The Phoenix Brigade was founded by a Southern Ergothian by the name of Jere Mer-Naard. Before he was born, the Brightblade was found in his family's castle. It was put there by the shade of Steel Brightblade after he gave the Starjewel to Sara Dunstan. In Jere's travels he met a Klar dwarf. His name was Helm Deepdelver. They became friends and created the Phoenix Brigade. The Brigade is made up of four separate orders: the Brigadier of the Blade, Helm, Hammer, and Lance. These orders work in all parts of Ansalon. In major towns and cities, there are small units called phalanxes. Every Brigadier belongs to one. A regular phalanx consists of about ten to twenty Brigadiers. Offices in the Phoenix Brigade are mostly assigned by vote. Officers are respected, but don't have any special precedent over any matters except matters related to their office. The leader of a phalanx, as an example, is a master of his area table, but listens to more experienced Brigadiers on greater matters. Only the council are an exception. They consist of the High Creator (Jere), the Grand Savior (Helm), the Great Warrior (leader of the Blade), High Protector (leader of the Helm), Lord Smithy (leader of the Hammer), and the Shining Enforcer (leader of the Lance). All members of a phalanx report to a Senior Brigadier. This Senior Brigadier must have a reputation of Adventurer or higher. This officer has assistants. The Brigade is ruled by six Brigadiers called the Council. They are the Great Warrior, High Protector, Lord Smithy, and Shining Enforcer. These officers have gained these positions through nomination and election. The Brigade today has a current objective to protect the races of Krynn from the Great Dragons. They work with the Legion and the Knights of Solamnia. The Brigade holds several small towns in Abanasinia and Schallsea. They also hold the island of Enstar, a small castle in Pyrothraxus' realm, a small town in Mithas, a small port in Kothas, a keep on the trail of Duntollik, and a town in Iyesta's realm near the borders of Stenndunuus. The Brigade is openly active in Abanasinia and Schallsea, but operates covertly in other holdings. The Brigade champions the cause of Good, so the has many enemies. They oppose the Evil dragons, Dark knights, draconians, goblins, etc. They also have allies. They work with the Knights of Solamnia, the Good dragons on the Dragon Isles, and the Legion of Steel. Their primary goal is to help the countries under the clutches of the Dragon Overlords. Then, they plan on waging a war with the Knights of Solamnia against the Dark Knights and the Nation of Teyr. If you have a reputation of lower than Adventurer, you must become an apprentice. If Adventurer or higher, you can join as a Brigadier of the Blade. To do either of these things, you must pass the Phoenix Test.
Brigadier with the highest Pr. score provides opposition ability.
Mishap: next worse penalty