The Ruins of Methgarrath By Eric Jwo
he aspiring magus, Raistlin Majere, is hereby summoned to the Tower of high Sorcery at Wayreth to appear before the Conclave of Wizards on the seventh day of the seventh month at the seventh minute of the seventh hour. At this time, in this place, you will be tested by your superiors for inclusion into the ranks of those gifted by the three gods, Solinari, Lunitari, and Nuitari.-Raistlin Majere is summoned to take the Test The Soulforge
Five Towers of High Sorcery were built in recorded history. These Towers were vast repositories of magical power. At the time of the Fifth Age, all but one Tower fell. The Towers near Balifor and Daltigoth were destroyed by the mages who lived in them when mobs incited by the Kingpriest hunted them down. The Tower in Istar was given to the Kingpriest, rather than start up any more conflict.
In the Fifth Age, the Tower of Palanthas was destroyed to prevent Khellendros the Blue from gaining its magical might. At the present, 34 S.C., only the Tower of wayreth still stands. It has been the haven for mages of all allegiances since the Orders of high Sorcery were constructed. It is here where mages travel to increase their knowledge and expand their horizons. It is here sorcerers devote their art. And it is here where sorcerers take the dreaded Test.
In previous ages, Tests of High Sorcery were given to all aspiring magi, who did not wish to be renegade, and it was deadly and perilous indeed. However, the Tower of Wayreth was the only Tower of High Sorcery available for giving the Test. In fact, although their were only five Towers built, several more areas on Krynn met the requirements for building a Tower of High Sorcery.
After the War of the Lance, when mages began to be trusted again and a flood of apprentices joined the ranks of the mages, the Tower of wayreth was simply inadequete to handle so many applicants. Therefore, construction began on a new Tower of High Sorcery. Built after the Tower of Wayreth, the Tower of Methgarrath, as it was called, was built on a plane of existence that bordered Krynn. Methgarrath was the name of the plane, which consisted of a large forest 2 miles in radius. Methgarrath was usually anchored to Krynn on a fertile island just off of the Dragon Isles. Here, the Tower began to form.
However, Chaos put an end to the Tower's construction. His arrival destroyed the islands, forming the Teeth of Chaos. Methgarrath managed to flee the island before its destruction, but all of its occupants, the only mages who knew of the Tower's existence, barring Dalamar the Dark, the Head of the Conclave at the time, who, disappeared after the Sumemr of Chaos, were slain by daemon warriors. As Methgarrath floated freely across Ansalon, drifting from one place to the next, it began to lose its powerful enchantments. Finally, Methgarrath has lost its ability to remain apart from Krynn and has anchored.
It is the forest of Methgarrath and the Tower fo Methgarrath that the heroes must explore.
The Ruins of Methgarrath is a Dragonlance: Fifth Age adventure for four to six heroes between the reputations of Adventurer and Champion. Although this adventure may be played with as little as two heroes, Narrators will have to adjust encounters to compensate.
Act One: Forest of Fear
Scene One: Ambush!
This adventure can take place anywhere that the Narrator wishes. However, the heroes should be trekking through a verdant forest before the adventure takes place. This adventure occurs while the heroes are in that forest.
There are several ways in which the heroes may enter this adventure without simply being at the right place at the right time. They may have been sent by the Master of the Tower of Wayreth to find out what happened to the lost Tower of Methgarrath. Or, perhaps they heard rumors of a powerful site with hidden treasures from the natives. Or, Palin Majere may have sent the heroes to investigate the sudden appearance of a powerful magical resevoir, which turns out to be Methgarrath.
Th heroes are attempting to cross safely through the forest and continue onwards.
Getting Started
The Narrator should make sure that the heroes are all together and are not bound by an urgent appointment. A forest must be decided upon for this adventure to take place in and the heroes must be passing through it.
First Impressions
The wood seems strangely devoid of life today. During the previous days of your journey, the forest has always been alive with the sounds of racous birds and the chittering of insects. Today, however, the forest is deadly still, with not an animal in sight.
Even the breeze seems to have died down, as if the wind was afraid it might shatter the gloomy pall over this area of the forest. The morning rays of the sun, even, seem dimmed and melancholy through the treetops.
The Story Continues
As soon as the heroes are edgy about the lack of noise, a draconian war party will ambush them. The war party is composed of two baaz, one kapak, one sivak and one bozak draconian. These draconians are loyal minions to Beryllinthranox the Green. Although, Beryl's efforts to find the Tower of Wayreth were unsuccessful, Beryl did find clues that pointed her to the existence of Methgarrath. Through powerful magicks, Beryl learned where Methgarrath anchored, and dispatched a large party of draconians and other minioons to scout the location. The heroes are encountering an initial scouting party.
Klor, the sivak draconian, is the leader of the group. The kapak detected the heroes before-hand, and the draconians have set a trap for the heroes.
The Narrator should emphasize the deathly quiet in this area of the forest. The mere whispers of a hero may sound like a booming cry in the deathly silence. The lack of animal life should also be made apparent.
When the draconians attack, the heroes should be caught off guard. The heroes should be startled and they should suspect a more sinister purpose to the attack.
The Battle
The trap set for the heroes is a large log that has been hauled up to some trees and supported by thick vines. To begin the attack, the two baaz shove the log downwards in an attempt to crush the party. After the log deals its damage to the heroes, Klor, the kapak and his bozak mage will sweep in from the sides and attack the heroes. After the third combate exchange, the two baaz will join in.
Klor, the sivak, immediately attacks the strongest warrior, while the bozak hangs back and attacks anyone unaffected by the swinging log trap with his spells. The kapak will also sneak around and try to paralyze his foes with his poison coated blade rather than fight one-on-one.
After the baaz join in, they will fight anyone who is still standing. Klor will order the kapak and the two baaz to fight to the death, but if the battle goes badly for the draconians, Klor and the bozak mage will slip away discreetly.
Detect Draconians
Action Ability: Perception
Opposition Ability: Reason
Difficulty: Daunting
The heroes may attempt to detect the draconians watching them before the trap is sprung. However, this action is very difficult, and most would not consider attempting it. If the heroes do detect the draconians, then the draconians immediately attack without the aid of their trap.
Mishap: The heroes miss all signs of danger. When they blunder into the log trap, the action to avoid it is one degree harder for all of the heroes.
Avoid Log Trap
Action Ability: Agility
Opposition Ability: None
Difficulty: Challenging
When the heroes enter the trap area, the two baaz up in the trees will release the log trap. A swinging log will barrel down towards the heroes. If they succeed in this action, then they manage to leap aside and avoid damage. If a hero fails this action, then he suffers 10 damage and cannot act for 5 minutes, or approximately 5 combate exchanges. During this time, he cannot attack, but he can defend. However, he is so hurt that his defense actions are one degree harder. Prompt first aid or a healing spell can negate this disadvantage.
Mishap: The hero is hit so badly that he suffers 15 damage, and cannot move until treated with first aid or a healing spell. That means, the draconians can attack and automatically hit the prone hero.
React to Log Trap
Action Ability: Reason
Opposition Ability: None
Difficulty: Challenging
When the heroes enter the trap area, the two baaz up in the trees will release the log trap. A swinging log will barrel down towards the heroes. Some heroes, like heroes who can cast spells, may devise a way to destroy or deflect the log trap before it can endanger the heroes. If a player suggests such a thing, then he will have to succeed in this action before proceeding. Success means that he can attempt his idea.
Failure means that he cannot attempt his idea and must avoid the log trap normally.
Mishap: The hero is so distracted that not only does he fail to enact his idea, but his action to avoid the log trap is one degree higher.
Action Ability: Reason
Opposition Ability: Perception
Difficulty: Average
If the battle is going badly for the heroes then they may attempt a retreat. The hero with the highest Reason score is opposed by the draconian with the highest Perception score. If successful, then the heroes escape. If not, then the heroes are still attacked by the draconians.
Mishap: The heroes fail in their escape and leave themselves open for attack. All of the draconians may make one free attack that the heroes may defend against.
- Klor. Sivak draconian. Co 10, Ph 12, In 7, Es 7, Dmg +12, Def -5, also fly, alteration (self), death throe, dive, and resistant to magic.
- 2 Baaz draconians. Nonhumans. Co 8, Ph 6, In 6, Es 7, Dmg +4, Def -3, also death throe, glide, and pounce.
- 1 Bozak draconian. Nonhumans. Co 6, Ph 6, In 7, Es 7, Dmg +4, Def -4, also glide, sorcery (aeromancy, pyromancy), web, and death throe.
- 1 Kapak draconian. Nonhumans. Co 8, Ph 6, In 5, Es 7, Dmg +2, Def -3, also poison (paralyze), acute senses, glide, and death throe.
The heroes either defeat the draconians or they run away from them.
- If the heroes defeat the draconians, then Klor and the bozak escape. The heroes proceed to Act One, Scene Two.
- If the heroes retreated successfully from the draconians, then they proceed to Act One, Sceen Two.
- If the heroes are defeated by the draconians and they are unable to retreat, go to the Epilogue.
Scene 2: Deadly Woods
This scene occurs after the draconian ambush. The heroes have either defeated the draconians and moved on, or they have successfully retreated from the draconians. Either way, they venture deeper into the magical forest of Methgarrath.
The heroes must battle the defenders of Methgarrath in order to reach the Ruins of the Tower.
Getting Started
Narrators should allow time for the heroes to heal from their previous encounter as well as to adjust to their new surroundings.
First Impressions
The draconians are nowhere to be seen, but shadows weave throyugh the trees like phantasms. As you descen deeper and deeper into the heart of the wood, you feel a sense of dread wash up in your heart. The air literally crackles with power amid the still silence. Even the crackling of the leaves beneath your booted heels seems to thunder and resound amid the silent forest. The light gradually dims, until you are surounded by a forest of shadows.
The Story Continues
As soon as the mood has been set and the heroes have had a chance to rest and adjust to their surroundings, the forest itself rises up and attacks.
The magical wood that of Methgarrath is enchanted just like the other Towers of High Sorcery. However, the enchantments were not completed. A lesser, more direct enchantment was first laid upon the forest. This enchantment animated the forest and allowed the very trees themselves to serve as the Tower's protectors. However, when Chaos tore Methgarrath from Krynn, the trees were warped and twisted. They turned upon their masters and killed many of the mages in the Tower. Their magic has failed over the years and now they are few in number and weak compared to their original strength. It is these guardians that rise up and attack the heroes without warning. It is these guardians that the heroes must defeat to enter Methgarrath.
The Narrator should emphasize the alien nature of this forest. It is unnatural for a forest to be so silent. The silence and darkness increases as the heroes journey deeper and deeper into forest. In fact, the heroes lose all sense of direction, so they cannot escape. The Narrator can dim the lights slowly and quiet all outside noises to set the mood. The heroes should also sense the power of the forest. Sorcerers feel a disquieting tingle in the air. The forest literally crackles with magic.
After the chaos-treants attack, the heros should be horrified. The very trees around them rise up to slay them.
The Battle
There is one chaos-treant for every two heroes. The guardians will attack without warning and attack first. The heroes chances of avoiding being suprised will be more difficult than normal.
The chaos-treants first attack with their magical lightning bolts that deal 5 damage each. One they have softened the heroes up, they attempt to trample the heroes and fight at a closer range.
All of the chaos-treants fight to the death. However, if the heroes search the dead guardians, they may find magical items left by mages that the guardians slaughtered. If the search was successful, then they find:
New Magical ItemsHealing Potion
A healing potion is a small vial filled with holy water blessed by a god. In previous ages, these potions were plentiful. In the Fifth Age, however, they are non-existant. Only because of Methgarrath's powerful magic do these healing potions still retain their blessings. When taken out of methgarrath, they revert back to normal water. When consumed, healing potions restore up to two Physique points to a character, or two cards back to a hero. Note that one cannot exceed maximum health by drinking a healing potion.Wand of Magic Missiles
A wand of magic missiles casts a spell that was simple and common in previous ages. In the Fifth Age, however, beams of pure magic are impossible to create. A wand of magic missiles holds 49 sorcery points that can be tapped by any competent sorcerer. However, a wand of magic missile uses its sorcery pool to cast beams of light that do 4 damage to a single individual. Each time this power is used, 10 sorcery points are used up from the wand's sorcery pool. The only way to re-charge a wand of magic missiles is to leave it in the light of a full moon. For every hour left in the light of a full moon, the want re-charges three sorcery points.
- A bag of steel coins that grants its owner a +3 to his next Wealth action.
- 2 healing potions.
- A dagger of renown.
- A wand of magic missiles.
Avoid Surprise
Action Ability: Perception
Opposition Ability: Agility
Difficulty: Challenging
The heroes may attempt to avoid being surprised by the chaos-treants with this aciton. If they are successul, then combat beings normally. If they are surprised, then the chaos-treants get one free attack.
Mishap: The heroes never even see the treants coming. The treants get one free attack, and the heroes defense action is one degree harder.
Avoid Lightning Bolt
Action Ability: Agility
Opposition Ability: Dexterity
Difficulty: Average
Chaos-treants have the special ability to hurl lightning bolts. These bolts deal 5 damage to an individual hero if he fails to avoid them.
Mishap: The hero is struck head-on with a lightning bolt. The hero suffers double the normal damage and cannot perform any actions for 3 combat exchanges. The hero may defend against attack. Any first-aid treatment or healing spell negates this hinderance.
- Chaos-Treants. Undead. Co 6, Ph 16, In 1, Es 1, Dmg +8, Def -6, also electromancy and resistant to magic.
The heroes either defeat the chaos-treants or they die. Once they defeat the guardians, they finally reach the tower of Methgarrath.
- If the heroes defeat the chaos-treants, then they proceed to Act Two, Scene One.
- If the heroes are defeated by the guardians go to the Epilogue.
Act 2: Methgarrath
Scene 1: The Ruins
This scene occurs just a little after the heroes have won their way past Methgarrath's guardians. The heroes get their first glimpse of Methgarrath and prepare to enter the magical ruins.
The heroes get a chance to explore the Ruins of Methgarrath. The heroes also enter the Tower after a hectic battle with old foes.
Getting Started
Narrators may want to review the statistics of the draconians in Act One, Scene One.
First Impressions
Your clothes are a mess and you smell of dirt from fighting the living trees, but you emerged victorious. After a quick respite, you trudge forward into the forest. It is night now, although you lost track of time long ago, you can now see the brilliant full moon of the Fifth Age shine down upon you.
Abruptly, the forest ends in a large clearing filled with crisp, green grass. In the center of the clearing is a large tower, hewn from marble with shocks of red running through it. The Tower may have once been magnificent, but apparently theupper half of the Tower was torn apart. Amid much rubble you can see the base of the Tower stand not much more than forty feet wide. The Tower was once impressive though, as it seems to be 200' in diameter. You can almost make out a faint blue glow emanating from the rubble. the entire Ruins seems to be emitting the eerie light. The area looks dead, as if no one has disturbed it in countless years.
The Story Continues
The heroes should start to explore the Ruins and head for the central Tower. If the heroes linger in the Ruins, then they are attacked by vicious chaos-rats.
Once the heroes approach the Tower, however, they meet up with another scouting party of draconians and other minions led by Klor, the sivak draconian from Scene One.
The Narrator should definitely keep the lights down low ad emphasize the eeriness of the Ruins. The magical glow of the Ruins can be shown throw a candle=light or an electric light. The heroes should definitely be curious about the Ruins. If they do not seem excited about the prospect of exploring the Ruins, the Narrator should remind them of the terrors infesting the woods around them. It is night time, and the Ruins are the only source of shelter.
The Battle
Should the heroes linger in the Ruins, they are attacked by chaos-rats. The number of chaos-rats attacking the heroes should be equal to one for ever hero present plus the number from a random draw from the Fate Deck. Chaos-rats can fire a burst of fire doing 5 damage every combat round if they choose to. These rats attack until they are all slain.
Should the heroes approach the Tower, then they run into Klor and his new scouting party. After their initial run-in, Klor retreated and gathered more followers. However, his large war party was cut in half due to the chaos-treants in Scene Two.
Both parties have an equal chance to surprise and to be surprised, so determine battle normally. However, the heroes are sorely outmatched. It would be to their advantage to retreat to the Tower. Otherwise, they will surely perish.
Once the heroes decide to flee, read the following:
The howl of the draconians ring in your ears as you scan the Ruins for any safe vantage points. Luckily, you spot a rusty door that seems to lead into the central Tower. The door is slightly ajar, revealing misty darkness beyond. Altohugh you may have misgivings about the rusty portal before you, they seem better than the draconians and Dark Knights behind you!
As soon as the heroes enter, if they enter, the scene shifts to Act Two, Scene Two. If the heroes do not enter the Tower, then they will have to face the wrath of Beryl's minions.
Avoid Fire
Action Ability: Agility
Opposition Ability: Dexterity
Difficulty: Average
The chaos-rats can breath a burst of fire from their mouths. If a hero fails to avoid the fire, they are dealt 5 damage.
Mishap: The hero takes the burst of fire in the face, blinding him. All actions performed by that hero are one degree more difficult until first aid or a healing spell is rendered.
Retreat Into Tower
Action Ability: Agility
Opposition Ability: Agility
Difficulty: Easy
The heroes may attempt to retreat into the Tower if the battle goes badly for them. By succeeding in this action, the heroes can evade their enemies and find a fissure large enough for them to enter the Tower.
Mishap: The heroes fail to evade their enemies and they leave themselves open for an attack. The draconians and company all get a free attack.
- Klor. Sivak draconian. Co 10, Ph 12, In 7, Es 7, Dmg +12, Def -5, also fly, alteration (self), death throe, dive, and resistant to magic.
- 8 Baaz draconians. Nonhumans. Co 8, Ph 6, In 6, Es 7, Dmg +4, Def -3, also death throe, glide, and pounce
- 4 Bozak draconians. Nonhumans. Co 6, Ph 6, In 7, Es 7, Dmg +4, Def -4, also glide, sorcery (aeromancy, pyromancy), web, and death throe.
- 8 Kapak draconians. Nonhumans. Co 8, Ph 6, In 5, Es 7, Dmg +2, Def -3, also poison (paralyze), acute senses, glide, death throe.
- 8 Dark Knights. Adult male humans, honorable demeanors, Adventurers. Co 7, Ph 8, In 5, Es 5, Dmg +7 (longsword/+7), Def -10 (plate mail/-5 and tower shield/-5), also missile weapons (crossbows/+5).
- 4 Thorn Knights. Adult male humans, cruel demeanors, Adventurers. Co 5, Ph 7, In 7, Es 6, Dmg +3 (shortsword/+3), Def -3 (chain mail/-5), also thrown weapons (daggers/+2).
- Chaos-Rats. Undead. Co 7, Ph 3, In 1, Es 1, Dmg +4, Def -2, also pyromancy and resistant to magic.
The heroes must flee into the Tower. If they do not, then they will most assuredly perish.
- If the heroes enter the Tower, then they proceed to Act Two, Scene Two.
- If the heroes are defeated by Beryl's scouting party, go to the Epilogue.
- If the heroes somehow manage to defeat beryl's war band, then go to the Epilogue.
Scene 2: The Test
After the heroes evade their enemies, they should enter the Tower. Once they do, they enter the Test.
The heroes are caught in the magical Test that runs within the Tower of Methgarrath. They must brave its deadly dangers and pass the Test or die.
Getting Started
In order to successfully play this scene, the Narrator must review the sidebar and go over all of the encounters. The transition between encounters should be smooth.
First Impressions
The draconians and the Dark Knights are gone. You have managed to avoid them and slip into the central Tower. You can't make out anything, as the Tower is shrouded in darkness. You can't even find the way that you entered the Tower. A deathly chill sears your skin and your heart.
The Test
The Test of High Sorcery was given many times in Methgarrath. Potent enchantments were cast upon the very structure of the Tower of Methgarrath. When Chaos rent Methgarrath, however, the barriers and protective enchantments on the Tower were dissolved.
When the heroes enter the Tower, they will subjected to a deadly Test. While the old Tests of High Sorcery were designed to test aspiring mages, the Test that the heroes are trapped in is designed to kill.
When the heroes enter the Tower, flip over a card from the Fate Deck. Then consult the table below for the appropriate encounter. When they defeat the encounter, then flip another card from the Fate Deck to determine the next encounter. When the heroes are finished with an encounter, then they are enveloped in a blue mist and transported to the next encounter. Remember that the heroes may only play through one encounter once. Therefore, if the heroes just went through The Old Woman encounter, and the Narrator draws the same encounter again, then the Narrator must draw again.
The heroes must complete each encounter before the scene ends.
| Encounter |
1-2 | The Old Woman |
3-5 | Pit of Death |
6-8 | Ice Floe |
9-10 | Silvanesti Nightmare |
The Story Continues
As the heroes tentatively examine their surroundings, they enter the Test. Turn to the sidebar and follow its instructions to play through the Test.
Initially, the inside of the Tower cannot be discerned. A magical darkness hangs over the Tower that is so deep that even elven vision cannot penetrate it. Complete darkness would be good for setting the mood, but since it is difficult to play in utter darkness, this method is not advisable.
The Test
The Old Woman (1-2)
You suddenly find yourself next to a quaint little cottage. An old woman sits in a rocking chair several feet from you. Looking up, she smiles a toothless grin at you.
"If you are walking into a forest, have far will you walk until you are walking out of the forest?" the old woman asks.
The answer is "half way." However, even if the heroes manage to answer the question correctly, the old woman attacks. She is really a deamon warrior and the house is really a fire dragon. However, these chaos creatures are weak versions of chaos creatures.
If the heroes search the surrounding area, with an average Perception action, they find three healing potions and a short sword of distinction that does double damage against chaos creatures.
- Daemon warrior. Undead. Co 7, Ph 8, In 4, Es 4, Dmg +6, Def -4, also aura (fear).
- Fire Dragon. Undead. Co 8, Ph 16, In 2, Es 2, Dmg +10, Def -8, also dragonawe and dragon breath.
Pit of Death (3-5)
You find yourself in a long corridor. To your backs is a stone wall, and the corridor is nearly fifteen feet wide. The walls seem to made of granite, yet they bear none of the effects of age. You can see a door on the other side of the hallway, approximately forty feet away.
Looks can be deceiving. The floor is actually a trap. Heroes who proceed first fall into a steep pit. They suffer 5 damage. However, the pit is covered with a permanent illusion. To a person standing out of the pit, one moment a person is standing, and the next they disappear. The pit is also covered with a silence spell, so heroes trapped in the pit cannot call out to their comrades. Within the pit, are two chaos-earth elementals. They attack and attempt to slay all within the pit. There are handholds leading up to the opposite side of the corridor, but as long as the chaos-earth elementals live, they won't allow the heroes to escape.
If the heroes search the floor of the pit with a successful average Perception action, they find a target shield of fame.
- 2 Chaos-earth elementals. Undead. Co 2, Ph 10, In 4, Es 4, Dmg +6, Def -4, also aura (fear), geomancy, and resistant to geomancy.
Ice Floe (6-8)
You stand on an iceberg, floating on a seemingly endless sea. Ice bergs and water spread out in all directions as far as the eye can see. You shiver uncontrollably from the intense cold.
This portion of the Test is meant to test the heroes endurance. All physical actions are one degree harder if the heroes are unprepared for such cold weather.
Once the heroes have had time to despair over their situation, the chaos-ice para-elementals attack from all directions. Thy attempt to shove weak heroes into the freezing water, where they have an advantage.
Heroes in the water must make daunting Endurance action every minute or suffer 5 damage for freezing. All actions in the water are three degrees harder than normal.
Heroes who explore the iceberg with a successful average Perception action, they find a long sword of distinction and four healing potions.
- 3 Chaos-ice para-elementals. Undead. Co 5, Ph 6, In 4, Es 4, Dmg +2, Def -4, also cryomancy, and resistant to cryomancy.
Silvanesti Nightmare (9-10)
You stand in the middle of a haunted forest. The trees are bare and skeletal, and seem to be bleeding. Suddenly, the silence of the forest is split by a horrible scream. Several skeletal creatures shamble over towards you wielding curved blades. The creatures bear a strange semblence to elves, yet they are clearly not alive as heir flesh seems to drip from their bones.
The heroes must defeat all of these elven warriors before ending the encounter. However, these creatures have a special weakness. Any damage done to them results in their disappearance. For instance, stabbing a chaos zombie or casting a fireball at a chaos zombi will kill it instantly regardless of actual damage, as long as the action succeeds.
The chaos zombies, however, fight back with deadly results.
If the heroes search the forest with a challenging Perception action, then they find two daggers of distinction, a ring of protection +4, a longbow of renown, and three healing potions.
- 15 Chaos zombies. Undead. Co 6, Ph 8, In 2, Es 2, Dmg +6, Def -4, also aura (fear), and resistant to magic.
Once the heroes complete all of the encounters, they are sent to the main hall of the Tower of Wayreth.
- If the heroes completed all of the encounters and survived, then go to Act Two, Scene Three.
- If the heroes are killed, go to the Epilogue.
Scene 3: Chaos' Legacy
This scene occurs after the heroes have completed the trials of Methgarrath. Now, they are enveloped by the mists of magic once more and they are transported to the main hall of Methgarrath. Here, they will face Methgarrath's current master.
The heroes reach the climax of the adventure as they meet the lord of Methgarrath. The heroes must defeat a daemon-warrior, as well as the draconians and Dark Knights that have been hounding them since the adventure began.
Getting Started
Although there are many magical items scattered throughout the adventure, the Narrator should make sure that the heroes have at least one magical item. If they don't, then it will be extremely difficult to defeat Thalar. The Narrator should also review the statistics of the draconian/Dark Knight war party to root out those that died in Act Two, Scene One.
First Impressions
The mists of magic dwindle away once again, leaving you in a stately hallway. You are within a small circle of light a mere 40' in diameter. Outside of the circle of light is unpenetrable darkness. In the center of the circle of light is a large stone throne. Sitting on the throne is a bored looking man dressed in fiery red robes. Spell componenets and scrollcases hang from a gold circlet around the man's waist.
Looking up, the mage smiles as he notices your arrival.
"Ah, my friends. You have arrived at last."
The Story Continues
The heroes may question the mage, but he really isn't a mage. The person on the throne is Thalar, a daemon warrior. However, Thalar attempts to maintain the illusion that he is really Gildus, a red robed mage who got trapped in the Tower. Use information from the Methgarrath sidebar to answer any of the heroes' questions.
If one of the heroes attempts to leave the circle of light, read the following:
Suddenly you are wrapped in complete darkness. A deathly chill shatters your frame and the lack of light seems to burn into your brain. Your head pounds and seems to explode when you suddenly find yourself in the circle of light again. Exhausted, you collapse to the ground in pain.
A trip into the darkness deals a character one Endurance point in damage, or deals a hero on card worth of damage. After a trip into the darkness, a hero or a character, cannot perform any actions, even defensive ones, for 1 minute, or approximately four combat exchanges.
As soon as the heroes become suspicious of Thalar's nature, then Klor and his minions appear.
A thunderclap resounds across the chamber. A puff of mist arises at the edge of the circle of light, and then fades away revealing a band of draconians and Dark Knights. As everyone stands around stunned, the sivak says, "Attack!"
The newcomers are Klor and his troops after facing the perils of Methgarrath. His troops will attack the heroes, while he attacks Thalar. However, Thalar will reveal his true appearance and slay Klor. Then Thalar will rise up and attack anyone and everyone.
The Narrator emphasize the strangeness of their surroundings, as well as the magical nature of the person sitting on the throne. Special emphasis should be placed on the forboding nature of the darkness outside of the circle, so that heroes won't try to enter it.
The Battle
When the battle first starts, the heroes are pitted against the draconian and Dark Knight troops of Klor. Klor himself will fight with Thalar, who is really a daemon warrior. The baaz draconians and Dark Knights will attempt to battle the heroes physically, while the Thorn Knights and bozak mages will attack with spells from afar. The kapak draconians will also sneak about behind the scenes during the combat and attempt to use their poisoned blade against prone heroes.
After Thalar finishes destroying Klor, he will plow into the heroes' battle. Flip over a card from the Fate Deck, if the card is a Dragon suit, then one of the heroes is attacked. Otherwise, Thalar attacks one of the draconians or Dark Knights.
There are no actions other than the normal ones during this scene.
- Klor. Sivak draconian. Co 10, Ph 12, In 7, Es 7, Dmg +12, Def -5, also fly, alteration (self), death throe, and resistant to magic.
- 4 Baaz. draconians. Co 8, Ph 6, In 6, Es 7, Dmg +4, Def -3, also death throe, glide, and resistant to magic.
- 2 Bozak. draconian. Co 6, Ph 6, In 7 (49), Es 7, Dmg +4, Def -4, also glide, sorcery (aeromancy, pyromancy), web, death throe, and resistant to magic.
- 4 Kapak. draconian. Co 8, Ph 6, In 5, Es 7, Dmg +2, Def -3, also poison, acute senses, glide, death throe, and resistant to magic.
- 4 Dark Knights. Adult male humans, honorable demeanors, Adventurers. Co 7, Ph 8, In 5, Es 5, Dmg +7 (longsword/+7), Def -10 (plate mail/-5 and tower shield/-5), also missile weapons (crossbows/+5).
- 2 Thorn Knights. Adult male humans, cruel demeanors, Adventurers. Co 5, Ph 7, In 7, Es 6, Dmg +3 (shortsword/+3), Def -3 (chain mail/-5), also thrown weapons (daggers/+2).
- Thalar. Daemon warrior. Co 9, Ph 12, In 9, Es 9, Dmg +12, Def -8, also aura (fear), immune to mentalism, normal weapons, and poison.
The heroes must fight to the death.
- If the heroes defeat the draconians and Dark Knights, as well as Thalar, then go to the Epilogue.
- If the heroes are defeated by the draconians and Dark Knights, or Thalar, then go to the Epilogue.
If the herreos die anytime in the adventure, then their adventuring lives are over. The adventure ends and the heroes have been defeated. Beryl's war band is all slaughtered by Thalar. The threat of the Tower of Methgarrath will grow as more and more curious adventures stumble upon the dark woods and fall prey to Thalar's hunger.
Alternate Entrances
If the heroes somehow manage to defeat Beryl's war band, then Klor flees for reinforcements, leaving his troops to hold off the heroes. The heroes may then resume examining the Ruins. Read the following:
The howl of the draconians ring in your ears as you scan the Ruins for any safe vantage points. Luckily, you spot a rusty door that seems to lead into the central Tower. The door is slightly ajar, revealing misty darkness beyond. Altohugh you may have misgivings about the rusty portal before you, they seem better than the draconians and Dark Knights behind you!
If the heroes refuse to enter the Tower, then dozens chaos-rats immediantly appear and drive the heroes towards the portal with their fiery breath. The heroes must either enter the Tower or burn to death. If the heroes enter the Tower, go to Act Two, Scene Two.
- 60 Chaos-Rats. Undead. Co 7, Ph 3, In 1, Es 1, Dmg +4, Def -2, also pyromancy and resistant to magic.
Secrets of the Tower
After the heroes slay Thalar, the daemon warrior will fall to the ground with a horrendous scream and melt into a puddle of acid. All within 10 feet, including the slayer, has to succeed in an average Agility (Dexterity) action or suffer 10 damage from the acid. After Thalar's dramatic death, the room will suddenly burst into light, blinding all who don't succeed in an average Perception action for one minute, or approximately four combat exchanges. Those with acute vision find their actions one degree harder.
The room will be completely lit, revealing a large, 100' radius circular room. Bookshelves and tables line the sides, with the door that the heroes entered the Tower through next to them. Those who read the books discover the history of Methgarrath as described in the above sidebar.
The Tower of Methgarrath has been liberated. The terrible curse of Thalar the daemon warrior was lifted. However, many would covet the Tower. While some institutions, such as the Academy of Sorcery, would visit the Tower for purely intellectual reasons, many organizations, such as the Knights of Takhisis, as well as certain individuals, such as Beryllinthranox and the other Dragon overlords, would covet the Tower and reap its magical powers.
Now that the heroes have discovered and made safe the Tower of Tethgarrath, they must decide what they are going to do about it. The heroes could decide to keep the Tower's existence a secret, or even set up a base of operations within the Ruins. However, adventurers contracted by organizations to search for the Tower should report to their employers.
The adventure with the Tower of Methgarrath is not over. The heroes can delve deeper into the magical mysteries of Methgarrath and continue to have many adventures centered around the Ruins. While a capable Narrator can come up with dozens of adventure hooks, here are a few to get the heroes started:
- The heroes discover that the Test is re-activated within the tower every full moon. Whoever is trapped in the Tower during a full moon enters a brand new Test and must brave new dangers. Can the heroes discover how to shut down this enchantment and make the tower a safe haven for mages instead of a death trap?
- A robed man is found in the Tower after a thunderstorm. he claims to be the Master of the tower of Methgarrath. Can it be that the Tower of Methgarrath has formed a sentient being as the Tower of Wayreth did? This possibility may seem a boon to the adventurers, but years of servitude under Thalar have driven the Master insane. He is erratic and dangerous, shifting from congenial to murderous in the time it takes to blink an eye.
- A magical portal is discovered behind a bookshelf, leading to a pocket dimension connected to Methgarrath. However, the heros have no way of knowing what lies in the new dimension. Do they dare to brave its dangers?
- A bookshelf full of magical scrolls is discovered. Although magical scrolls became inert at the conclusion of the Summer of Chaos, these scrolls were unaffected because they were on Methgarrath. These scrolls still reatin their encahntment and can be cast by any former practitioner of High Sorcery. While these scrolls may seem to be a great reward to the players, it also makes them targets for every dark organization, every Dragon overlord, and every mad mage on Ansalon.
- The heroes discover a flight of stairs that leads into the Tower's basement. Curiousity should cause most heroes to explore the new area. However, the wizards of Methgarrath trapped a rampant death knight named Lord Kael. Once the heroes enter the basement, Lord Kael will be awakened, and ready to visit his wrath upon all living things.