Drow Innate SpellsDancing LightsInvocation: 5 (Instant)Area: 1 Range: 3 (Near Missile) Duration: 3 (15 minutes) Effect: 1 Total: 13 This spell allows its caster to create between one to four (caster's option) globes of light, or one glowing orb shaped vaguely like a humanoid. These magical lights can be manipulated by the caster to dance, turn corners, hover, or move just about anywhere.
DarknessInvocation: 4 (1 minute)Area: 3 (5 people) Range: 2 (Melee) Duration: 3 (15 minutes) Effect: 1 Total: 13 (see below) This spell creates a deep darkness that can cover up to five people, or about a 10 foot radius. A drow can use this darkness to shiled himself from the harsh rays of the sun. Since this spell isn't actually cast at people, heroes in the area of effect cannot resist it. However, they can succeed in an average Agility (Reason) action to escape the darknesses area of effect.
Faerie FireInvocation: 3 (10 minutes)Area: 3 (Large Room) Range: 3 (Near Missile) Duration: 3 (15 minutes) Effect: 1 Total: 13 (resisted) Faerie fire allows its caster to magically outline any object in the area of efect with a pale glowing light. When used to outline a person, the character may resist the spell. Outlined characters are easier to strike, ledning a +2 bonus to all attacks towards that person.