroes while they are examining the clearing. Alert heroes who proclaim that they are keeping an eye out for danger may make this action. Success means that he realizes the presence of the owlbears. If he alerts the rest of the party, then they are not surprised by the owlbears. If he does not succeed, then the party is surprised by the owlbears.
Mishap: The hero is so grossly negligent that he does not notice the owlbears until they are on top of him. One of the owlbears may perform a free attack on this hero along with a crush attack.
Find Trail
Action Ability: Perception
Opposition Ability: None
Difficulty: Challenging
Heroes who search diligently for the trail of the green dragon may perform this action. For particularly ingenious ideas, the Narrator may lower the difficulty of this action by one degree. A hero who succeeds discovers a large footprint and several bent trees that points the hunting party in the direction that the dragon went. Failure means that the hero cannot find any trace of the dragon.
Mishap: The hero sprains his ankle while searching. All physical actions are one degree more difficult until first aid is administered.
- Brian Dearthwood. Human adult male (kapak draconian), honest (deceitful) demeanor, Novice. Co 4, Ph 4, In 6, Es 5, Dmg +0 (unarmed), Def –0 (common clothing)*.
- Emilia uth Wyrrmdus. Half-elf young adult female, cunning demeanor, Adventurer. Ag 6X, Dx 8B, En 3D, Str 4C, Re 7A (49), Pe 8A, Sp 6C, Pr 5D, Dmg +2 (quarter staff), Def –0 (robes), also sorcery (summoning, geomancy, spectramancy), acute sight, and acute taste.
- Kordyr uth Wyrrmdus. Half-elf young adult male, brave demeanor, Adventurer. Ag 7C, Dx 6A, En 7B, Str 7A, Re 6C, Pe 6B, Sp 7A (49), Pr 7B, Dmg +6 (mace), Def –4 (scale mail), also mysticism (mentalism, healing, sensitivity) and acute smell.
- Koryn Wyrmdeath. Half-elf middle-aged adult male, valiant demeanor, Hero. Ag 6C, Dx 6A, En 8A, Str 8A, Re 6D, Pe 7B, Sp 6X (36), Pr 8A, Dmg +15 (Wyrmdeath), Def –7 (plate mail of distinction), also mysticism (channeling), acute hearing, and second weapon (mace/+6).
- Four Owbears. Animals. Co 6, Ph 17, In 3, Es 5, Dmg +12, Def –3, also crush.
* The statistics for Brian Dearthwood reflect his human state. His real statistics are that of a kapak draconian's, although he will retain his human form until a later time.
- Should the heroes defeat the owlbears and find the dragon's trail, go to Act Two, Scene Two.
- If the heroes are defeated by the owlbears or do not find the trail of the dragon, go to the Epilogue.
Scene Two: Waterfall of Death
The heroes have just visited the clearing where Brian and his companions were attacked. After surviving a run-in with several hungry owlbears, the heroes have managed to find the direction that the dragon went.
The heroes examine the tracks of the dragon and follow them onwards. They come across a waterfall, where Kordyr suggests that they stop for a drink. However, a of water weird has different plans for the heroes.
Getting Started
The Narrator should review the entry for a water weird in The Bestiary. If The Bestiary is unavailable, Narrator's can read the following to better understand a water weird:
Water weirds are similar to water elementals, except they are smaller and cannot survive out of water. They are made out of water and cannot be distinguished from water. Non-magical weapons or even fire or heat cannot harm water weirds. Water-weirds attack by rising out of a body of water and forming pseudopodia-like appendages to whip out and attack all living things. Their favorite tactic is to pull a hapless person into the water that they make their home in and drown them.
First Impressions
Your skills have finally yielded a clue to the dragon's whereabouts. You have found a massive footprint in the ground. Several trees have been knocked down next to the footprint, suggesting that the wyrm fled northwards.
"We go north then!" thunders Koryn as he marches forward through the underbrush.
The Story Continues
As the heroes continue onwards, they reach a majestic waterfall. Read the following:
A grand waterfall looms out of the forest. Nearly a hundred feet in height, the sparkling mountain water cascades off of the stone and reflects the golden rays of the sun to produce a magnificent sight. A small pool forms at the base of the waterfall, where the water collects.
The stench of chlorine is faint but detectable in the air. You can even see large claw marks along the side of the rocks forming the waterfall. Clearly, the dragon has been here.
"Look, there's a stone ledge that can serve as a path behind the waterfall," Koryn says. "We go that way."
The ledge is nearly twenty feet above the pool at the bottom of the waterfall, yet you can see that it does run behind the waterfall. It seems like the only dry way across the waterfall.
As the heroes pass under the waterfall, Kordyr suggests that they rest, and Koryn complies. As Kordyr walks to the edge of the ledge to collect some water in his waterskin, Kordyr addresses the heroes:
"My brave friends," the half-elf says. "You have been worthy companions so far in this journey. If we are to defeat this dragon, we need to work together as a team. Therefore, I will now tell you of my plan.
"My late wife concocted a potion that would allow its drinker to control a green dragon," Koryn says as he pulls out a vial. "While my daughter says that many potions have lost their enchantments since the Chaos War, I believe that this potion has not, at least, not completely. While I do not believe that this potion will allow us to control the green wyrm threatening Windbough, I do believe that this potion may give us the edge we will need in the upcoming battle."
"May I see it?" Brian asks as he reaches out his hand with eager, quivering eyes.
"I am sorry Brian Dearthwood," Koryn begins, "but I cannot allow you to endanger yourself by carrying this valuable potion."
Turning to you, Koryn holds out the potion and says, "The person who uses this potion must be pure and strong of heart. Who believes that they can use this powerful weapon?"
The heroes may argue among themselves, but the potion is meant for the hero with the strongest Spirit score.
Brian should be portrayed as suddenly nervous, as he realizes that the potion is a real threat to his master. He will ask whoever receives the potion to let him hold it. If the hero complies, then Brian will "accidentally" drop it and shatter the vial, rendering the potion useless.
Once the heroes have decided who gets to hold and use the potion, read the following:
"Hey, does anyone want me to fill up their waterskin?" asks Kordyr as he kneels in front of the edge of the ledge next to the waterfall filling up his own waterskin. The cheerful grin on his face suddenly disappears as he drops the wineskin. With a strangled cry, Kordyr falls over the ledge and through the waterfall. You can hear his splash as hits the water twenty feet below.
The Battle
Kordyr was pulled off of the ledge by a water weird. The water weird will attempt to suffocate Kordyr and pull in any person who comes too close to the edge of the ledge.
Only magical weapons and spells affect water weirds, so those thrusting their normal swords into the elementalkin will not harm it. Heroes falling into the water are subjected to a suffocating attack every round. In addition, all actions are one degree more difficult.
The water weird will attack until either it or the heroes are dead.
The atmosphere should be one of awe once the heroes reach the waterfall. They should be overwhelmed at the beauty of the waterfall.
Once the heroes learn of Koryn's plan, they should begin to have more confidence in their mission. The hero who received the potion should know the responsibility on his shoulders. The heroes should also be moderately suspicious of Brian Dearthwood, but not too much.
The attack on Kordyr should definitely scare the heroes. The heroes might not know what attacked their comrade. The deadly and alien nature of the water weird should be emphasized during the battle.
Avoid Suffocation
Action Ability: Endurance
Opposition Ability: Physique
Difficulty: Average
A hero who is pulled into the water by the water weird is subjected to a suffocation attack. Success in this action means that a hero can act normally, with all actions one degree harder in difficulty, for a number of rounds equal to half his Endurance score. After his is up, or, if the hero fails this action, he must attempt an unopposed Endurance action at the start of every exchange that the suffocate attack is in effect. This begins at average difficulty, but it becomes one degree more difficult each time. Once a hero fails this action, he suffers the penalty listed under the Mishap.
Mishap: The hero falls unconscious and will die in one minute unless the attack ceases.
Break to the Surface
Action Ability: Agility
Opposition Ability: Dexterity
Difficulty: Average
Instead of attacking during a normal round, a hero suffering from the water weird's suffocate may opt to go to he surface for air. If the attack succeeds, the hero loses all penalties of the water weird's suffocate attack, but he cannot attack this round. If unsuccessful, the hero simply loses his attack.
Mishap: The hero automatically fails his next Endurance check to stay conscious and he falls unconscious and will die in one minute unless the attack ceases.
- Brian Dearthwood. Human adult male (kapak draconian), honest (deceitful) demeanor, Novice. Co 4, Ph 4, In 6, Es 5, Dmg +0 (unarmed), Def –0 (common clothing)*.
- Emilia uth Wyrrmdus. Half-elf young adult female, cunning demeanor, Adventurer. Ag 6X, Dx 8B, En 3D, Str 4C, Re 7A (49), Pe 8A, Sp 6C, Pr 5D, Dmg +2 (quarter staff), Def –0 (robes), also sorcery (summoning, geomancy, spectramancy), acute sight, and acute taste.
- Kordyr uth Wyrrmdus. Half-elf young adult male, brave demeanor, Adventurer. Ag 7C, Dx 6A, En 7B, Str 7A, Re 6C, Pe 6B, Sp 7A (49), Pr 7B, Dmg +6 (mace), Def –4 (scale mail), also mysticism (mentalism, healing, sensitivity) and acute smell.
- Koryn Wyrmdeath. Half-elf middle-aged adult male, valiant demeanor, Hero. Ag 6C, Dx 6A, En 8A, Str 8A, Re 6D, Pe 7B, Sp 6X (36), Pr 8A, Dmg +15 (Wyrmdeath), Def –7 (plate mail of distinction), also mysticism (channeling), acute hearing, and second weapon (mace/+6).
- Water Weird. Magical creature. Co 6, Ph 12, In 6, Es 7, Dmg +0, Def –3, also camouflage, suffocate, and resistant to fire, heat, and physical attacks.
* The statistics for Brian Dearthwood reflect his human state. His real statistics are that of a kapak draconian's, although he will retain his human form until a later time.
- Should the heroes defeat the water weird, go to Act Three, Scene One.
- If the heroes are defeated by the water weird, go to the Epilogue.
Act Three: The Dragon's Fury
Scene One: The Trap is Sprung
The heroes have just survived a brush with a water weird. Now they continue onwards with their mission to slay the green dragon terrorizing Windbough.
The heroes are nearing the end of their mission. They come across a clearing. However, Blade, the green dragon the heroes are hunting, has set a trap for the dragon hunters. A huge net will entrap the heroes and then Blade will show himself. The heroes will learn of Blade's true goal and realize that the village of Windbough is in terrible danger. The heroes have to find a way to escape Blade's trap and reach the village in time to save it from her draconians.
Getting Started
The Narrator may want to review the area on dragons both in The Bestiary and in the Book of the Fifth Age before starting this scene.
First Impressions
Your clothes are sopping wet from the encounter with the water weird, yet you trudge onwards. After a miserable and wet hour passes, you reach a large clearing in the forest. The dragon tracks you have been following seem to indicate that this clearing is where the dragon passed.
The stench of chlorine burns your throat. Several trees lie broken and flattened along the ground, as if some massive beast knocked them down.
"C'mon, maybe we'll find some clue about where the dragon is," Brian Dearthwood pipes up. "Let's go into the clearing!"
The Story Continues
Brian will direct he heroes into the center of the clearing while making sure that he is off to the side. Once the heroes are positioned correctly, the trap will spring. Read the following:
A grin suddenly darts across Brian's face.
"Fools," he curses as he steps back.
Suddenly, the group beneath you erupts as a net catches you and hurls you upwards. As the net rises and closes up, you can see Brian changing.
Like a snake shedding its skin, Brian melts away to reveal the sinister visage of a dragonman! With the body of a dragon with scales and wings, Brian steps forwards and sneers. His copper scales click audibly as he moves forward.
Heroes may be able to avoid being caught up in the net, but it is very unlikely. Once the net is settled and the heroes behold Brian in his true form, Blade will arrive.
A shadow suddenly blocks the light in the clearing as a massive shape lands with a thud on the ground. The green dragon lifts its head and glares at you with malevolence. Dragonfear courses through your veins as the dragon roars a terrible roar.
"I am Blade!" the dragon snarls. "And you are fools!"
"Fight me Blade!" Koryn Wyrmdeath proclaims loudly. "Just me versus you! Fight me!"
Blade laughs a guttural, bone-chilling laugh.
"Why should I fight you, when I have you prisoner, knight?" Blade mocks. "You slew my mother years ago, knight! Now it is my turn to slay you and your kin!"
"You are the son of Razor?" Koryn asks tentatively. "The wyrm I slew forty years ago?"
"The very same!" Razor growls. "And now, I will destroy you and the puny village of Windbough! Already, I have lured you and your family, along with the itinerant adventurers beside you, away from the village! Without their mighty warriors to protect them, the village will be easy for my draconian minions to destroy!"
Blade cackles madly as he lets the hopelessness of the situation sink in. Koryn suddenly pokes your arm.
"Use the potion!" he hisses. "It's our only chance!"
To use the potion, the hero with the potion must drink it and attempt to control the dragon. If the action is successful, the dragon will suddenly remain frozen. Read the following if such an event occurs:
As you drink the potion and focus your thoughts on the dragon, it freezes. A snarl crosses its face and it struggles, but it cannot move.
"What sorcery is this!" Blade snarls. Opening his mouth, he prepares to send a deadly blast of chlorine dragonbreath at you, but he seems to stop involuntarily. "Damn you! What have you foolish mortals done?"
"What's wrong?" the draconian formerly known as "Brian" asks Blade as he rushes to his master's side. "Blade! Master! What's wrong?"
"Now!" Koryn whispers. "We have to break out of this net and get back to the village now! Who knows when the potion will wear off?"
The potion lasts for an hour, so the dragon cannot attack them for an hour. However, the potion also allows its drinker to ask Blade five questions. However, if the fifth question is asked, the potion's effect will end. The hero who drank the potion does not know any of the details of the potion's powers.
If the heroes break out of the net, Blade will order the kapak to attack the heroes. However, seeing that he is outnumbered, "Brian" will instead flee into the forest.
Koryn will insist that the party return to the village as soon as possible. Emilia will offer to teleport the party back to Windbough if none of the heroes offer a better solution. Such spell should succeed automatically, but it will drain her of 15 sorcery points.
Should anyone attack Blade, the potion ceases to function and Blade retaliates and attempts to destroy everyone.
The Battle
While it would be best if the heroes managed to succeed in returning to the village without fighting Blade. However, if the heroes do fight Blade, Blade will not hold back. The heroes will likely not survive this battle, but if they manage to bring him down to 5 Endurance points or less, he will flee.
The air should be relaxed because the heroes do not suspect anything. However, this mood should suddenly become tense when the trap is sprung. An air of desperation and hopelessness should surround the situation.
Avoid Net Trap
Action Ability: Agility
Opposition Ability: None
Difficulty: Desperate
Once the heroes are caught in the net trap, there is very little chance of escape. However, if one of the players does manage to succeed at this action, Blade will simply ignore him until he becomes a threat. If the action fails, then the hero is simply caught in the net trap.
Mishap: The hero twists his ankle while trying to escape. All physical actions are increased in difficulty by one degree until first aid is rendered.
Use Potion/Control Dragon
Action Ability: Spirit
Opposition Ability: Presence
Difficulty: Easy
If the drinker of the potion succeeds in this action, then the dragon cannot move against him and his allies until he has answered five questions or until one hour has passed. After that, the dragon may attack. The drinker of the potion may attempt this action three times. If he fails all three times, then the potion simply does not work.
Mishap: The hero angers the dragon and the dragon realizes that the heroes possess a dangerous potion. The dragon will attack immediately and kill everyone.
Break Out of Net Trap
Action Ability: Strength (Combined)
Opposition Ability: None
Difficulty: Impossible
This action is handled differently than normal actions. The action score is the combined total of all of the heroes plus the strengths that the characters trapped in the net with the heroes have. Success means the net breaks and that everyone trapped inside is freed. Failure means that the net remains whole and the heroes remain trapped. This action may be attempted as many times as needed.
Mishap: The net tears at the top, causing the net to fall to the ground. Everyone in the net suffers 10 damage and is still trapped in the net.
- "Brian". Kapak draconian, deceitful demeanor, Novice. Co 8, Ph 6, In 5, Es 7, Dmg +2, Def –3, acute senses, death throe, glide, and poison (paralyze).
- Emilia uth Wyrrmdus. Half-elf young adult female, cunning demeanor, Adventurer. Ag 6X, Dx 8B, En 3D, Str 4C, Re 7A (49), Pe 8A, Sp 6C, Pr 5D, Dmg +2 (quarter staff), Def –0 (robes), also sorcery (summoning, geomancy, spectramancy), acute sight, and acute taste.
- Kordyr uth Wyrrmdus. Half-elf young adult male, brave demeanor, Adventurer. Ag 7C, Dx 6A, En 7B, Str 7A, Re 6C, Pe 6B, Sp 7A (49), Pr 7B, Dmg +6 (mace), Def –4 (scale mail), also mysticism (mentalism, healing, sensitivity) and acute smell.
- Koryn Wyrmdeath. Half-elf middle-aged adult male, valiant demeanor, Hero. Ag 6C, Dx 6A, En 8A, Str 8A, Re 6D, Pe 7B, Sp 6X (36), Pr 8A, Dmg +15 (Wyrmdeath), Def –7 (plate mail of distinction), also mysticism (channeling), acute hearing, and second weapon (mace/+6).
- Blade. Young adult green dragon male, plotting demeanor. Co 10, Ph 42, In 11 (121), Es 11 (121), Dmg +16, Def –12, also buffet, charge, dive, dragonawe, dragon breath (chlorine), mysticism (alteration), sorcery (aeromancy, enchantment, geomancy), swallow whole, and swoop.
If the heroes retreat from Blade and return to the village, go to Act three, Scene Two.
If the heroes fight Blade and survive, go to the Epilogue.
If the heroes fight Blade and are defeated, go to the Epilogue.
Scene Two: Under Siege
The heroes have just discovered that Blade drew them out in order for her draconian troops to attack the village of Windbough. The heroes have decided to return to Windbough to protect it from the draconians.
If the heroes left for Windbough immediately, they arrive just in time to see the draconians begin their attack.
If the heroes stayed to fight Blade and survived, they arrive to see the village of Windbough nearly destroyed.
The heroes must do battle with the draconian minions of Blade and save the village of Windbough from destruction.
Getting Started
The Narrator should review the entry on draconians in The Bestiary and in the Book of the Fifth Age before starting this scene.
First Impressions
Read the following if the heroes immediately returned to Windbough:
You arrived back in Windbough just in time. A small band of draconians is racing towards the peaceful village. While there aren't that many of the dragonmen, the farmers of Windbough would make easy prey for the savage warriors.
Read the following if the heroes dawdled or remained to fight with Blade:
You arrived too late to save Windbough. Half of the buildings are on fire and screams of the wounded fill your ears. The smoke causes your eyes to water as you spy the draconians looting and killing in the burnt shell of the village.
The Story Continues
Once the heroes arrive at the village, they should attempt to stop the draconians from reaching the village. The draconians will not actively attack the heroes unless the heroes initiate a fight. If the heroes initiate a fight, then the draconians will fight back and temporarily neglect destroying the village.
The Battle
The draconians are unprepared for dealing with true warriors. They will attempt to cut the heroes down, but will retreat if two-thirds of them die.
There are no special actions needed during this scene.
- Six Baaz Draconians. Draconians. Co 8, Ph 6, In 6, Es 7, Dmg +6, Def –3, also death throe, glide, and pounce.
- Two Bozak Draconians. Draconians. Co 6, Ph 6, In 7 (49), Es 7, Dmg +4, Def –4, also death throe, glide, sorcery (aeromancy and pyromancy), and web.
- Emilia uth Wyrrmdus. Half-elf young adult female, cunning demeanor, Adventurer. Ag 6X, Dx 8B, En 3D, Str 4C, Re 7A (49), Pe 8A, Sp 6C, Pr 5D, Dmg +2 (quarter staff), Def –0 (robes), also sorcery (summoning, geomancy, spectramancy), acute sight, and acute taste.
- Four Kapak draconians. Draconians. Co 8, Ph 6, In 5, Es 7, Dmg +2, Def –3, acute senses, death throe, glide, and poison (paralyze).
- Kordyr uth Wyrrmdus. Half-elf young adult male, brave demeanor, Adventurer. Ag 7C, Dx 6A, En 7B, Str 7A, Re 6C, Pe 6B, Sp 7A (49), Pr 7B, Dmg +6 (mace), Def –4 (scale mail), also mysticism (mentalism, healing, sensitivity) and acute smell.
- Koryn Wyrmdeath. Half-elf middle-aged adult male, valiant demeanor, Hero. Ag 6C, Dx 6A, En 8A, Str 8A, Re 6D, Pe 7B, Sp 6X (36), Pr 8A, Dmg +15 (Wyrmdeath), Def –7 (plate mail of distinction), also mysticism (channeling), acute hearing, and second weapon (mace/+6).
- Villagers. Humans of various ages and demeanors, Unknown. Co 4, Ph 4, In 5, Es 5, Dmg +0 (unarmed), Def –0 (common clothing).
- If the heroes manage to defeat the draconians and save the village, go to the Epilogue.
- If the heroes are defeated by the draconians, go to the Epilogue.
The Village of Windbough
Windbough can become the heroes' base of operations. The village is located to the west of Solace pass the major ruin of Elo Manor and the mountains dividing Abanasinia. Since it is secluded, surrounded by mountains to the east, forest to the south, and empty lowlands to the west and north, the village has always been small. The Qualinesti elves, as well as Beryl, do not pay any attention to the village.
As if the constant threat of Blade wasn't enough for the village, but the following adventure hooks also present a few problems that the heroes can deal with.
- The elves of Qualinesti have suddenly grown hostile. Elven archers have already claimed three lives, and a small raid was made upon the village granary. What could have caused the elves to suddenly become so hostile?
- A band of goblins have settled in the mountainside a few miles northeast of the village. While the humanoids have not caused any real trouble, the villagers are beginning to get worried about their presence. Where did these goblins come from and what do they want?
Dark Knights arrive in the village one day. They are agents of Beryllinthranox, dragon Overlord of Qualinesti, and they claim that Windbough is now Beryl's territory. Can the heroes stop Beryl from taking over the village?
If the heroes are defeated during any part of this adventure, they die. The Narrator should be able to come up with a decent death proclamation, so there is none provided here.
Defeating Blade
The purpose of this adventure was not to defeat Blade. Yet, it is possible. If the heroes stayed behind and managed to bring Blade down to 5 Endurance points, he retreats. Although the heroes might rejoice at defeating a dragon, the village suffers from their tardiness. Read the following:
With a mighty roar, Blade leaps up into the sky. His black blood falls onto the forest like rain. Shrieking in anger and pain, Blade flaps furiously and disappears over the horizon.
However, you can hear his deadly laugh cut into the wind as you see a rise of thick black smoke rise from where the village of Windbough should be. The draconian attack has begun.
The heroes should return to Windbough promptly. Go to Act Three, Scene Two.
Saving the Day
Even if the heroes arrived too late to save the village, they are still labeled heroes. Koryn and his children will help the village rebuild, and the heroes may also if it suits them.
However, if the heroes managed to save the village, they are hailed as heroes and a grand banquet is thrown in their honor. The village tells the heroes that they are welcome anytime and the heroes receive many gifts. The heroes may determine what these gifts are.
Generous Narrator may allow the heroes to each pick up new weapons and armor, or allow monetary rewards that will boost the heroes Wealth score for a limited time.
Koryn has many magical weapons in his home. Perhaps, depending on how well the heroes did, he will present the heroes with s few of them. The ones listed in the "New Magical Items" sidebar will work. However, Koryn has no more potions of limited green dragon control, and he will definitely not give the heroes his prized sword Wyrmdeath.
Loose Ends
Blade is still at large and the wily wyrm continues to plot against the village and Koryn. Perhaps his plots may involve the heroes at some later time when they are once again called upon to save both Windbough and Koryn.
Koryn may also schedule subsequent dragon hunts to slay Blade. He may call upon the heroes to aid him once more.
"Brian Dearthwood," the kapak who lured the heroes into Blade's trap, blames them for his trouble. Blade continuously hunts for her traitorous minion, and "Brian" is angry at the heroes for causing him to lose favor with his mistress. He may become a recurring minor villain for the heroes to deal with.
Here are a few adventure hooks that a clever Narrator can expand upon.
- While the heroes are travelling, they receive a message from Emilia uth Wyrrmdus. Koryn Wyrmdeath has taken ill. Although he is not young, for a half-elf, he is also not old. Can the heroes discover the cause of the illness and save their friend in time?
- "Brian," the kapak draconain who lured the heroes into blade's trap, is filled with rage. He follows the heroes, waiting for the chance to strike with his poisoned blade. The heroes may sense tht someone or something is following them, but they don't know what.
- After several villager were killed by a savage beast, Koryn decides that Blade must be eliminated. He calls for the heroes to aid him once again. However, Blade has not been seen for weeks. Rumor is that Blade has retreated to his secret lair far from Windbough. If Blade is not responsible for the deaths of the farmer's, then who, or what, is?
- Kordyr wishes to make a pilgrimage to the Citadel of Light. However, Dark Knights have become increasingly active along Qualinesti's borders. Koryn wants the heroes to escort his son to the Citadel. He will gladly pay a large sum of money for their help. However, this is the perfect opportunity for Blade to strike against Koryn, when his son and his friends, the heroes are elsewhere.
- Emilia has been kidnapped by a sivak draconian, and Koryn believes that Blade is responsible. A ransom note says that emilia will be returned if Koryn's sword, Wyrmdeath, is delivered to the clearing that the heroes met Blade. The note also stipulates that the heroes are to bring the sword, alone.
